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16 December 2019 @ 02:48 am

The Sector Group Environment of the Enterprise Europe Network has elaborated a Water Catalogue 2019-2020.  In the Water Catalogue you can find:

  • Water related Partner Opportunities profiles,

  • EEN Water related events,

  • Horizon 2020 & Water relevant calls with contributions from NCPs CaRE

  • Contact details of the Sector Group Environment members.

This catalogue was prepared as part of the collaboration between the Sector Group Environment and NCPs CaRE.

The Water Catalogue can be found at the following link

Coral bleaching is currently one of the biggest threats to the great barrier reef, with damage recorded over hundreds of square kilometres. However, the best way to understand why, and how, is to take a scientific perspective. With the hallmarks of scientific writing, being about the causal relationship of the problem, and clearly identifying it, references to other trusted scientific articles, making predictions about the future effects, and identifying other complicating factors. This is not an article about climate change, rather about the current changing climate of the reef, and how it is being effected.

Coral: A living organism

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Coral Bleaching: How

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Climate Change: How it is effecting the reef, and its zones

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The Recovery: Strategies

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Coral Migration: Moving South

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Current Location: Queensland - Australia
25 February 2015 @ 05:15 pm
"I like to encourage people to think about re-purposing electronics before recycling them. Just because the device is no longer good enough for you doesn't mean that it won’t be useful for others."

This was a lecture given at the U.S. Naval Academy before admirals and other high-ranking officers. This is a serious lecture about the extremely degraded state of the world's oceans.

Оригинал взят у fp7_bio_ru в Green Talents - International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development

Since 2009, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has held the prestigious “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” to promote the international exchange of ideas regarding green solutions. The award, whose patron is Minister Professor Johanna Wanka, honours 25 young researchers from around the world each year. The winners come from various scientific disciplines and are recognised for their outstanding achievements in making our societies more sustainable. The Green Talents 2014 will be selected by a high-ranking jury of German experts and are granted unique access to the elite of the country’s sustainability research field. This includes:

  • An invitation to Germany in 2014 to participate in the fully funded two-week science forum. While touring Germany, top locations will open their doors to the Green Talents and offer them an exclusive insight into their facilities and projects.

  • A chance to present themselves and their work in personal discussions held as part of individual appointments with experts of their choice (during the two-week science forum).

  • A second invitation to Germany in 2015 for a fully funded research stay of up to three months. At an inspiring location of their choice, the Green Talents will gain new experiences and advance their professional careers while establishing long-lasting partnerships.

  • Exclusive access to the “Green Talents Network of over 100 high potentials in sustainable development from over 35 countries.

Deadline for submission: 16 June 2014, 12 p.m. CET.

Тонны мусора, бытового и промышленного, ежедневно сбрасываются в реку Читарум на западе Индонезии, на берегах которой живут более 5 миллионов человек. Ежегодно от загрязнения реки там умирают порядка 50 тысяч человек.

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27 February 2013 @ 01:19 pm
Originally posted by koppenhaver at Returning the Favor
Long ago, I wrote a small check in support of The Nature Conservancy (TNC).  I liked their mission. An at-risk element of ecological sensitivity was behind each acre they secured.  Other conservation organizations were maniacally zealous about preserving land – any land – and that’s not the kind of conservationist I am.

In 2007, my support of TNC became more tangible.  I volunteered to do some photo monitoring at Ogden’s Cave – the closest preserves to my home.  I made a few trips to this cool property in my role as monitor and instantly fell in love with it.  However, shortly after I became involved, the cave was turned over to the State of Virginia’s Department of Conservation, meaning my volunteer efforts and love affair came to an end. 

A few months ago, I received an email from TNC looking for volunteer Preserve Monitors.  Basically, they need caring people to visit preserves, perform minor trail maintenance, and report their findings.  I signed up in a blink.  My preserve to monitor will be Wildcat Mountain near Marshall, Virginia and we had our organizational meeting this past Saturday.  Everyone in attendance seemed to bear the same conservation ideals as I, which served only to reinforce the reasoning behind writing that small check long ago.

Over the years, I’ve made a habit out of visiting TNC preserves, both near and far.  I’ve stood feet-immersed in the sandrock potholes of Indiana, strolled through a maritime forest along the coast of North Carolina, and breathed the cooled air venting from the talus slope of a West Virginia mountain.  In Virginia, I’ve visited nearly half the state’s sixteen preserves.  Far or near, all TNC visits have made for unique and memorable experiences. 

In 2001, I made my first visit to Wildcat.  It was early spring - that time of year when winter ever-so-slightly begins to yield its grip.  I had the preserve to myself allowing for unadulterated exploration.  It was a fine day for sure, and remains a strong memory.  Twelve years later, it feels good knowing that my next visit to Wildcat will be philanthropically focused, and a chance for me to start giving back. 

Nick Arundel, the man who donated the land for Wildcat, said this about giving back:

“In the first part of your life, you learn.  In the second, you earn.  And in the third, you give back.

The Nature Conservancy has given plenty to me through the years; now it’s time for me to return the favor.
21 November 2011 @ 04:47 am

it's official! pizza is vegetable! with this logic all one would have to do would be to wave a pomegranate in the direction of doughnut and voila! you have one of your 5-a-day! the more you eat the slimmer you get! tell that to your talking plate...

seriously though. like any successful drug dealer, the food industry claims it is just giving consumers what they demand. and seemingly, the fatter we get, the greedier we get, and what the rapidly developing world is developing is a taste for more meat. and with the global population just having topped 7 billion, the planet just can't sustain it. meat is a very inefficient use of land. some aleiviation may come from advances in stem cell technology, but this is a bandaid for an amputation.
Current Music: trans am - tesco vs sainsburys
16 November 2011 @ 09:59 pm
Just to let people know, there is going to be a conference on the conservation of the Korean DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in NYC on the 21st of this month (next Monday).
The Korean DMZ has been virtually untouched by humans since the war, so biodiversity is starting to make a big comeback. The DMZ is protected now because of the standoff between the two Koreas, but it could become a huge issue if/when the Koreas reunite.
I think this will be a great conference, and encourage anyone interested to go.
If you would like to go, here is their website:

The conference is being held at the American Museum of Natural History, and is free with registration.
19 April 2011 @ 03:55 pm
I have a question for you lovely folks. I received a gift of a digital photo frame a while ago, but I don't want to run it using electricity constantly. What I am dreaming up is a solar power electric panel/outlet. I don't know if such a thing exists since it seems like it would need a converter and be rather complicated, so I was hoping people here might know. Thanks!
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful