Papers by Hanae Lakhchine

This paper explores black feminist thought, its interpretive framework, critical and epistemologi... more This paper explores black feminist thought, its interpretive framework, critical and epistemological modes of inquiry, and the political significance underlying its terrains of contestation in and outside academia. It emphasises the limitations of additive or mutually constitutive models of social divisions and thus privileges an intersectional approach that renders the complicated experience of black women within multiple categorizations of oppression understandable. By grounding intersectionality in a set of interlocking systems of social, cultural and political violence, this research explores black women’s politics of resistance to “epistemic violence” and institutionalized racism and sexism in Toni Morison‟s Beloved- an important work that captures one of the most significant junctures in African-American history, slavery and the Reconstruction era. This work offers an opportunity for understanding how intersectionality deepens notions of gender, race, and class and how they collaborate together in marginalizing the influence of black women on the social, cultural, and intellectual arenas. Revisiting the condition of black women through the lens of intersectionality suggests a desire to reconceptualize identity formation as inseparable from the external effects that determine black women’s realities.
Drafts by Hanae Lakhchine
Music, being previously referred to in Greek as "musiké techné", which means "the art of the muse... more Music, being previously referred to in Greek as "musiké techné", which means "the art of the muses", is celebrated as the art "par excellence; which is a kind of model for all arts. This refined form, throughout history and in every culture, was perceived as the articulation of our lives in both its festivity and lack of festivity. The evolution of music as a
This draft simplifies the understanding of modern critical theory and its underlying framework. I... more This draft simplifies the understanding of modern critical theory and its underlying framework. In this draft, There are five essays about the major innovations in the fields of the critical theory of language, psychoanalysis, social sciences, and modes of discourse. First, encountering Ferdinand de Saussure's discussion of Structuralism. Second, being introduced to Deconstruction as the epitome of Derrida's contribution to the intellectual field. Third, establishing an understanding of Jacques Lacan's theory of the mirror stage and its overlapping layers. Fourth, being guided in the process of constructing a general conceptualisation of postmodernism through the work of Jean Francois Lyotard. Finally, being initiated into the concept of ideology and the ideological apparatus through the work of Louis Althusser.
Papers by Hanae Lakhchine
Drafts by Hanae Lakhchine