Emory University
An ethnopharmacognostic survey on the traditional pharmaceutical knowledge (TPhK) of old and newly introduced natural remedies used for healing humans in a small mountainous area in Central Lucania, inland southern Italy, was carried out... more
CITATIONS 96 READS 116 4 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Fruits of Lycium spp.--developing a quality assessment system and value chain analysis: an interdisciplinary... more
An ethnopharmaceutical study focused on domestic cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, and remedies to heal skin diseases traditionally used in the inland part of the Marches region (Central-Eastern Italy) has been conducted. At present, traditional... more
Aim of study: One-third of botanical remedies from southern Italy are used to treat skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI). Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of SSTI, has generated increasing concern due to drug resistance. Many plants... more
Background: This study documents the use of medicinal plants from the Mustang district of the north-central part of Nepal. Traditional botanical medicine is the primary mode of healthcare for most of the population of this district and... more
A recipient of Western literary awards, such as “The Prix Goncourt,” Tahar Ben Jelloun has become a prominent Maghrebi author. His fiction has circulated widely; his novels L'Enfant de sable (1985) and La Nuit sacrée (1987), for instance,... more
Moroccan society throughout the Twentieth Century CE was fairly conservative and heavily influenced by the Islamic tradition. A significant amount of literature – especially the one penned in Arabic – published in Morocco in the last... more
Current performance practice and research are caught in an ambiguous compromise comparable to what Jacques Derrida has evocatively termed 'archive fever'. Archival revivals -from the digitization of performance, to re-enactments of past... more
The late-19th century acceleration of European colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa gave rise to a range of cultural, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic projects seeking to restructure Islamicate societies after modern Europe.... more
Ten years after Morocco gained its independence from France and Spain in 1956, the relatively brief appearance of the journal Souffles (1966–1972) and its Arabic companion Anfās (1971–1972) served as the umbrella for an avant-garde... more
In the wake of unimaginable atrocities committed by militants of so called ISIS or ISIS sympathizers and other terror groups around the world, a number of reform-minded Muslims are calling for an honest conversation about links between... more
This article argues that the subversive overtones in Aḥmad al-Madīnī's novel Zaman bayna l-wilāda wa l-ḥulm (Time between Birth and Dream, 1974) target two distinct poles of authority, textual and extra-textual. The novel adopts what I... more
The rise and spread of Jihadist groups, such as al-Qaeda and ISIS, and the atrocities they have perpetrated in various Muslim territories and Western cities have raised the alarm about the supposed threat Islam poses to Europe— and to the... more
This article analyses Mohamed Berrada’s novel Luʿbat al-nisyān (1987, The Game of Forgetting, 1996), focusing on the book’s unorthodox narrative design, where multiplicity, metafiction, and fragmentation are strategic tools that bring to... more
This article discusses the politics of form in ʿ Abdullāh al-ʿ Arwī's 1989 ʾAwrāq: sīrat Idrīs al-dhihniyyah (Papers: Idrīs's Intellectual Biography), an important contribution to Moroccan experimental literature in the postcolonial era.... more
This article probes the significance of Morocco's urban space gradually welcoming/embracing Tamazight, a critical step in a potential reconfiguration of the larger North Africa that would account for the region's indigeneity and... more
The Experimental Turn in the Moroccan Novel, 1976-1989 examines the trajectory of the Moroccan experimental novel and makes a link between its emergence in the early-mid 1970s and the Arab defeat in the six-day war with Israel in 1967.... more