Papers by Nurlan Baiqabyl
BULLETIN of the L N Gumilyov Eurasian National University PEDAGOGY PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY Series, 2018

Turkiye ile Kazakistan arasindaki iliskiler oldukca eskidir. Belirli bir donem kesintiye ugrayan ... more Turkiye ile Kazakistan arasindaki iliskiler oldukca eskidir. Belirli bir donem kesintiye ugrayan bu iliskiler Kazakistan’ in bagimsizligindan sonra artmistir.Gunumuzde de bu artis hizla surmektedir. Bu iliskinin ozel bir boyutunu da akademik iliskiler olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada akademik iliskilerin bir sonucunu olusturan lisansustu calismalar degerlendirilmistir. Calismaya esas teskil eden verileri, YOK Ulusal tez merkezinde 27.02.2019 tarihine kadar kayitli lisansustu calismalardan Kazak, Kazakistan, Kazakca, Kazak dili, Kazak lehcesi, anahtar kelimeleri esasinda taramalardan elde edilen veriler olusturmustur. Bu calismalar incelendiginde farkli egitim duzeylerinde ve alanlarinda 517 adet tezin uretildigi gorulmektedir. Bunlar icinde 420 tanesi yuksek lisans, 95 tanesi doktora ve 2 tanesi ise sanatta yeterlilik derecelerindedir. Uretilen tezlerin alanlari incelendiginde ise %95’ inin Insan ve toplum bilimleri, dil ve edebiyat alaninda yer aldigi, %4,6’ sinin fen ve muhendislik a...

Public Policy and Administration, 2021
High-quality social services are being transformed into a social protection system in response to... more High-quality social services are being transformed into a social protection system in response to the global conditions that will exist in the post-pandemic period. This will require significant investment and the expansion of the integration and cooperation of the targeted social service system. The novelty of this study is determined by its focus on the interests of objects of social protection in a market economy, and how they are influenced by economic, political, and social institutions. Moreover, the market model of the economy can offer certain individuals, households, social groups, or territorial communities support from the government or public organisations, and can induce them to activate internal resources to increase their motivation to rationalise their own lives. The authors show that the activities of the subjects of social protection are aimed at a positive perception of reality by preventing and overcoming the destructive consequences of market failures, social an...
Papers by Nurlan Baiqabyl