Endometriosis Organization - Endometriosis Association

Endometriosis does.


Normal periods do not cause



deserve to be heard

and should get the best diagnosis and care


Join us as we continue working to
End the pain for girls, women & families living with endometriosis
March 1-31

Your Trusted Endo Source Since 1980

The Endometriosis Association is the recognized authority on endometriosis, a life-altering hormone and immune system disease affecting millions worldwide.

What We Do

  • Support Those with Endo

    We provide women and teens affected by this chronic, painful disease with peer support, advocacy, education, resources, and private groups.

  • Education

    Knowledge is power, and we strive to inform and educate those with the disease, their families, medical professionals, and the general public.

  • Support Families & Loved Ones

    We know that the effects of endometriosis extend beyond those with the condition to include significant others, parents, family, and close friends.

  • Research

    We actively pursue a cure and prevention of endometriosis by funding research done by universities and other medical research partners.

About Endometriosis


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Endo Myths (1980) vs Endo Facts (2018)

  • MYTH: Endo affects white women FACT: Endo affects all races
  • MYTH: Affects women in their 30s to 40s FACT: Affects females 8 to 80 years old
  • MYTH: Pregnancy considered a cure for endo FACT: Pregnancy may reduce symptoms temporarily; not a cure
  • MYTH: Hysterectomy and removal of ovaries believed a cure FACT: Combined with thorough excision, may reduce or eliminate symptoms; not a sure cure
  • MYTH: Endo affects upper socioeconomic level; “career” women FACT: Found in all socioeconomic groups and occupations
  • MYTH: Endo is rare FACT: A conservative estimate: endo affects 89 million women worldwide
  • MYTH: Regarded as serious only when related to infertility; not linked to serious pain, illness, or increased risk for cancer FACT: Now definitively linked to numerous cancers including deadly ovarian cancer, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and allergic diseases
  • MYTH: No known cause (retrograde menstruation usual explanation) FACT: Dioxin, most toxic chemical ever produced by man, proven to be able to cause endometriosis; pesticides and DES may also cause endo
  • MYTH: Considered only a hormonal disease FACT: Now known to be hormonal, immunological, toxicological, and epigenetic (transferred through generations) disease

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