Tiu ĉi kromprogramo ne estis testita en la 3 lastaj gravaj eldonoj de WordPress. Eble ĝi ne plu estas prizorgata kaj ĝi eble havus kongruajn problemojn en novaj versioj de WordPress.

TM Replace Howdy


The Replace Howdy Plugin is designed to replace the word “Howdy” in the WordPress admin area/admin bar with something else. By default it randomly pulls from a list of several replacement words and phrases such as “Hello”, “Welcome”, and “Get to the choppa”. The plugin also comes with a menu where you can limit it to professional sounding greetings, set a static word or phrase, or add your own list (which can be by itself or added into the default list for even more variety)!

List of replacement words/phrases

Professional greetings, also part of the default list

  • Chow,
  • Hello,
  • Aloha,
  • Bonjour,
  • Welcome,
  • Greetings,
  • Konnichiwa,

Default list

  • Get to the choppa,
  • Live long and prosper,
  • We require a shrubbery,
  • May the force be with you,
  • Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,
  • Wassap,
  • Don’t mind me,
  • Looking good today,
  • Eat all your vegetables,
  • I can see you right now,
  • I can hear you breathing,
  • Have you showered recently,
  • There is a ninja behind you,
  • Do you know what time it is,
  • Wipe that grin off your face,
  • Don’t make me come down there,
  • You just gained +5 WordPress skills,
  • I know you are sitting at a computer,
  • Did you remember to brush your teeth,
  • Did you put on clean underwear this morning,
  • Don’t read this directly or you will get a lazy eye,

A word on support and additional features

Due to time constraints, I am not able to keep up with this plugin as much as I would like. If you want to help keep it up do date, feel free to create a pull request on the GitHub repo!


  • WordPress without “Howdy”


  1. Upload the entire ‘tm-replace-howdy’ folder and its contents to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Aktivigu la kromprogrameton tra la menuo ‘Kromprogrametoj’ en WordPress
  3. You’re done! No more “Howdy”!
  4. (Optional) You may edit plugin settings through the ‘Replace Howdy’ menu option under ‘Settings’ for more customization


Sorry, I don’t have any questions that people have asked! All issues and bugfixes should be submitted to me on the GitHub repo for this plugin!


Septembro 23, 2016
I don’t mind “Howdy” on my admin dashboard, but I want a better experience for logged in users. Love this plugin. Only one problem – I can’t seem to stop thinking up short sayings to add to the list! Really hope this plugin catches on and stays supported.
Legi ĉiujn 3 pritaksojn

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“TM Replace Howdy” estas liberkoda programo. La sekvaj homoj kontribuis al la kromprogramo.


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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fixed an i18n issue, now using WP language packs!


  • Fixed a settings bug


  • Made admin interface translatable. Does NOT apply to lists of phrases.
  • Added filters to allow replacing part or all of the
  • Refactored, reformatted and cleaned up code
  • Added better sanitazation to the settings saving routine


  • Made method used by WP 3.3+ more efferent
  • Now only replaces greetings in English by default, this resolves a multi-site issue
  • Added option to allow replacing greetings in all languages


  • Implemented a new method that does not require JavaScript
  • Maintained backwards compatibility through WP 3.0


  • Fixed a JavaScript related bug that could break WordPress functionality


  • Further updated for WordPress 3.3 compatibility
  • Updated core functionality to be more secure and efficient
  • Merged the static and custom modes into the custom mode
  • Made “custom” mode more robust in handling user input


  • Updated plugin to be compatible with WP 3.3
  • Maintained backwards compatibility through WP 3.0
  • Moved JavaScript code to separate files
  • JavaScript is now included using builtin WP methods


  • Updated plugin to be compatible with the new WP 3.2 admin interface!
  • Maintained backwards compatibility through at least WP 3.0.
  • Optimized and cleaned up the code some to make it easier to read and more efficient (hopefully).
  • Cleaned up the admin page by placing the bulk of the text in the contextual help (little “help” tab under your username in the admin area)


  • Created Plugin!
  • It replaces the word “Howdy” in the header of the WordPress backend!
  • Menu added to customize the replacement words