Plugin Tag: php
WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager
(1,525 total ratings)Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.
Code Snippets
(464 total ratings)An easy, clean and simple way to enhance your site with code snippets.
PHP Compatibility Checker
(129 total ratings)Make sure your plugins and themes are compatible with newer PHP versions.
PHP Code Widget
(61 total ratings)Like the Text widget, but also allows working PHP code to be inserted.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
(87 total ratings)Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on
Error Log Monitor
(48 total ratings)Adds a Dashboard widget that displays the latest messages from your PHP error log. It can also send logged errors to email.
WP Coder – Code Snippets + HTML, CSS, JS and PHP Injection
(28 total ratings)WP Coder: A profound WordPress plugin for directly incorporating custom HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP codes into your WordPress pages.
(17 total ratings)Display your host's PHP, MYSQL & memcached (if installed) information on your WordPress dashboard.
(20 total ratings)Show up the PHP version, memory limit and current memory usage in the dashboard and admin footer
Version Info | Show WP, PHP, MySQL & Web Server Versions in Admin Dashboard
(15 total ratings)Easily display the current WP, PHP, Web Server, and MySQL versions in the WP-Admin Footer, Admin bar, or as a widget in screen options.
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox
(85 total ratings)Add code snippets (CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP) to your site and choose where it goes. Feel confident with 10 years of security & reliability.
ACF Theme Code for Advanced Custom Fields
(42 total ratings)Automatically generate the code needed to implement Advanced Custom Fields in your themes.
Code Block Pro – Beautiful Syntax Highlighting
(41 total ratings)Code highlighting powered by the VS Code engine. Performance focused. No bloat.
Snippet Shortcodes
(24 total ratings)Create your own shortcodes and assign text, html, etc to them. Use these across your site and only change in one place – saving time and effort!
Code Widget
(35 total ratings)Code widget help to add Short Code, PHP Code, HTML, and Simple Text in widget.
Include Me
(21 total ratings)Include Me helps to include any external file (textual, HTML or PHP) in posts or pages.
phpinfo() WP
(1 total ratings)A simple plugin to look up server info and manage server configuration of wordpress site
WP PHP Version Display
(1 total ratings)Displays the current running PHP/MySQL version inside "At a Glance" admin dashboard widget.