Information for Doctors & Health Practitioners

EMF Information for Health Care Practitioners, Recommend by Michael Neuert,
an EMF Expert and Engineer with over 28 Years Experience in the Field

Doctors Corner with Dr. Scott Eberle:  Dr Eberle is an emf-sensitive medical doctor. He provides excellent advice and guidance regarding EMFs, and especially, EMF hypersensitivity diagnosis and treatment.  To visit his Doctor’s Corner on this website, please click here.

EMF Sensitivity and Hypersensitivity: Detailed information about EMF sensitivity, by Michael Neuert – what it is, special exposure guidelines for sensitive individuals, and what sensitive people can do about it.  The information presented is based on Michael’s almost 3 decades of anecdotal experience with many hundreds of highly sensitive individuals.  Free PDF, please click here.

EMF Safety Level Guidelines: What level is safe? What do the measurement numbers mean? A summary of various EMF safety level guidelines, for the 3 different kinds of EMFs, with references to sources, by Michael Neuert.  Free PDF, please click here.

BioInitiative Report Website: The most robust compilation of scientific studies regarding the potential health effects from EMFs, written by prominent researchers in the field.  The scientists also offer science-based recommendations for revised safety levels based on the increasing evidence for health effects.  Please click here to go to

BioInitiative Report’s RF Color Charts: This is a very helpful summary of the major studies reporting adverse health effects, including the exposure levels linked to the biological effects.  Very helpful for explaining the scientific evidence. Please click here to go to the RF Color Charts.

EMF Solutions for Your Health eCourse: An online training course that provides health practitioners with a well-rounded foundation for understanding EMFs – what they are, the common health effects, and how to reduce them.  For more information, please click here.

EMF Test Meters: It is difficult to guess the strength of electromagnetic fields in any environment.  The EMFs are invisible, and there are also an increasing number of unknown and surprising sources.  For information about the special kinds of equipment needed to measure the various kinds of electromagnetic fields, please click here.

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