chawki tahri
Address: Tunisia
Related Authors
Université Paris Cité
Olivier Markowitch
Université libre de Bruxelles
Julien Poette
Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble INP
Sandrine Blazy
University of Rennes
Jean Gaudart
Aix-Marseille University
InterestsView All (71)
Papers by chawki tahri
studied by the industrial community through specic tools or collaborations with specialized institutes .. On the one hand,
the erosion phenomenon, directly inuenced by the chemistry is well described in terms of inuential parameters and a
large number of experiments were used to determine their eects. It mainly aects low-alloy steels and non-nuclear circuits
composing. The oil industry is not immune to this type of degradation.
Among the most inuential parameters, we must remember the temperature, the thermodynamic state of the aqueous
uid and circulation speed, the nature of materials. Other parameters modulate the longer term sensibility, like chemistry
and geometry of the components.
On the other hand, and despite their behavioral nonlinearity, elastomers are pervasive in the industry. They depend on
several parameters including temperature and stress history. Therefore, they will be the subject of this report which we
propose to numerically simulate the hyper-viscoelastic behavior of a seal subjected to uniaxial compression in order to
study their function of temperature responses, friction and viscoelasticity. To do this, a nite element calculation is in
support with an incremented model Abaqus. The purpose of the modeling is to optimize the working conditions of the
joints thus ensuring an ecient seal.
studied by the industrial community through specic tools or collaborations with specialized institutes .. On the one hand,
the erosion phenomenon, directly inuenced by the chemistry is well described in terms of inuential parameters and a
large number of experiments were used to determine their eects. It mainly aects low-alloy steels and non-nuclear circuits
composing. The oil industry is not immune to this type of degradation.
Among the most inuential parameters, we must remember the temperature, the thermodynamic state of the aqueous
uid and circulation speed, the nature of materials. Other parameters modulate the longer term sensibility, like chemistry
and geometry of the components.
On the other hand, and despite their behavioral nonlinearity, elastomers are pervasive in the industry. They depend on
several parameters including temperature and stress history. Therefore, they will be the subject of this report which we
propose to numerically simulate the hyper-viscoelastic behavior of a seal subjected to uniaxial compression in order to
study their function of temperature responses, friction and viscoelasticity. To do this, a nite element calculation is in
support with an incremented model Abaqus. The purpose of the modeling is to optimize the working conditions of the
joints thus ensuring an ecient seal.