Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harr... more Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harrach during 1996 and 1997, and that of barn owl Tyto alba in Jardin d'Essai of Hamma in 1997. In total 601 regurgitated pellets, 527 of tawny owl and 74 of barn owl, were analyzed. Five types of prey items included: arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Birds were consumed the most (37.8%) by tawny owl, and the amphibians (37.5%) by the barn owl. Common wall gecko or moorish gecko. Tarentola mauritanica (16.8%) was the most frequently preyed by tawny owl and Mediterranean painted frog, Discoglosssus pictus (34.9%) by barn owl.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2005
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
Species diversity of myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on the southern slope of Djurdjura Na... more Species diversity of myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on the southern slope of Djurdjura National Park (Northern Algeria). This study was carried out at three study sites in the forests of the southern part of Djurdjura National Park. We found a high variety of ants, with 2,651 individuals belonging to 25 species and three subfamilies, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae and Formicinae. Sampling methods used were pitfall traps and hand collection. The dominant subfamily was Formicinae, representing 48 % of individuals collected. Seven species belonged to this subfamily, 31 % of which were Camponotus cruentatus. The second most common species found (18 %) was Tapinoma magnum, an invasive species in many countries. Relative abundance, frequency of occurrence, and diversity varied across the three study sites. Site 1, a black pine forest, had higher species richness (20 species) than site 2, a cedar strip (15 species), and site 3, a mixed holm oak forest (16 species). Our study area has a diverse fauna of ants and distribution of their populations is wide.
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
Annual cycle of water quality and macroinvertebrate composition in Algerian wetlands: A case stud... more Annual cycle of water quality and macroinvertebrate composition in Algerian wetlands: A case study of Lake Réghaïa (Algeria) The Réghaïa wetland is a site of great ecological relevance and is included in the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance. However, this wetland has always been subject to several risks, such as pollution, that threaten its terrestrial and aquatic biota. The water quality of the lake is classified as class 4 (highly polluted) according to Algerian standards. However, until now, there has been no study analysing the macroinvertebrate fauna of this important site. Therefore, in order to characterize the state of this wetland of international importance, which is highly affected by intense physical and chemical pollution of agricultural and anthropogenic origin, we studied its water quality (physical and chemical parameters) and its biological communities for one year to consider possible seasonal trends. According to our results, seasonal changes in the concentrations of physical and chemical elements were found, summer being the season with the highest level of nutrients and other pollutants concentration in the water. Although we observed these different environmental conditions throughout the year, we did not find evident differences in the communities of macroinvertebrates that showed small changes in composition and structure throughout the year.
This study was conducted in three wetland sites located in the National Park of El Kala (PNEK), o... more This study was conducted in three wetland sites located in the National Park of El Kala (PNEK), one of the richest wetlands in Algeria, between November 2016 and June 2017. Our work provides information about the external and internal parasites of the little egret (Egretta garzetta). Among 11 birds, 6 were infested. The hosts were parasitized by Ardeicola expallidus (Blagoveshtchensky, 1940) and Ciconiphilus decimfasciatus (Boisduval&Lacordaire, 1835) identified as ectoparasites. However, the internal parasites included 15 species belonging to 12 families. The study is reported for the first time in Algeria.
In the Sahel of algeirs the availability of diverse fruits are important. We identified 90 specie... more In the Sahel of algeirs the availability of diverse fruits are important. We identified 90 species of fruitbearing plants and exotic species belonging to 28 families of plants. The timing of fruit-producing species of berries during 4 seasons is such that the birds are fruits available throughout the year. We studied the biochemical characteristics of the fruits of 8 plant species most common in the Sahel Algiers. The biochemical characteristics of the fruits are taken into account the levels of water, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The rate for water varies between 9.21 ± 6.07% and 86.4 ± 1.79%. The most prevalent for the fruit with water levels between 50 and 75%, represented by 22 species (38.6%). Carbohydrate levels fluctuate between 21.5% Phoenix canariensis and 87.5% for Myrtus communis. As for the level of lipids they reach a minimum of 9.0% in the dates of Washingtonia filifera and 31.7% in olives of Olea europaea. The percentages of protein ranged between 9.6% for Myrt...
Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harr... more Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harrach during 1996 and 1997, and that of barn owl Tyto alba in Jardin d'Essai of Hamma in 1997. In total 601 regurgitated pellets, 527 of tawny owl and 74 of barn owl, were analyzed. Five types of prey items included: arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Birds were consumed the most (37.8%) by tawny owl, and the amphibians (37.5%) by the barn owl. Common wall gecko or moorish gecko. Tarentola mauritanica (16.8%) was the most frequently preyed by tawny owl and Mediterranean painted frog, Discoglosssus pictus (34.9%) by barn owl.
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
This study was performed to provide information on Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck 1938) detect... more This study was performed to provide information on Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck 1938) detected on slender-horned gazelles (Gazella leptoceros) (Cuvier 1842). Four slender-horned gazelles kept in the El Hamma Zoological Garden in Algeria were examined for lice in April 2015. Three of the four gazelles were infested with lice; of 37 lice collected from the infested animals, 14 were females, 16 were males, and 7 were nymphs. Lice were mainly found on the back and hind legs of the gazelles. The lice were collected by a forceps, preserved in 70% alcohol, and cleared in 10% KOH for 24 h. Thereafter, they were rinsed in distilled water, transferred to 70% and 99% alcohol, mounted on slides in Canada balsam, examined under a binocular microscope, and identified as Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck, 1938). To the best of our knowledge, T. balanicus on G. leptoceros has been reported for the first time.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine, 2020
Sarcosporidiosis is a parasitic disease due to the development of cystogenic coccidia of the genu... more Sarcosporidiosis is a parasitic disease due to the development of cystogenic coccidia of the genus Sarcocystis with dixene evolution and muscular localization, which can cause losses in cattle and generate an intestinal infection in domestic carnivores (dog, cat) and humans. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of Sarcocystis spp on 149 bovine carcasses at the Eucalyptus slaughterhouse in Algiers by macroscopic and microscopic examination and to evaluate the influence of certain risk factors (age, sex, breed and origin). Samples of esophagus and diaphragms were taken from slaughtered cattle and analyzed by enzymatic (pepsin) digestion and histological technique. The macroscopic examination was negative during carcasses inspection while the microscopic examination showed a prevalence of 100% for enzymatic digestion by revealing bradyzoites in the form of bananas and 47.7% at the histology with the detection of thin-walled cysts of S. cruzi (98.6%), of thick-wall...
Within the region of Jbel El Tarf (Oum El Bouaghi) (35 ° 47'N and 07 ° 09'E, 1134 m altit... more Within the region of Jbel El Tarf (Oum El Bouaghi) (35 ° 47'N and 07 ° 09'E, 1134 m altitude) through the analysis of 30 droppings which have been picked up in June 2013. The study of diet of elephant shrew is based on the analysis of the droppings. It appears that Elephantelus rozeti is based mainly on insects such as Hymenoptera (48.31%). The most consumed prey species are Tetramorium sp. (28.06%), Hodotermes sp. (16.87%) and Oniscoidea (12.97%).
Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harr... more Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harrach during 1996 and 1997, and that of barn owl Tyto alba in Jardin d'Essai of Hamma in 1997. In total 601 regurgitated pellets, 527 of tawny owl and 74 of barn owl, were analyzed. Five types of prey items included: arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Birds were consumed the most (37.8%) by tawny owl, and the amphibians (37.5%) by the barn owl. Common wall gecko or moorish gecko. Tarentola mauritanica (16.8%) was the most frequently preyed by tawny owl and Mediterranean painted frog, Discoglosssus pictus (34.9%) by barn owl.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2005
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
Species diversity of myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on the southern slope of Djurdjura Na... more Species diversity of myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on the southern slope of Djurdjura National Park (Northern Algeria). This study was carried out at three study sites in the forests of the southern part of Djurdjura National Park. We found a high variety of ants, with 2,651 individuals belonging to 25 species and three subfamilies, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae and Formicinae. Sampling methods used were pitfall traps and hand collection. The dominant subfamily was Formicinae, representing 48 % of individuals collected. Seven species belonged to this subfamily, 31 % of which were Camponotus cruentatus. The second most common species found (18 %) was Tapinoma magnum, an invasive species in many countries. Relative abundance, frequency of occurrence, and diversity varied across the three study sites. Site 1, a black pine forest, had higher species richness (20 species) than site 2, a cedar strip (15 species), and site 3, a mixed holm oak forest (16 species). Our study area has a diverse fauna of ants and distribution of their populations is wide.
