Plugin Tag: element
Equal Height Columns
(41 sumaj pritaksoj)Easily equalize the height of columns or any collection of elements.
Ultimate Bootstrap Elements for Elementor
(1 sumaj pritaksoj)Completely plugins Ultimate Bootstrap Elements for Elementor. Enhance your Elementor page building experience with Bootstrap Components and many other …
Developer Tools Blocker
(15 sumaj pritaksoj)This plugin blocks non-admin users from using inspect element, while still allowing access those with manage_options permission.
Hide Anything – Hide Any Element on Any Page Visually
(2 sumaj pritaksoj)If you don't know coding or want to hide any unnecessary element on your site then this plugin is for you. You can hide any element on any page b …
Measuring Ruler
(1 sumaj pritaksoj)The plugin is designed to measure the height, width and margin of page elements during the preview when editing. It also shows the absolute and relati …
Buttons Widget | Full Elementor
(0 sumaj pritaksoj)Buton wigets editor with high-quality beautiful WordPress blocks.
Neptune Style Element
(2 sumaj pritaksoj)Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later Customize any element with support for live preview in the Customizer.
Tag to Link / Element to a
(0 sumaj pritaksoj)"Tag to Link" permet de transformer toute balise HTML en lien pour favoriser le PageRank Sculpting / Plugin used to transform any HTML Tag i …
(0 sumaj pritaksoj)A collection of additional, beautifully designed blocks for Gutenberg editor.