THANK YOU FOR MAKG THIS AND CONTINUING TO UPDATE IT!! my dream is to make a farming game with combat fishing mining and all the things one day and i want to use this bundle so hopefully by then i wont need any other assets becuse i want it all to match and i dont want to have to use another one since i bought this one already. This is actually the only one ive bought so far since im very broke right now but i had to because its just want i wanted lol. Again thank you. ALSO QUESTION- Do you have plans or willing to make a couple base characters then make like a layers of them to where theres lots of cute clothing shoes and hair options? i dont know what its called and cant find many options for 16:16 or 32:32 pixel characters and only the one with huge characters generator. For customizing the character with the animations to.
Thank you so much for the kind words, dear. I feel really happy and honored to one day see a game of yours with my assets. Yes, I do plan to add a customization system, with cute clothes and hair options. But first, I’ll finish all the animations that I still plan to bring.
How do I get the full version license, I want to use it in a commercial game? You are incredible and of course if I can make a good game I would show it to you first so that you give your approval before publishing it and I would give you credit for the artistic part.
Hello! Thank you for recognizing my work! I'll be excitedly waiting for your game! If you didn't understand the paid license, please send me a message on Discord!
I confess I thought a lot before purchasing, but I ended up buying it. The pack has much more content than what's shown on the page, and I am completely satisfied with my purchase!
Beautiful accets, very well organized and complete, any chance of adding a forge or agricultural machines like tractors, micro tractors (the ones with a long tobata type hose), harvesters and lawn mowers in future updates?
I considered for 3 seconds and then purchased it. It's a very rare and high-quality complete collection. I look forward to more content in the future.For example, some processing equipment, such as for brewing, as well as mine shafts and some small monsters.
Hi, how are you?
So, I haven’t "abandoned" the customization system. Instead of providing the separate PNG files, I’ve made the Aseprite file available. It was taking me a lot of work, and many people didn’t understand how it worked. Because of this, I’m no longer providing separate PNGs for customization. Now, you can separate them and customize them however you want using the Aseprite file I’ve made available.
In the future, when I have finished all the character animations and don’t plan to create any new ones, I will go back to separating the PNGs. For now, I’m providing the Aseprite file for anyone who wants to do that.
@Maeve, Does the paid pack include swimming / in-water animations for the characters? I see it's not in the text list but I do see a water floating animated character in your banner.
Yeah specifically when I import JUST the walls and floor copiar.png I make a house and it keeps throwing the parse error even if that's all I have. I started a brand new project in Godot with JUST that one file and it seems to be corrupted. is there anything that can be done? please and thank you.
First of all, I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re facing, but honestly, I have no idea what you’re referring to. The package only contains images in PNG format, and I can’t understand how these files could corrupt or harm your Godot project. Also, I’m not familiar with how the Godot engine works.
I downloaded the package directly from the website and checked the files. As far as I can tell, everything seems to be perfectly fine.
Love this pack, I can't find the assets for the Halloween update tho, can you tell me where to find them? also, could you include icons for the seasons? like the ones you use here in this very pretty page? thanks
The Halloween content is in the Exterior Tiny Asset Pack folder. What do you mean by season icons? I don't think I understand. Could you give me an example?
Hey for anyone that wants this pack… Now is the time to get it well it’s really cheap with 77% off even without the discount this is one of the best full packs on the platform.
Hello, how are you dear? I'm glad you were able to find the portraits! I hope the package organization isn't confusing! I loved the idea! In the future, I will add animal portraits!
You can change everything about the characters! Hair, eyes, clothes, skin color, etc.
I’m working on more hair color options that will be available in the next update. The package is updated weekly, so if there’s anything you want me to add, just let me know.
I’m currently modifying the farmhouse, and I’ll bring more barn options and more. The update will be out this week.
Hello dear, how are you? I noted your suggestion and in the future, I will bring more animations for the character!!! Thank you very much for your comment.
Hello, how are you? I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly, but if you are referring to the internal walls of the house, they can be found in the furniture folder, specifically in 'Interior - Tiny Asset Pack.
I am well, thank you for asking. Okay, I was wondering that and the flooring tiles, which I assume are in the same place. Also 3$ seems pretty cheap for this really well made pack.
Thank you very much for the compliment! And keep in mind that the package is still at the beginning stages, as I’m creating a game for my portfolio and designing this package for it. I plan to add much more and improve several other things as well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will be happy to answer.
If I may, I would suggest making a tile pack for creating buildings. Something like the image in the comment below (i put it in a separate comment in case you want to remove it)
A próxima atualização que vou trazer é voltada para o aprimoramento das animações do personagem. E, junto com isso, virá a animação de pescaria🎣, que já está pronta, aliás. Fique de olho, porque hoje ou amanhã o pacote será atualizado. 👀
Hello! How are you? 😊 The package will be updated weekly with new content and will include a lot of things, and I won’t be creating separate packages. So, in the future, this package will increase in value. 🚀📦
Muito obrigada querido, você não sabe o quanto fico feliz em ler palavras assim! Fica de olho que o pacote vai receber vários updates e terá muitos conteúdos pela frente!
I bought this resource. I think Character should be divided into smaller files based on actions, rather than being placed in one file. I can't distinguish which action they belong to.
