? ?
03 February 2011 @ 05:24 pm
hey, i'm new to the comm and just thought i'd introduce myself. i've been recycling paper off and on over the past couple years but finally got into recycling plastic, aluminum, and glass containers. i jumped on the recycling wagon after my apartment complex got bins.

anyway, i found this video on the web for how to pack lunch with less waste and found it encouraging.

12 June 2010 @ 03:06 pm
10 June 2010 @ 02:43 pm
20 May 2010 @ 01:38 pm
We are all connected


The universe is an infinite thing, and we are all connected. How true, how true.

Current Mood: enthralledenthralled

We have a new YouTube video that could go viral. It's pretty cute, and if we all watch it Wednesday, and encourage our own networks to watch it, we just might rank high enough to get some serious attention.

Here is the link to the video:
And my blog about it:

The video chronicles my adventures giving away endangered species condoms from the Center for Biological Diversity, to raise awareness of the role of human population growth in biodiversity loss.

Views at time of this post: 180
16 September 2009 @ 08:17 am
Next Monday there will be a screening of The Age of Stupid here in Victoria. I've been keen to see this film since I first heard of it a few months ago.

Call your local theater to request they show it. Check the AoS website for their list of screenings in case there is one in a city nearby. Order the DVD and invite your friends over to watch it.

      The video present to us the start-up work of new WWTP in Russia (Tula Region) designed and newly built by the specialists of Mendeleev University Science Park...

17 February 2009 @ 08:57 pm
The Sky In Motion. This video is stunningly beautiful, time lapsed of the sky at different times of day/night. I thought I would share it with everyone b/c I KNOW you all will appreciate how magnificent our world is...

LINK for larger video:
Current Mood: touchedtouched
23 January 2009 @ 08:47 pm


Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark's fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea. The sharks either starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown (if they are not in constant movement their gills cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being "harvested" in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an Asian "delicacy".

moreCollapse )

Because of the increasing popularity of shark fin soup and hunting sharks for fun people use live dogs and cats for bait. They hook cats and dogs by using their scruff or paws and throw them the water. The noise of the cats and/or dogs in the water splashing around attracts the sharks. DO NOT click on the link unless you are prepared to view these images. NOT WORK SAFE HOAX

how do you feel about these issues?

spread the word.
Current Mood: worriedworried
26 December 2008 @ 12:27 pm
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Current Location: World
Current Music: We're in the Money
13 November 2008 @ 10:52 pm