Hello, I want to import Module:Protection banner on kowiki. (We are still using old Template:Pp-meta) I want both English and Korean parameters and values to work for compatibility, but it seems that the module is a little bit complicated. I checked the modules in other languages, but they all used only English parameters and values. Is it possible to make an i18n table for aliases?--Namoroka (talk) 18:11, 24 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
you may want to look at he:Module:תרגום יחידה. Basically it's a wrapper that accepts a module, function and a translation table names, and using the translation table invokes the function with a clone of original frame, augmented with translated params. For more details please read the documentation at the top. If i correctly understood your requirements, i think this module matches them to a T.
oh, i forgot the disclaimer: i wrote it and tested it, but as far as i know, it is not actually used in production - I'm not very good at promoting my work. I can't guarantee you'll be happy, but i stil give it at least 82.73% chance.
oh, one more thing: if you do adopt it, please let me know - i haven't bothered to generate WD item for this module, but if it gets migrated to other wikis i should.