EnviroMysteries Water + ? = Trouble

The TeamIn this first episode of EnviroMysteries, students are introduced to environmental health concepts through the eyes of a young group of television journalists, who are chronicling the local health department's investigation of a waterborne illness.

Project Materials Available Include:

 · A video program for middle school students

In this program, a crew of three high school students explores the mystery surrounding an outbreak of an acute waterborne illness as investigative reporters for their high school environmental television program. Their exploration mirrors the scientific efforts of the local health department as they struggle to find a cause for this baffling illness. Embedded in the story are three mini-documentaries made by the reporters about characteristics of water, water purification, and water pollution.

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The videos, in MPG format, can also downloaded:


 · Three five-minute video modules

video module Each of these in-depth documentaries explores the science concepts and health issues surrounding the mystery. These mini-documentaries are included in the above clips. They can also be viewed separately in the Flash Player above, or the MPG files can be downloaded:


 · Comprehensive teacher guide

Featuring intriguing hands-on activities for the classroom, this guide demonstrates how teachers can involve their students in both the excitement of the mystery in the drama and the scientific methods behind the search for answers.

Download the PDF Teacher Guide


To Obtain a Copy of the "Water + ? = Trouble" Video and Teacher's Guide:

Visit http://shopgpn.com
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Breaking the Mold | Water + ? = Trouble

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