Our Travel Fees
©2025, EMFCenter.com
Michael’s Full Retirement in October of 2024:
After more than 32 years in this field, I have fully retired from my EMF work with clients, and my Q&A sessions with eCourse students. Please note that our celebrated on-line course “EMF Solutions for Your Health” is still available, including recent updates about 5G.
Satya Giordano (my EMF apprentice and co-owner for over 10 years) now provides all of our EMF testing, shielding and consulting services. And he is accepting new clients, both on-site and via telephone. Many thanks to you all over the years, Michael Neuert
Fees for Travel
In addition to our hourly consulting fees, a travel fee may be added for on-site visits. Our travel fees vary, depending on your location. Please call or email us for a quote on our current travel rates to your location.
San Francisco Bay Area
We provide a wide variety of onsite services throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California — including EMF testing, shielding, wiring repairs, and consulting about low-EMF construction methods. There is no travel fee for most locations within Sonoma County, and also some parts of Marin County. Please call or email us for a travel fee quote.

Who Comes Out for the On-Site Visits?
Satya Giordano, our EMF Test Technician, will usually be the person to do the initial on-site EMF testing and consulting. He will also install many of the common shielding strategies to reduce EMFs. Michael Neuert, our EMF Engineer and Electrician, provides backup for certain engineering, electrician, and severe hypersensitivity concerns.
Our Availability
Satya is generally available for on-site EMF testing, consulting and shielding services, as needed. Due to the high demand on Michael’s time with previous/existing clients and eCourse students, Michael may sometimes be unable to take on new clients, or may have a long waiting list. Please contact us for info.
California, Oregon and Washington
We also make regular visits to the Santa Cruz, Monterey and Sacramento areas, with occasional visits to other locations along the West Coast, including southern California, Oregon and Washington. Please call or email us for an estimate regarding availability and travel to your West Coast location.
Nationwide and Canada
Special arrangements can also be made for travel to other US states and Canada. We usually begin by working with your local professionals and contractors over the telephone first. Then we only come out if necessary, due to the higher costs and travel time involved. Please call or email us for more information.