Why You Need a Test Meter

By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2025

We recommend that you use a high quality test meter to measure the actual levels of the EMFs around you.  Then you can determine what your actual EMF sources are, and most important, what you can do about it.

EMF exposures are very difficult to predict, because there are so many potential sources that are unseen, unknown, unpredictable, and thus unexpected…

  • Sometimes a neighborhood power line will emit very strong magnetic fields in one neighborhood, while a similar power line a few blocks away will emit almost nothing.  There is great variability in the emissions from power lines.

  • Many new refrigerators, televisions, automobiles and other devices now have wireless technologies built in that are emitting even if the wireless is not being used.  For most people, there is no way to know without testing with an RF meter.

  • The strongest source of electric fields will often be from electrical wiring hidden in nearby walls, floors and ceilings.   By testing and determining which circuits are causing the EMFs in the bedrooms, those circuits can be turned off or shielded for healthier sleep at night.

  • Cell tower antennas vary greatly in the strength of radio frequency fields they emit.  Also, many cell antennas are hidden on top of rooftops, and in interesting places like church steeples, fake trees and water towers, and even flagpoles at schools and fire stations.  Without testing, it is hard to know or predict the actual exposure levels from cell towers.

  • 5G antennas are becoming much more widespread in use, but are smaller and sometimes more hidden.  A good RF test meter will detect the most commonly used 5G frequencies also.

  • Another surprisingly common source of magnetic fields is from stray electric current running in the metal water pipes of the home or even the whole neighborhood.  This situation is totally unpredictable, and a gaussmeter is needed to detect this.

  • Often one part of a room or a house will have much lower EMFs then another section.  Testing with good quality meters can help you locate the safest places for locating beds, couches, desks, etc.

  • One of the fastest growing exposures is the RF fields from our own cell phones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices.  Sometimes people don’t realize that even if their computer or router is connected with wires, the wireless is not necessarily off.  And for most cordless phones, the base stations emit RF fields all the time, even when the phone is not in use.  You have to test to be sure.

EMF Test Meters

We recommend that you use a test meter to measure the actual levels of the EMFs around you.  Then you can determine what your sources are, as well as what you can do about it.

EMF exposures are very difficult to predict, because there are so many potential sources that are unknown, unpredictable, and unexpected…

  • Sometimes a neighborhood power line will emit very strong magnetic fields in one neighborhood, while a similar power line a few blocks away will emit almost nothing.  There is great variability in the emissions from power lines.
  • Many new refrigerators, televisions, automobiles and other devices now have wireless technologies built in that are emitting even if the wireless is not being used.  For most people, there is no way to know without testing with an RF meter.
  • The strongest source of electric fields will often be from electrical wiring hidden in nearby walls, floors and ceilings.   By testing and determining which circuits are causing the EMFs in the bedrooms, those circuits can be turned off or shielded for healthier sleep at night.
  • Cell tower antennas vary greatly in the strength of radio frequency fields they emit.  Also, many cell antennas are hidden on top of rooftops, and in interesting places like church steeples, fake trees and water towers, and even flagpoles at schools and fire stations.  Without testing, it is hard to know or predict the actual exposure levels from cell towers.
  • Another surprisingly common source of magnetic fields is from stray electric current running in the metal water pipes of the home or even the whole neighborhood.  This situation is totally unpredictable, and a gaussmeter is needed to detect this.
  • Often one part of a room or a house will have much lower EMFs then another section.  Testing with good quality meters can help you locate the safest places for locating beds, couches, desks, etc.
  • One of the fastest growing exposures is the RF fields from our own cell phones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices.  Sometimes people don’t realize that even if their computer or router is connected with wires, the wireless is not necessarily off.  And for most cordless phones, the base stations emit RF fields all the time, even when the phone is not in use.  You have to test to be sure.


Test meters: We provide a full line of easy-to-use EMF test meters.  The choice of meter depends on your specific needs and budget.  For help deciding which meter is best for you, visit our our meter comparison page for information on meters, features and costs.

Rental Meters: We also rent these EMF meters, to help make testing affordable for more people.  Meter rentals are for seven-day periods.  We ship via UPS, FedEx or USPS to anywhere in the US.

Tested and Certified Meters: Every meter that we ship from our California office has been individually checked and certified by us for proper operation.  This is something that no one else does, and it is important, because quality control is a bit less than desirable in this industry.

What you can do about the EMFs: Once you know the levels and sources of the EMFs, then you can begin to reduce your exposures.  For example, you can rearrange your home to avoid the highest EMF locations, and place your beds, couches and chairs in the lowest exposure areas.  There are the three general approaches to reducing EMFs, listed here in descending order of effectiveness…

Priority #1.  Don’t use it!  Remove it.  Unplug it.  Turn it off.  Find a non-EMF alternative.  Nothing reduces an EMF exposure better than to simply not emit the field in the first place.  This may be especially important in the bedroom, where people spend a third of their life time.

Priority #2.  Increase distance from sources!  The sources will become more obvious when you test with a meter.  Use the test meter to determine exactly how far you need to back away from the source to get out of its field.  Rearrange your environment accordingly.

Priority #3.  Install shielding!  In general, shielding is your last resort, because it is usually not as effective as simply turning off the source or increasing your distance from it.  When needed, we provide shielding materials, as well as consultations to help you install it properly.  This is important, because improper shield placement can actually increase the fields.  We recommend that you use a test meter to verify that your shielding has actually reduced the levels.

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