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The Ember brand and associated assets are part of a meticulously curated experience. We take great pride in what our team and community have helped bring to life, and ask that you follow our guidelines to ensure consistency across all Ember properties.

Download brand guidelines (PDF)

The Logos

Our logos are the main identifier of our brand, so we're careful with how we use them. They may not be manipulated in any way, and may never be incorporated into other logos.

Ember, the Ember logo design and the Tomster designs are exclusive trademarks registered in the United States by Tilde Inc. The ® symbol must be present in these brand marks. If you use the logos, please add standard language explicitly indicating unofficial status. For example, "This page/product/etc is unaffiliated with the Ember project. Ember is a trademark of Tilde Inc."

View logo files on GitHub

  • Ember dark background
  • Ember white background
  • Ember red background white font
  • Ember black font

The Ember logo can be used on websites, mobile apps, or in printed materials to indicate use of Ember technologies assuming there is no chance it might imply official status or project/core team endorsement.

The color mark should only be displayed on a black or very light colored background. In other scenarios, use a solid black or white logo to contrast your background.

When printed, the Ember logo should always be in PMS 7417C. The hex value is #E04E39.

Tomster Lockup

  • Tomster lockup dark background
  • Tomster lockup light background
  • Tomster lockup red background
  • Tomster lockup transparent background

A fun alternative to the primary logotype is the Tomster lockup. It’s designed with a white stroke which allows it to work on all background colors without modification.


    • Ember E square dark background
    • Ember E rounded rectangle dark background
    • Ember E circle dark background
    • Ember E square light background
    • Ember E rounded rectangle light background
    • Ember E circle light background
    • Ember E white square
    • Ember E white rounded rectangle
    • Ember E white circle
    • Ember E black square
    • Ember E black rounded rectangle
    • Ember E black circle

In situations where the primary logos aren’t legible (e.g., avatars, favicons) you can use the simple “E” icon. Choose the container shape that best suits the context.

Subproject Logos

  • Ember CLI dark background
  • Ember CLI light background
  • Ember CLI red background white font
  • Ember CLI black font
  • Ember Data dark background
  • Ember Data light background
  • Ember Data red background white font
  • Ember Data black font

The Ember project has numerous projects under its umbrella. These other logos may be used under the same terms as the primary Ember logo.

Ember Family Projects

  • Glimmer dark background
  • Glimmer light background
  • Glimmer red background white font
  • Glimmer black font
  • Embroider dark background
  • Embroider light background
  • Embroider red background white font
  • Embroider black font

There are some projects that, while independent, integrate tightly with Ember, and follow our general brand guidelines. These logos are to be used only by the project owners on the official project properties.

Tertiary Logos

  • Ember Discuss dark background
  • Ember Discuss light background
  • Ember Discuss red background white font
  • Ember Discuss black font
  • Ember Times dark background
  • Ember Times light background
  • Ember Times red background white font
  • Ember Times black font

Ember communities and smaller projects have logos based on Ember’s code style. They are only to be used by the project owners themselves on the official properties.

The Ember Mascots

With the exception of the Tomster logo lockup, our mascots are reserved for official Ember project use only.

We sometimes grant licenses for specific use cases, and certain community initiatives may, with approval, commission the design of custom Tomsters and Zoeys via official channels. For more info on commissioned mascots, visit the Tomster FAQ page.

Company Technology Pages

Many companies choose to display icons and logos of their technology stack on their company About Us or Career pages. The Tomster Lockup, Classic Zoey and Primary Logo are approved for this use case. Specific permission is not required. The images should link to

Blog Posts and Articles

Blogs by individuals, companies, and media publications may utilize any of the pieces of art below in the Standard Art Set section, provided they add the following footer content to their posts/pages:

Ember, the Ember logo, and the Tomster/Zoey designs are exclusive trademarks registered in the United States by Tilde Inc, and are used here with permission. [Blog page/product/etc] is unaffiliated with the Ember project, and the use of this art does not imply any endorsement or official status.

We reserve the right to require the art to be taken down at any point, with or without explanation.

Presentation Slides

The Standard Art Set may also be used in presentation slides for industry conferences, internal corporate presentations, training presentations, and funding pitch decks, provided the following footer/asterisk content is added to a slide earlier in the Deck than where the art is used (it's alright for it to be small). It needs to appear once per deck, not every time a piece of art is used:

Ember, the Ember logo, and the Tomster/Zoey designs are exclusive trademarks registered in the United States by Tilde Inc, and are used here with permission. [Blog page/product/etc] is unaffiliated with the Ember project, and the use of this art does not imply any endorsement or official status.

Standard Art Set

The following items are included in the Standard Art Set:

Tomster/Zoey Octane car lockup, Primary Logo Lockup, Ember A11y Tomster and Zoey, Classic Zoey, LTS Tomster, Construction Tomster, Classic Tomster, Original Tomster,


Please avoid naming your projects and events anything that implies Ember or Tilde's endorsement. Keep this in mind when selecting domain names as well.

It is all right to use Ember in the name of local meetup groups, which are well understood to be unofficial. It is also OK to use Ember in the name of other events, assuming the official Ember logo is never made part of the name or logo for the unofficial event.

EmberConf and EmberCamp are both used for official purposes and cannot otherwise be used.