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
Annual cycle of water quality and macroinvertebrate composition in Algerian wetlands: A case stud... more Annual cycle of water quality and macroinvertebrate composition in Algerian wetlands: A case study of Lake Réghaïa (Algeria) The Réghaïa wetland is a site of great ecological relevance and is included in the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance. However, this wetland has always been subject to several risks, such as pollution, that threaten its terrestrial and aquatic biota. The water quality of the lake is classified as class 4 (highly polluted) according to Algerian standards. However, until now, there has been no study analysing the macroinvertebrate fauna of this important site. Therefore, in order to characterize the state of this wetland of international importance, which is highly affected by intense physical and chemical pollution of agricultural and anthropogenic origin, we studied its water quality (physical and chemical parameters) and its biological communities for one year to consider possible seasonal trends. According to our results, seasonal changes in the concentrations of physical and chemical elements were found, summer being the season with the highest level of nutrients and other pollutants concentration in the water. Although we observed these different environmental conditions throughout the year, we did not find evident differences in the communities of macroinvertebrates that showed small changes in composition and structure throughout the year.
This study was conducted in three wetland sites located in the National Park of El Kala (PNEK), o... more This study was conducted in three wetland sites located in the National Park of El Kala (PNEK), one of the richest wetlands in Algeria, between November 2016 and June 2017. Our work provides information about the external and internal parasites of the little egret (Egretta garzetta). Among 11 birds, 6 were infested. The hosts were parasitized by Ardeicola expallidus (Blagoveshtchensky, 1940) and Ciconiphilus decimfasciatus (Boisduval&Lacordaire, 1835) identified as ectoparasites. However, the internal parasites included 15 species belonging to 12 families. The study is reported for the first time in Algeria.
In the Sahel of algeirs the availability of diverse fruits are important. We identified 90 specie... more In the Sahel of algeirs the availability of diverse fruits are important. We identified 90 species of fruitbearing plants and exotic species belonging to 28 families of plants. The timing of fruit-producing species of berries during 4 seasons is such that the birds are fruits available throughout the year. We studied the biochemical characteristics of the fruits of 8 plant species most common in the Sahel Algiers. The biochemical characteristics of the fruits are taken into account the levels of water, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The rate for water varies between 9.21 ± 6.07% and 86.4 ± 1.79%. The most prevalent for the fruit with water levels between 50 and 75%, represented by 22 species (38.6%). Carbohydrate levels fluctuate between 21.5% Phoenix canariensis and 87.5% for Myrtus communis. As for the level of lipids they reach a minimum of 9.0% in the dates of Washingtonia filifera and 31.7% in olives of Olea europaea. The percentages of protein ranged between 9.6% for Myrt...
Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harr... more Diet of tawny owl Strix aluco was studied in gardens of National Agronomical Institute of El Harrach during 1996 and 1997, and that of barn owl Tyto alba in Jardin d'Essai of Hamma in 1997. In total 601 regurgitated pellets, 527 of tawny owl and 74 of barn owl, were analyzed. Five types of prey items included: arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Birds were consumed the most (37.8%) by tawny owl, and the amphibians (37.5%) by the barn owl. Common wall gecko or moorish gecko. Tarentola mauritanica (16.8%) was the most frequently preyed by tawny owl and Mediterranean painted frog, Discoglosssus pictus (34.9%) by barn owl.
