Papers by Murray Schwartz
College English, 1975
... of the critic, even when it avoids the reductive, "nothing but" strategy of some ea... more ... of the critic, even when it avoids the reductive, "nothing but" strategy of some early ... called the "fallacy of misplaced concreteness": either to posit an "elsewhere" outside the work of ... confronting is the relationship inevitably present between our subjectivities and the text external to ...
目的提高对快速眼动期睡眠行为障碍(RBD)可作为α-触核蛋白病的前驱表现的认识。方法通过对一典型病例进行分析,阐述RBD的临床表现、发病机制及与α-触核蛋白病的关联性。结果本例患者主要表现为快速... more 目的提高对快速眼动期睡眠行为障碍(RBD)可作为α-触核蛋白病的前驱表现的认识。方法通过对一典型病例进行分析,阐述RBD的临床表现、发病机制及与α-触核蛋白病的关联性。结果本例患者主要表现为快速眼动期睡眠时的发作性肢体异常活动增加、行为紊乱,9年后出现帕金森症表现;头颅MRI示双侧大脑半球半卵圆中心、放射冠、基底节区多个点状长T1、长T2异常信号。结论RBD的I临床表现以REM时发作性行为障碍为主,脑干、纹状体和皮质灌注改变参与RBD的发病机制;与α-触核蛋白病关系密切,RBD可能为其前驱症状。
Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2005
Neil Altman and Rachael Peltz have written forceful and important papers on manic defenses and th... more Neil Altman and Rachael Peltz have written forceful and important papers on manic defenses and the loss of “social security” in American society. My own experience underscores the value of their project, which I view as a response to changes and differences that have grown over decades and accelerated in recent years. The emergence of the theory of manic defenses leads back to the crises of the 1930s, and psychoanalytically informed cultural critics have recognized similar patterns since the 1970s. I suggest evidence for their views, while also expressing skepticism about their more prescriptive ideas. The crisis they begin to analyze has even deeper roots in the ultimate fears generated in the mid-20th century.
College English, 1975
... For example, Norman Holland de-scribed George as mirroring experiences in such a way as to pl... more ... For example, Norman Holland de-scribed George as mirroring experiences in such a way as to place himself between two poles-merger and abstraction. Merg-er has its temptations for George, but also its dangers, and he seeks abstraction as a defense against it. ...

American Imago, 2012
in this paper we offer a brief history of writing about psychoanalysis' history. we argue that bo... more in this paper we offer a brief history of writing about psychoanalysis' history. we argue that both psychoanalysis and historical writing about it were shaped crucially by the early schisms within psychoanalysis, by Freud's death, and then the diaspora of European psychoanalysis, a trauma history which precipitated a fragmentation or dissociation. we have noted how psychoanalysts have tried to master that trauma with history-writing, and, at certain moments, with a degree of historiographical consciousness. But, we note, psychoanalytic history-writing kept regressing into biography writing, memorializing, or criticizing Freud himself, not the science, and we offer the judgment that even the more historiographically conscious history-writing of the last few years has not yet made psychoanalysis a discipline with a history. it is our assumption that psychoanalysis needs, like a traumatized individual, to be able to tell reflectively the story of the group trauma.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2018
172 territory. What one is left with upon closing the covers of this “intellectual biography,” it... more 172 territory. What one is left with upon closing the covers of this “intellectual biography,” it should be further noted, is something more than an identification of the sociocultural milieu in question, something more than a drawing out of the interrelation of the life and work of the subject, and something more than a comprehensive investigation into the historical implications of each: one is left, whether or not it was the author’s intention, with an ever deepening sense of compassion for one of the greatest thinkers, founders even, of the modern era.

Psyche, 2011
Mit diesem Beitrag legen die Autoren eine kurze Geschichte der Literatur zur Geschichte der Psych... more Mit diesem Beitrag legen die Autoren eine kurze Geschichte der Literatur zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse vor. Sie machen geltend, dass sowohl die Psychoanalyse selbst als auch die historische Darstellung, die sie in der Literatur erfahren hat, ganz entscheidend von den fruhen Spaltungen innerhalb der Disziplin, von Freuds Tod und dann von der Diaspora der europaischen Psychoanalyse gepragt wurden – eine Traumageschichte, die sich in Fragmentierung oder Dissoziation niederschlug. Dabei ist ihnen bewusst, dass die Analytiker versucht haben, dieses Trauma im Wege der Geschichtsschreibung und in bestimmten Augenblicken auch mit einem gewissen Grad an historiographischem Bewusstsein zu bewaltigen. Zugleich stellen sie aber fest, dass die psychoanalytische Geschichtsschreibung immer wieder in das Verfassen von Biographien zuruckgefallen ist, in das ehrende Gedachtnis Freuds oder in die Kritik an seiner Person – nicht an der Wissenschaft –, und sie sind des Weiteren der Ansicht, dass selb...
American Imago
My “intellectual autobiography” can be imagined as two sets of three overlapping circles. The fir... more My “intellectual autobiography” can be imagined as two sets of three overlapping circles. The first set of circles consists of activities: teaching, academic administration, and writing. The second set consists of three intellectual preoccupations: psychoanalysis, literature, especially Shakespeare, and the Holocaust. Each set is implicated in the other, and all six circles are in motion, their interplay and interaction varying from time to time and place to place, more like Ptolemy than Copernicus. This abstract scheme is my guide to memory. I hope that the meanings of the circles will become clearer as I tell my story.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Criticism, 2012
Since her death in 1963, Sylvia Plath's life and work have provoked a vast and varied comment... more Since her death in 1963, Sylvia Plath's life and work have provoked a vast and varied commentary. Some writers have attempted to sep arate her life and suicide from her art; others have devised metaphoric explanations for the concrete reality of her tragedy. Some, like A. Alvarez, have stated both alternatives. Writing in 1970, Alvarez sees the risk of suicide as a by-product of poetic commitment:

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2014
husband, his loving family, her sister Anne, and even her own children. I do not find this a conv... more husband, his loving family, her sister Anne, and even her own children. I do not find this a conventional novel in the sense of offering a smooth or consistent narrative, much less a single point of view. Rather, it is jumpy, unsettling – as disjunctive, in some respects, as Marta’s uneven state of mind. But this is also, I believe, its strength. The title of the novel The Parts Left Out hovers over each character, as well as the novel as a whole. What does Earl leave out of his account to the sheriff of his wife’s murder, and is he justified in doing so? Is he protecting Marta’s privacy, as he believes, or is he acting out of cowardice, camouflaging decades of complicity with his wife in pretending that their life is normal? What is left out of Marta’s own self-awareness and capacity to form the simplest of narrative constructions about the traumas of her childhood – which lead, in turn, to her act of rage against her son? How do Earl and Anne conspire not to acknowledge their (non-physical) intimacy with each other as a bond that shuts Marta out? What is left out of the novel itself about Warren’s state of mind – the character who turns out to be the least known and most enigmatic of all? While Ogden’s protagonists speak sometimes with preternatural lucidity about themselves, they also exemplify Anne’s observation that we really do not know why we do what we do. This, for me, was the most unsettling – but also the most interesting – aspect of his novel. Like a character in a Woody Allen movie, Ogden does not offer answers – only questions.
Papers by Murray Schwartz