(no subject) |
[Dec. 17th, 2007|11:22 pm]
English Major Central
So, just to throw this out there:
I'm currently finishing up my undergraduate work in English, and I want to be an English/Poetry Professor. So I guess I'm a prospective professor? ...
I'm planning on spending a year doing an MA in either Humanities or English, then on to a PhD!
I'd like the PhD program to focus on Creative Writing as well as Literature. I know there are plenty of Lit programs and some Creative Writing programs, but I think there are only a few that combine them. Any recommendations on programs and their reputations? Right now, USC (Trojans, not Gamecock..) looks pretty appealing.
Anyway, is this the right path to take to achieve that aforementioned goal of becoming a prof?
What else should I be doing to prepare? I graduate in about a year and a half. I'm going to take the GRE later this year, I've been published (barely, just one poem...) and I'm planning on submitting more to various lit mags...
What else is there to do? I have a sneaking suspicion that unlike college, the graduate admissions folks won't care that I play saxophone and do photography and social justice work.
Oh, and as far as grades go, my frosh/soph years were a bit low (I came in at a 3.5), but I'm doing much better now (3.9), so hopefully that's not detrimental. Is that detrimental?
Oh man. So many questions! Thanks a bouquet for your help! |