Escuela Nacional de Conservacion Restauracion y Museografia
Licenciatura en Conservación
Identificación taxonómica de los objetos de madera recuperados en el Proyecto Templo Mayor, México Informe académico
Museografía busca ser un punto de convergencia para todos los interesados en el patrimonio cultural y abrir espacio para la participación de las instituciones con este interés en común. La 3era edición se llevó acabo del 27 al 30 de abril... more
This study provides a multidisciplinary overview of the identification of wood species used in objects found in the Templo Mayor, Mexico. With the aim of understanding both the state of conservation and the stabilization process carried... more
Since very early times, humans have needed to depict the world they live in. We seek to own those beautiful things we see, make them permanent, make them stay, even though we know they're ephemeral, by imitating them with sturdier... more
Samples of fresh and archeological wood were structurally characterized by XPS and NMR spectroscopy. Archaeological wood chips were recovered from excavations in the Great Temple of Mexico City. The presence of a wood consolidant... more
For centuries silk flowers have been used by different societies as personal and spatial adornments. Flowers, both natural and man-made, have diverse meanings in daily life and rites of passage, accompanying individuals from birth to... more
Until four years ago, one of the most popular methods for cleaning metal threads in Mexico was the application of a commercial silver dip with HCl, pH 1, very aggressive for silk and metal. Knowing the risks of this substance it was... more
In 2007 began a conservation project coordinated by the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museology (ENCRyM-INAH, Mexico). At some point in this project some fragments of wall paintings were found, during the floor... more
Tesis de maestría en arqueología, sobre el análisis de la tecnología orfebre usada para la elaboración de hilos metálicos, empleados en la decoración de textiles religiosos de la Catedral de México. Se analizaron 19 textiles del siglo XVI... more
Tesis de licenciatura en restauración de bienes muebles, donde se evalúa la limpieza química en hilos metálicos, a través de tres mezclas de un quelante específico para los productos de corrosión de plata. La investigación tuvo que... more
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