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In this paper we study the general problem of parallel data redistribution over a network. Given a set of communications between two parallel machines interconnected by a backbone, we wish to minimize the total time required for the... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingComputer SoftwareApproximate Algorithm
In this paper, we tackle the problem of redistributing data between clusters connected by a backbone. On distributed environments, communications often take more time and thus lead to worse results than on local clusters. There is... more
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      Optimal mine design and schedulingCluster ComputingParallel MachinesApproximate Algorithm
This paper deals with the complexity of task graph scheduling with transient and fail-stop failures. While computing the reliability of a given schedule is easy in the absence of task replication, the problem becomes much more difficult... more
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We present in this paper a study on fault management in a grid middleware. The middleware is our home-grown software called P2P-MPI. This framework is MPJ compliant, allows users to execute message passing parallel programs, and its... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingParallel ProgrammingFault Detection
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesDynamic SystemDiscrete Time Systems
We prove that several global properties (global convergence, global asymptotic stability, mortality, and nilpotence) of particular classes of discrete time dynamical systems are undecidable. Such results had been known only for... more
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      Distributed ComputingDynamical SystemsHybrid SystemsStability
We prove that several global properties (global convergence, global asymptotic stability, mortality, and nilpotence) of particular classes of discrete time dynamical systems are undecidable. Such results had been known only for... more
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      Linear SystemDynamic SystemDiscrete Time SystemsGlobal Convergence
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesDynamic SystemDiscrete Time Systems
We present general methods for proving lower bounds on the query complexity of nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Our results are based on the adversary method of Ambainis. † UMR 5668 ENS Lyon, CNRS, UCBL associéeà l'INRIA. Work done when... more
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      Distributed ComputingQuantum PhysicsComputational ComplexityLower Bound
It was recently shown that the theories of generic algebraic curves converge to a limit theory as their degrees go to inÿnity. In this paper we give quantitative versions of this result and other similar results. In particular, we show... more
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      Pure MathematicsFirst-Order Logic
Polynomial identity testing and arithmetic circuit lower bounds are two central questions in algebraic complexity theory. It is an intriguing fact that these questions are actually related. One of the authors of the present paper has... more
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      Computational ComplexityLower Bound
We present an algorithm which computes the multilinear factors of bivariate lacunary polynomials. It is based on a new Gap theorem which allows to test whether P(X) = ∑ k j=1 a j X α j (1 + X) β j is identically zero in polynomial time.... more
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      Polynomial FactorizationFinite Fields
The resultant of a square system of homogeneous polynomials is a polynomial in their coefficients which vanishes whenever the system has a solution. Canny gave an algorithm running in polynomial space to compute it but no lower bound was... more
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      Computer AlgebraDecision ProblemMFCSLower Bound
For the standard sigmoid σ(x) = 1/(1 + e −x ), the VC dimension is between wk and w 4 k 2 .
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      Applied MathematicsNeural NetworkRecurrent Neural NetworkDiscrete Applied Mathematics
Let K be an infinite field. We give polynomial time constructions of families of r-dimensional subspaces of K n with the following transversality property: any linear subspace of K n of dimension n − r is transversal to at least one... more
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      Linear AlgebraMathematical Sciences
The multivariate resultant is a fundamental tool of computational algebraic geometry. It can in particular be used to decide whether a system of n homogeneous equations in n variables is satisfiable (the resultant is a polynomial in the... more
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      Applied MathematicsComplexityNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      Applied MathematicsComplexityMultilayer PerceptronNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Dimitri Grigoriev has shown that for any family of N vectors in the ddimensional linear space E = (F 2 ) d , there exists a vector in E which is orthogonal to at least N/3 and at most 2N/3 vectors of the family. We show that the range... more
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      Applied MathematicsParallel AlgorithmsComplexityDecision Trees
This paper shows that neural networks which use continuous activation functions have VC dimension at least as large as the square of the number of weights w. This results settles a long-standing open question, namely whether the... more
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      Distributed ComputingNeural NetworkFeedforward Neural NetworkNeural Information Processing
We show that several problems which are known to be undecidable for probabilistic automata become decidable for quantum finite automata. Our main tool is an algebraic result of independent interest: we give an algorithm which, given a... more
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      Applied MathematicsAlgebraic GeometrySymbolic ComputationNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics