This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WooCommerce XML feed for Skroutz & Bestprice


With this plugin you can create XML feeds for Skroutz and Bestprice. Based on original plugin “ & XML Feed for Woocommerce By” []

Since the 1.6.0 version is a major release, if you face any issues, choose the “Rollback to previous version” option (in order the XML feeds to be produced the old way.) and contact us at [email protected] to resolve your issues


When in Stock Availability

Dropdown option “When in Stock Availability” with options will show for all in Stock products
“Available in store / Delivery 1 to 3 days”, “Delivery 1 to 3 days”, “Delivery 4 to 10 days” as availability

If Product Attribute: Availability is used

Dropdown option “When in Stock Availability” value “Product Attribute: Availability” must be used
(the attribute must have slug “availability”)

If Custom Availability plugin is used

Dropdown option “When in Stock Availability” value “Custom Availability” must be used

If a Product is out of Stock

Dropdown option “If a Product is out of Stock” with options will
“Include as out of Stock or Upon Request” or “Exclude from feed”, “Delivery 1 to 3 days”, “Delivery 4 to 10 days”

If Product Attribute: Out of Stock Availability is used

Dropdown option “If a Product is out of Stock or on backorder” value “Product Attribute: Out of Stock Availability” must be used
(the attribute must have slug “outofstockavailability”)

Add mpn/isbn to product

To add mpn/isbn to the product just fill in the SKU field of WooCommerce (default choice) or choose from the dropdown MPN field the desired option

Exclude mpn data from an item

If you want to send empty mpn field for an item, you can add a special field in the product edit area “excludempn” with value “yes”.

Add color

To add the color to a product , in order to be printed on the XML feed add an attribute with Slug “color” , Type “Select” and Name of your choice

Add manufacturer

To add the manufacturer to a product , in order to be printed on the XML feed add an attribute with Slug “manufacturer” , Type “Select” and Name of your choice


Brands plugins are supported to be shown as manufacturer.

Add sizes

To add the size to a product, in order to be printed on the XML feed, add an attribute with Slug “size”, Type “Select” and Name of your choice.
Then is created a variable product with this attribute.

If you have stock management enabled on variations, sizes with stock lower or equal to 0 will not be shown on the feed

Remove item from feed

If you want to remove items from the feed, you can add a special field in the product edit area “onfeed” with value “no”.


If you have enabled backorder and set to notify, the product will be shown as upon order and not in stock.

If you have selected Yes, the product will be shown as available and in stock.

If you have selected no to backorder, the product will be not available.

GTIN plugins support

If you want to add extra gtin tag (ean, barcode, isbn) in your xml, you can enable the “Enable GTIN Feed” option in the admin panel and then, to select the preferred option of the tag and the GTIN Source Plugin (either the name of the plugin or the name of the field)

Split Variable products based on color attributes

If you want to split your products based on color attribute you should check the “Split variable products by color” option

Custom Product Id

If you want to have a custom product id (and not the default id from WooCommerce) you can create a special field in the product edit area i.e. “custom_product_id” or to choose from other meta fields that are available.
If that field has a value, the product will have this for id or else if it has no value that field, product will have the default id as value in the XML.
In order to disable it, just choose the -default- option.

Exclude categories from XML

You can add from which categories you want to exclude products from the XML Feed

Calculate taxes on product’s price

Prices should have included VAT. If you have set up your prices without taxes, choose the “Auto Calculate Price with Tax” in order to auto calculate the price with the tax.

Product with multiple categories

When a product has multiple categories, it will search for final categories and build the path of one of them.
If it hasn’t any final category and product has only parent categories, it will build the path of one of them.
(In all paths, has been added the “Home”, in order skroutz validator to not throw warning for partial path in case of parent category path)

Description tag

In order to have the description Tag in your xml, you have to add the description in the short description field in your product.


