Tales of Extraordinary — LiveJournal
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Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Tour of the Extraordinary!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at April 25th, 2011 (01:04 pm)

So, as many of you may or may not know, we are taking the radio serial, Tales of the Extraordinary on tour up the coast: San Fran, Portland, Seattle, and (if we find a place in time), Vancouver!

To that end, we've set up a Kickstarter Page to raise funds so that we might actually accomplish this:

As it gets down to the wire, we are asking any of the fans of the show to pass around the link and video at the Kickstarter site. There are lots of fun little goodies for those who do donate, of course.

You have our Thanks...of the Extraordinary!

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Fan Mail
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at October 2nd, 2009 (07:28 pm)

For those who haven't heard the final episode of "The Lost City of Ford," it is up on the site and the podcast...just click this fast link:

The Lost City of Ford

Well, you listen, you may notice some of that dialogue sounds awfully familiar. As if perhaps from a song? Well, one of our loverly fans out there did and wrote this in:

"I listened to part 4 of The Lost City of Ford recently and really enjoyed the "Institutionalized" references. When I heard, "I'm not crazy! You're the one that's crazy!" I immediately thought of that song, and when it was followed up by "... when I went to your churches..." etc., I knew it was no coincidence. Thanks!

Getting a Pepsi,
Jason Zippay
Tallahassee, FL"

That and the Pepsi-Cola line, yes. We have no shame.

This reminds me of course that we are working on our Notations booklet to send out in time for X-Mas...we hope...more information as time goes on.

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Fordlandia continues this Sunday!!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at August 28th, 2009 (03:35 pm)

Just finished editing the episode from last week's "Tales of the Extraordinary" show at The Spot. It's quite rough, as their was some problematic technical difficulties, but it is listenable and hopefully enjoyable. People were challenging me to make sense of our improvised commercial...somehow, I think I did.

Take a listen here:

The Lost City of Ford

Care to be a part of Episode Two? We're going for three more weeks at The Spot, using the audience for sound effects, making up commercials, and selling T-shirts. Admission is still free. Really.

Tell yer mates! Find out what happens to Little Dickie and the League of Nations Police Force! Meet the certifiable Henry Ford! This Sunday!!

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Dickie & Ungawa
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at June 8th, 2009 (10:30 am)

Another video, testing the effects:

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Some test footage...
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at June 8th, 2009 (01:25 am)

We started preliminary shots on the live-action trailer today, with a test scene: the infamous squid attack from Episode Two of Shadow of the Unknown. Here be some pictures from the shoot...

And a short clip of a very rough shot, just to check placement:

I have another shot, but I can't get it to upload to YouTube correctly...working on it...

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at April 30th, 2009 (06:27 pm)

It is true. We have joined Twitter: leagueofnations

Somehow that was not taken. Huh.

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Give us your best!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at April 21st, 2009 (04:42 pm)

So, here's the news.

We're putting together a live-action 'trailer'
for Tales. The guys behind Trailer Trash are
working on it with us and are very gung-ho about it. But I just need
to first write a two-minute script for the trailer. It will have
quick flashes of the main characters doing what they do (Dickie
getting snatched by the squid, The Unknown fighting on the blimp), a
couple scenes from their travels (French Mafia attacks, etc.), and then
the inevitable end-montage.

Thus, I wanted to use some of my favorite scenes and others that you
or people you know liked, so they can go, "Hey! They put that in
there!" Please, hit me with what scenes, bits, dialogue, moments,
etc., you'd like to see included.


Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Johnny Strikezone's Camp For Boys!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at February 18th, 2009 (10:51 pm)

Yeah, you heard right, campers:

What are YOU doing this Summer?

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
The Unknown meets Windows to Sky
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at February 16th, 2009 (07:29 pm)

Every week of our shows, Windows to Sky would perform a hit song from 1926. In this particular occasion (our one year anniversary), The Unknown made a cameo to remember the good old days with his old archenemy, Mad Myrtle:

Reminiscence (mp3)

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Attempting to broadcast...let me know if it works...
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at February 15th, 2009 (07:39 pm)

Webcam chat at Ustream

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
Mexico Strikes Back
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at February 13th, 2009 (12:38 pm)

Episode Three of our LIVE shows at The Spot in Culver City (and our 30th Episode overall) is up online, wherein Dickie gets in the ring to wrestle The Wendigo and we meet the overzealous members of the Hollywood Stars baseball team.