The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This spec... more The diet of the Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus was studied around Algiers (Algeria). This species is polyphagous and eats both animal and vegetable matter, with however a clear preference for plants. The plant part greatly increases in winter and autumn, reaching respectively 85.5% and 94.4%. These high rates match a significant availability of vegetable food resources in the area. Animals are mainly represented by Insects, especially Hymenoptera, which attain 30.9% in spring and 24.6% in summer, that is during the breeding period. Buds, young leaves, flowers and fruits are taken from 55 plant species, among which Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa and Washingtonia robusta are the most favoured. Fruits are taken from 38 species, of which 73.9% belong to the arborescent strata. Drupes are the most consumed fruit type and represent 56.5% of the total. The Common Bulbul is also attracted by black fruits which represent 33.3% of all consumed fruits, 43.5% of which have only one seed. It is an active seed-disperser. RÉSUMÉ.-La présente étude du régime alimentaire du Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus a été réalisée dans le Sahel algérois (Algérie). Les résultats montrent qu'il s'agit d'une espèce polyphage avec une préférence marquée pour les végétaux dont l'importance dans le régime augmente en hiver et en automne, atteignant respectivement 85,5 % et 94,4 %, pourcentages élevés qui correspondent à une disponibilité importante des ressources alimentaires végétales dans la région. Les éléments animaux sont essentiellement constitués par des insectes, et surtout des Hyménoptères, qui sont bien représentés au printemps avec 30,9 % par rapport à l'ensemble des items et avec 24,6 % en été, ce qui correspond à la période de reproduction. Des bourgeons, de jeunes feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits sont prélevés sur 55 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles Phoenix canariensis, Ficus retusa, et Washingtonia robusta sont les plus sollicitées. Les fruits sont prélevés sur 38 espèces dont 73,9 % appartiennent à la strate arborescente. Le type de fruit le plus consommé est constitué par les drupes avec 56,5 % du total. Le Bulbul des jardins est attiré également par les fruits de couleur noire qui représentent 33,3 % du total. Enfin 43,5 % des fruits ingérés ne possèdent qu'une seule graine. Le Bulbul des jardins est un actif disperseur des graines des plantes dont il consomme les fruits. Le Bulbul commun ou des jardins Pycnonotus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1787) est le seul représentant de la famille des Pycnonotidae en Algérie, où il semble ne s'être installé dans le nord que depuis le début du XX e siècle (Doumandji & Doumandji-Mitiche, 1994). Oiseau tropical d'origine forestière, il s'est adapté aux milieux anthropisés et s'est largement
This study was performed to provide information on Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck 1938) detect... more This study was performed to provide information on Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck 1938) detected on slender-horned gazelles (Gazella leptoceros) (Cuvier 1842). Four slender-horned gazelles kept in the El Hamma Zoological Garden in Algeria were examined for lice in April 2015. Three of the four gazelles were infested with lice; of 37 lice collected from the infested animals, 14 were females, 16 were males, and 7 were nymphs. Lice were mainly found on the back and hind legs of the gazelles. The lice were collected by a forceps, preserved in 70% alcohol, and cleared in 10% KOH for 24 h. Thereafter, they were rinsed in distilled water, transferred to 70% and 99% alcohol, mounted on slides in Canada balsam, examined under a binocular microscope, and identified as Tricholipeurus balanicus (Werneck, 1938). To the best of our knowledge, T. balanicus on G. leptoceros has been reported for the first time.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine, 2020
Sarcosporidiosis is a parasitic disease due to the development of cystogenic coccidia of the genu... more Sarcosporidiosis is a parasitic disease due to the development of cystogenic coccidia of the genus Sarcocystis with dixene evolution and muscular localization, which can cause losses in cattle and generate an intestinal infection in domestic carnivores (dog, cat) and humans. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of Sarcocystis spp on 149 bovine carcasses at the Eucalyptus slaughterhouse in Algiers by macroscopic and microscopic examination and to evaluate the influence of certain risk factors (age, sex, breed and origin). Samples of esophagus and diaphragms were taken from slaughtered cattle and analyzed by enzymatic (pepsin) digestion and histological technique. The macroscopic examination was negative during carcasses inspection while the microscopic examination showed a prevalence of 100% for enzymatic digestion by revealing bradyzoites in the form of bananas and 47.7% at the histology with the detection of thin-walled cysts of S. cruzi (98.6%), of thick-wall...
Within the region of Jbel El Tarf (Oum El Bouaghi) (35 ° 47'N and 07 ° 09'E, 1134 m altit... more Within the region of Jbel El Tarf (Oum El Bouaghi) (35 ° 47'N and 07 ° 09'E, 1134 m altitude) through the analysis of 30 droppings which have been picked up in June 2013. The study of diet of elephant shrew is based on the analysis of the droppings. It appears that Elephantelus rozeti is based mainly on insects such as Hymenoptera (48.31%). The most consumed prey species are Tetramorium sp. (28.06%), Hodotermes sp. (16.87%) and Oniscoidea (12.97%).
Papers by Amel Milla