September 29, 2021
Το συγκεκριμένο πρόσθετο είναι δωρεάν και παρέχεται με περιορισμένο support. Αν θέλετε να βγάζετε ένα απλό XML για το Skroutz μπορεί να σας καλύπτει. Η γνώμη μου είναι ότι η διαθεσιμότητα θα έπρεπε να χωρίζεται σε 3 περιπτώσεις: Άμεση Διαθεσιμότητα, Διαθεσιμότητα Προπαραγγελίας και Μη Διαθεσιμότητα. Το πρόσθετο είναι λάθος που θεωρεί τα προϊόντα σε backorder το ίδιο με τα out-of-stock. Τα μεν μπορούν να έρθουν σε 4-10 μέρες, τα δε είναι εξαντλημένα στην αποθήκη. Με το να αναγκάζετε το ίδιο λεκτικό διαθεσιμότητας στις δύο αυτές ξεχωριστές περιπτώσεις περιορίζετε την χρηστικότητά του.
January 24, 2021 2 replies
Αρκετά καλή προσπάθεια αλλά δεν μπορεί να συνδυαστεί με τίποτα με εκπτώσεις έχω δοκιμάσει σχεδόν όλα τα plugin που διαχειρίζονται εκπτώσεις αλλά δεν φέρνει με κανένα τιμές. Έχω δοκιμάσει plugin που φέρνει “sale price” και γράφει κατευθείαν στην βάση και πάλι δεν φέρνει τιμές εκπτώσεων. Χρειάζεται μεγάλη βελτίωση. Πραγματικά δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω όλοι όσοι το χρησιμοποιούνε με τι διαχειρίζονται εκπτώσεις
October 24, 2020
Δουλεύει αλλά περισσότερες επιλογές δεν θα έβλαπταν! Χρήσιμο θα ήταν να μπορείς να βάλεις sale price αντί για regular price και να μπορείς να κάνεις associate οποιοδήποτε πεδίο με όλα τα διαθέσιμα attributes και custom field του site σου.
September 26, 2020
Το plugin μας λύνει τα χέρια και το support σας είναι πραγματικά φοβερό!
September 1, 2020
Δουλεύει άψογα, με περισσότερες δυνατότητες και από plugin που είναι με πληρωμή
August 18, 2020
This plugin has really good support, all my inquiries were answered immediately and effectively.
Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WooCommerce XML feed for Skroutz & Bestprice” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WooCommerce XML feed for Skroutz & Bestprice” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WooCommerce XML feed for Skroutz & Bestprice” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



compatibility with Woocommerce 6.2.1 and wordpress 5.9.1

Version 1.6.9

compatibility with Woocommerce 5.0.0

Version 1.6.8

Added description field on skroutz xml

Version 1.6.7

Render the weight field in xml only if it is greater than 0

Version 1.6.6

added the option to choose the source of the mpn field
added the ability to exclude mpn data from an item with the use of special field “excludempn”
added split variation product functionality and in case product has only one color
render all (parent) product’s sizes if in the variation has only set the color attribute and has “any size” as the other option

Version 1.6.5

Added more availability status and custom availability option per product, for out of stock or on backorder products
fix compatibility with brand plugins and variable products

Version 1.6.4

fix select2 conflict with some templates
fix issue with weight and different units
apply exclude from feed in variable products
update availability statuses

Version 1.6.3

Changes in category path when product has multiple categories
Display category id in BestPrice xml

Version 1.6.2

Fix an issue with custom product id and xml production

Version 1.6.1

Don’t display color tag in xml if there is no value
Fixes a conflict with select2 library

Version 1.6.0

Perfomance improvement
Split variable product based on color attribute
Option to calculate taxes on price
Option to set Custom Product Id
Exclude Categories from XML Feed

Version 1.5.0

Enabled support for GTIN plugins (Now you can have extra field for your ean/barcode/isbn attribute)
Fixed issues with Availability as product attribute

Version: 1.4.3

Fixed issue with size in variable products.

Version: 1.4.2

Updated Additional Images format for Bestprice(xml specs v.2.0.3)

Version: 1.4.1

Updated translations.

Version: 1.4.0

Additional Images are now supported
Can now set attributes(Size, color, Manufacturer) to empty if you don’t want to import them in the xml
Fix issue for Brand Plugins to be shown as manufacturer
Fix Weight issue if the weight was under 1kg

Version: 1.2.1

Correct handling for variable products stock

Version: 1.0.2

WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.

Version: 1.0.0

Initial Release