Catch up in time for the final show this Sunday:

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
"Tales..." One Year Anniversary Show
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at February 6th, 2009 (10:34 am)

We've been broadcasting for a year as of this Sunday, which will be the third of our LIVE shows here in LA:

Can't make it to the LIVE performance of "Tales of the Extraordinary"? No worries!

We will (hopefully) be broadcasting over the interwebs as they are recorded, provided I know what i am doing. Just tune in here:

The show begins at 7pm Cali time with our opening band, Windows to Sky, who will perform their original songs as well as hits from 1926.

Following them around 7:30, we will take the stage to record the show, improvise our usual bizarre commercials, and force the audience to perform our foley.

Need to catch up on the story so far?

The past two episodes of "Mexico Strikes Back" are up online here: Mexico Strikes Back (mp3)

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
That other American pastime: Radio Dramas!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at January 30th, 2009 (12:33 am)

Not into kickin' the ball around with the boys?

Don't care about the teams playing?

Want to take advantage of the low traffic and go out?

Come on down to the Spot, adventurers, and take advantage of:

- An extensive dining menu and beverages
- Ample parking
- Audience as Foley Artists
- Monkeys, Masked Vigilantes, and Mexicans
- And opening performance by the band Windows to Sky.

Oh, and of course it is all FREE, my friends.

Come and partake in the Extraordinary this Sunday!!

Need to catch up on the story so far? Last week's episode is already up online here: Mexico Strikes Back: Episode One (mp3)

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
The Show IS GOING on!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at January 25th, 2009 (06:57 pm)

Starting now!

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
We are Ninja!!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at December 4th, 2008 (05:20 pm)


Episode One

...wherein our heroes crashland into Japan...and right in the middle of a riot.

* Available at
* or Subscribe to the RSS Feed
* ooor Subscribe through iTunes

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
TotE: Monster Island!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at November 21st, 2008 (12:42 am)

The Japanese fun begins this week...with a bit of a prelude:

Wherein our heroes get sidetracked onto a mysterious island north of Japan...and delve into horror. They were warned...

* Click to LISTEN NOW
* Subscribe to the RSS feed

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
At last!
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at November 13th, 2008 (12:07 am)

A new episode this Friday...

Family Business

...featuring the return of everyone's favorite Psychic to the Stars, Vesper Kingsley. When her swashbuckling brother, Matin, is framed for murder, Vesper rounds up her highly unusual siblings to investigate. After all, it's a matter of family.

* Available at starting Friday
* or Subscribe to the RSS feed
* ooor Subscribe through iTunes

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
No Tales this Sunday...
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at September 11th, 2008 (01:50 am)

So, it occurred to me last night that without Joseph, we lose our
ability to record the show (Noah doesn't do weekends), as well as
opening act. We are also down Matt and probably Taliesin.

The Monster Island episode is almost done, but it is quickly turning into
the Adventures of Dickie and Rod, which is a little too phallic for
even my tastes.

Thus, I was going to call off the show this Sunday at The Spot. It may be a few months before we do another LIVE show arc, though this has been far more successful than I had imagined. Thanks to all who came out!

In the meantime, the previous LIVE shows (including the Finale episode at Dungeon Master), as well as all previous story arcs are online:

* Download/Listen by clicking the link.
* Subscribe to the RSS feed.
* Subscribe through iTunes.

Find out what happened to Little Dickie, world-renowned explorer extrordinaire, and the masked vigilante known only as The Unknown as they continued their search for the Crown of Khan. Find out who dies and who very nearly dies, but not quite. Find out what terrible and demeaning things are being done to silent screan star, Randolph Moon, and his simian friend, Gatsby, at the hands of the twisted mob wife, Auntie Gertrude.

Kiwis and chimps and gangsters, oh my!

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
This Sunday...two worlds collide...
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at September 4th, 2008 (01:31 pm)

Pulp meets Fantasy...with equal amounts of Camp.

Mr. Coleman [userpic]
FAQ Requests
by Mr. Coleman (thefreak)
at September 1st, 2008 (12:15 pm)

Speaking of the website, I am adding a FAQ section.

Please hit me with any questions that you would like answered!

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