? ?
Journal created:
on 29 July 2009 (#21369661)
on 1 December 2010
Enigami 2000 And Anon
Pennsylvania, United States
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
A place for writers, artists, musicians, to share their art, no matter what the content or format.
DON'T BE AFRAID OF THIS TITLE!! This is NOT just some self-serving way to promote my Enigami realm, but obviously (if you haven't caught on) Enigami is just Imagine backwards (yeah, I'm so damn creative, right?). I was just getting frustrated because for years I was posting on Museslash (a plethora of talent and juicy, as well as heartfelt and brilliant, stories written by multitalented and genius people, whether it was written word or artistic endeavors), but lately my own interests have waned yet I still wanted to have a place to share my own writings, some having nothing to do with Muse (that brilliant band) or the lads in it. Feel free to use this forum to post your own fictions, arts, music, mediums, as you can over the internet, pertaining to any and all forms of inspiration. Original material is welcome, meaning material not inspired by certain celebrities or known people, but the opposite is as well. I just got motivated one day and finally decided to give it a shot - if I couldn't find a place I felt comfortable enough with to share my material, or had little to do with the subject, then I'd make one of my own, with little to no conditions. Feel free to share links to other sites that might be of interest as well, whether it's a post you've put on another community or just a place where people might be interested to check out ways to further their serious aspirations to go further than just the internet/LiveJournal.

PS - I'll eventually get around to figuring out a pwoper icon to display, but as of this moment, I can't find any of the artwork I so meticulously scanned over the years on my hard drive (erg, must've been that computer crash of 200?). And I will add to the interests section, and am willing to take suggestions (as I know many of you are/may be interested in some shows or other facets of entertainment I'm not aware of, but others may appreciate).

I hope you give this a chance, and hope you enjoy, whether you're just reading or contributing or both.

By the way, this community WILL cater to slash/man-on-man and/or woman-on-woman if you so prefer, and I ask that all contributers include this in your preface - if you are not interested in such a thing, simply don't read/intrude on that particular piece. As it stands now, I have tried to keep this community as open as possible to gather interested parties, but if flames and other negative issues come up, I will be forced to change this and only allow specific members or switch to moderating mode. So please control yourselves. (BTW, this is only pertaining to nasty bits said about alternative lifestyles and/or preferences, not mere opinion of a contributers' work itself - in other words, no whining just cuz someone didn't exactly LIKE something you did, only if they were rude about being offended by the content - which they should have been warned about in the first place!)

Now that I have the time (currently), I've decided to try to take on this endeavor to see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, or if there are too many problems, I'll remove this forum entirely. (But will try to communicate this move to contributors beforehand.) And after a couple of months, I may not be able to oversee the "operation" as closely as I'd like, if it even lasts that long.

So, I hope you'll all share and enjoy.


PS - if anyone attempts to contact me by cell, as I've left my # out there in the open (good idea? bad? whatever), be aware that I'm far less articulate verbally than I am in my writing, so I apologize beforehand....
