Conference Series llc LTD is expected to give a setting to go to 3rd World Congress on Environmental Toxicology and Health" during June 23-24, 2021 webinar for participants from all over the world for keynote presentations, video presentations, poster presentations, oral talks and exhibitions.
Theme: "Toxicological Risk Assessment in Drug Discovery for COVID-19"
Toxicology is defined as the study of the effects of chemical agents on biological material in a harmful manner. Accordingly, Environmental Toxicology, the result of Environmental Pollution, can be defined as the effects of environmental toxicants on health and the environment. Environmental toxicants may be of chemical and biological origin like toxicants from pollutants, insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers are released into the general environment that can cause adverse effects on health. The word “health” here refers to not only human health but also the health of animals and plants. Organisms can be exposed to various kinds of toxicants at any life cycle stage. Toxicity can also vary with the organism’s placement within its food web. Environmental Toxicology is thus concerned with how environmental toxicants, through their interaction with humans, animals, and plants, influence the health and welfare of these organisms.
To advance multidisciplinary and worldwide research on the global environment, an exchange between related specialists must be encouraged. Common coordination and joint effort among national research foundations, universities and other research organizations ought to be progressive with the participation of related ministries and agencies. With the expanding number of environmental issues, environmental toxicology gets expanding consideration and is relied upon to play critical as a help device for ecological hazard evaluation. More basic and applied research must be completed to manage the public health challenges regarding ecological issues and to expand the body of scientific knowledge in this field.
Importance and Scope:
Environmental Toxicology and Health is a multidisciplinary field of study in the Environment sciences and is intended to provide a venue for presenting and discussing fundamental and applied research advances relevant to the issues of local/global environments, human/animal health, and occupational safety. It provides a forum for professionals in academia, industry, and government involvement in the use, protection, and management of the chemicals in the environment for the enhancement of human health and occupational safety. It occupies an important niche among lethal concentration and public policy. It focuses on the applications of sciences and technologies in environmental decision-making, regulations, and management, and the development of science-based solutions of local/global issues of environment, health, and safety.
Why attend?
This International Conference is open to Students, Researchers, Engineers, Scholars from all Universities all around the world to impact Networking & Professional Development. Foreseen regions of center incorporate environmental safety and its advances; this is your best chance to achieve the biggest assemblage of participants from the public health community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current ecologists, environmental health and safety engineers and get name acknowledgment at this 2-days event. Environmental courses offer diverse Community Service-Learning (CSL) alternatives that include working with the university or local organizations. This conference paves the way for scientific cooperation by meeting and connecting with researchers, Epidemiologists, Environmental Health Specialists from different countries and they also help in coordinating aggregate research projects of special issues in peer-reviewed journals or funding applications.
Target Audience:
Join in the ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY CONGRESS 2021 to keep up to date with the industry and to learn from our expert speaker panel, bringing you essential new contextual analyses and reports on the current year’s relevant topics.
· Environmental Health Specialists
· Occupational Therapists
· Ecologists
· Pest Control Professionals
· Biodiversity Professionals
· Students in Public Health
· Epidemiologists
. Environmental Science Professors
· Health Care Departments
A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers, exhibitors, and Sponsors 3rd World Congress on Environmental Toxicology and Health:
Track 1 Environment technology
Environmental technology is well-known as green or clean technology and denotes to the development of fresh technologies which target to conserve, monitor or reduce the undesirable impact of technology on the environment and the consumption of resources. The efficiency of a technology is a super significant characteristic of an eco-friendly technology as it directly relates to energy consumption. If this technology necessitates a lot more energy to be laid in than it produces, this causes an enormous consumption of energy and resources, which rightly affects our planet. Technology may eventually provide substantial results to our environmental woes. Our technological innovations have the probability to harm our environment, but if we use them wisely and improve sustainable planning, they could also support to solve the ecological difficulties we've created.
Track 2 Environmental epidemiology
Environmental epidemiology is one of the most significant outfits used in environmental management choice making owed to its ability to assess and monitor environmental hazards in different situations and quantify their health impact on the population at threat. Environmental epidemiologists study health effects with known or suspected bonds to environmental contaminants. They study developmental delays, neurological disorders, cardio-pulmonary diseases, and further health effects in people of all ages.
Track 3 Environmental chemistry and engineering
The study of natural and biochemical phenomenon of nature especially which is impacted by humankind's activities is known as Environmental chemistry. It should not be confused with green chemistry, which seeks to reduce potential pollution at its source. It includes the study of heavy metal contamination of land by industry. And also nutrients leaching from agricultural land into water courses, which can results to algal blooms and eutrophication.
• Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
• Cardiovascular pharmacotherapies, cardiac procedures and surgeries
• Heart diseases and failure
• Interventional cardiology
• Heart diseases in different rationale
• Cerebrovascular heart diseases
• Nuclear cardiology and echocardiography
Track 4 Environment:
Environmental sullying began in light of growing the amount of businesses and due to making miserable damage to earth that is used for consistently human needs. There are some piece of factors causing the natural defilement like motor vehicles, businesses thus on. One of the worst issues that the world is confronting today is that of ecological contamination. It is expanding as time passes and making grave and hopeless harm the earth. Ecological contamination comprises of five essential sorts of contamination to be specific air, water, soil, noise and light. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), discharged from iceboxes, climate control systems, antiperspirants and bug anti-agents cause extreme harm to the Earth's condition. This gas has gradually harmed the climate and exhausted the ozone layer prompting an Earth-wide temperature boost. To put it plainly, ecological contamination only made by human, negatively affects the biological community. It also wrecking critical layers of it and causing a considerably progressively negative impact on it.
Track 5: Environmental health and medicine
Environmental health is concerned with all the aspects of environment that effect human health and quality of life. Environmental medicine may be viewed as the medical branch of the broader field of environmental health. The scope of this field involves studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease. Read more
Track 6: Waste recycling and management
The collection, transport, processing, managing and monitoring of waste materials is known as waste management .Waste management could be a distinct observe from resource recovery that focuses on the optimum utilization of the natural resources with social responsibility. It aims at unearthing the recent innovations and developments in this field with a view to check global warming. All the activities and actions needed to manage waste from is getting down to its final disposal.
Track 7: Environmental health and medicine :
Environmental health is concerned with all the aspects of environment that effect human health and quality of life. Environmental medicine may be viewed as the medical branch of the broader field of environmental health. The scope of this field involves studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease.
Track 8 Environment Hazards:
An environmental hazard is any condition, progression, or state critically affecting the environment. Environmental hazards marked as physical or chemical pollution in air, water, and soils. Environmental hazards can cause widespread damage to humans and the physical environment. Design the exposure, by not consuming hazardous elements, or else using them in such a manner that no individual is unprotected. If it does not entirely prevent exposure, then prevent or minimize emission .
Track 9 Environment Health’s and Safety
It is an order and claims to fame that reviews and actualizes pragmatic parts of natural insurance and wellbeing at work. From a natural perspective, it includes making a logical way to deal with yielding with ecological guidelines, such as overseeing waste or air emanations right to helping locales diminish the organization's carbon impression. From a wellbeing and security perspective, it includes trying endeavours and systems for recognizing working environment perils and decreasing mishaps and presentation to unsafe circumstances and substances.
Track 10 Climate change and climatology
Climatology and environment science is the authorized examination in air deductively represents the atmosphere conditions meet base at midpoint over a period of time. This present day branch of knowledge is seen as a part in ecological sciences and amplitude of physical topography. Climatology presently integrates parts of oceanography and biogeochemistry. Climatology, the science which is maintaining environmental and its connection to plant What's more creature life, will be essential over various fields, including agriculture, aviation, medicine, botany, zoology and geology. Development for the atmosphere affect, for example, those plant and creature existence of a provided for territory
Track 11 Pollution
Pollution alludes to the nearness and unwanted changes happening in the physical, concoction, and organic creation of the common habitat comprising of air, water, and soil that has destructive impacts. Contaminations, the segments of contamination, can be either outside substances/energies or normally happening contaminants. Contamination is the presentation of contaminants into the earth and that is called natural contamination
Market at a Glance:
Environmental Outlook to 2050 provides analyses of economic and environmental trends to 2050, and recreations of strategy activities to address the key challenges. Without new policies, we risk irreversibly damaging the environment and the natural resource base expected to support economic growth and well-being.
In any case, the Outlook shows that tackling the key environmental issues we face today – including climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and the health impacts of pollution - is both achievable and reasonable. It highlights a mix of policies that can address these challenges in a cost-effective way. The focal point of this Outlook is extended from the 2001 edition to reflect advancements in both OECD countries and Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and how they might better co-operate on worldwide and local environmental problem-solving.

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and screen the macro-environmental (external marketing environment) factors that affect an organization. The result of which is used to identify threats and weaknesses which is utilized as a part of a SWOT analysis.