I often get emails updating your work, which makes me choose to buy it, even though I already have a lot of the same type of material. The content of the material is very rich, looking forward to future updates. However, in this area of terrain, I found it difficult to use. I need to manually select the blocks to assemble the map. And when it comes to changing seasons, it's also bad to replace images quickly.
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THANK YOU FOR MAKG THIS AND CONTINUING TO UPDATE IT!! my dream is to make a farming game with combat fishing mining and all the things one day and i want to use this bundle so hopefully by then i wont need any other assets becuse i want it all to match and i dont want to have to use another one since i bought this one already. This is actually the only one ive bought so far since im very broke right now but i had to because its just want i wanted lol. Again thank you. ALSO QUESTION- Do you have plans or willing to make a couple base characters then make like a layers of them to where theres lots of cute clothing shoes and hair options? i dont know what its called and cant find many options for 16:16 or 32:32 pixel characters and only the one with huge characters generator. For customizing the character with the animations to.
Thank you so much for the kind words, dear. I feel really happy and honored to one day see a game of yours with my assets. Yes, I do plan to add a customization system, with cute clothes and hair options. But first, I’ll finish all the animations that I still plan to bring.
The Sprite you made is very good.
Can you make a Sprite that corresponds to 45 degrees and 315 degrees?
Hello, goodmorninggg! How can I contact you for queries? Thank you!
hello! Good morning! Contact / Discord: emanuelledev
I sent you a message! Thank you!
Wow Purchased this and it looks amazing!!!!
Hello! Thank you for recognizing my work! I'll be excitedly waiting for your game! If you didn't understand the paid license, please send me a message on Discord!
Yes anything amazing update. You never disappoint :)
Is the terrain lacking the transition from grass to land, and only the transition from grass to land to water has been found?
Good day. Just want to ask if a tileset for cliff/mountain ladder exists right now? Just like this one but can be longer or adjustable in dimension:
I confess I thought a lot before purchasing, but I ended up buying it. The pack has much more content than what's shown on the page, and I am completely satisfied with my purchase!
Thank you so much for liking the pack, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming updates!
Any way that a roll animation could be added?
Sure! There are many animations coming soon! And rolling is one of them!
Beautiful accets, very well organized and complete, any chance of adding a forge or agricultural machines like tractors, micro tractors (the ones with a long tobata type hose), harvesters and lawn mowers in future updates?
Thank you so much for your comment! I’ve noted down your ideas!
I considered for 3 seconds and then purchased it. It's a very rare and high-quality complete collection. I look forward to more content in the future.For example, some processing equipment, such as for brewing, as well as mine shafts and some small monsters.
Thank you so much for your comment! I’ve noted down your ideas!
is there auto tile support?..:[
Hello, but unfortunately not :C
这个看起来不错,我想做个农场游戏,这些资源可以直接在 Unity 上使用吗?另外,我想知道作者是否有 Discord
Hi, there is Hoe - 6 frames animation. Is there any Hoe icon?
Why did this update remove All Basic Animations? Can't find the Skin folder
Did you abandon the skin-changing system?
Hi, how are you? So, I haven’t "abandoned" the customization system. Instead of providing the separate PNG files, I’ve made the Aseprite file available. It was taking me a lot of work, and many people didn’t understand how it worked. Because of this, I’m no longer providing separate PNGs for customization. Now, you can separate them and customize them however you want using the Aseprite file I’ve made available.
Oh will this make my system not work anymore?
In the future, when I have finished all the character animations and don’t plan to create any new ones, I will go back to separating the PNGs. For now, I’m providing the Aseprite file for anyone who wants to do that.
Hey i love your pack and i'm new to unity and asset using, i wanted to ask how i can use your sprite assets to make a customized one?
could you also provide the aseprite files if you have it so i can make changes to animation and looks
Just buyed this asset pack and i'm LOVING IT. It's perfect to get some inspiration to make arts for my own game!
Definitely one of the best "full" packs on the website for your top-down needs
”Character and Portrait - Tiny Asset Pack/Character“ in "Character and Portrait - Tiny Asset Pack/Portrait" has no corresponding animation
@Maeve, Does the paid pack include swimming / in-water animations for the characters? I see it's not in the text list but I do see a water floating animated character in your banner.
Hello, how are you?
At the moment, there isn't a swimming animation, but in the next update of the package, I will include it!
See you soon, dear!
Thanks! When you do add it, please reply here so I can be notified to come back to buy it :), (if I miss it in the Feed section)
Is there some reason I cant use this set? EVERYTIME i try to make a house and load it I keep getting parse error, non existent resource.
Yeah specifically when I import JUST the walls and floor copiar.png I make a house and it keeps throwing the parse error even if that's all I have. I started a brand new project in Godot with JUST that one file and it seems to be corrupted. is there anything that can be done? please and thank you.
Hello, how are you?
First of all, I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re facing, but honestly, I have no idea what you’re referring to. The package only contains images in PNG format, and I can’t understand how these files could corrupt or harm your Godot project. Also, I’m not familiar with how the Godot engine works.
I downloaded the package directly from the website and checked the files. As far as I can tell, everything seems to be perfectly fine.
Anyway, add me on Discord and send me more details about your issue, like screenshots and error messages. We can try to solve it together.
which programme did you do all this using
I hope to have beach related tiles.
Love this pack, I can't find the assets for the Halloween update tho, can you tell me where to find them? also, could you include icons for the seasons? like the ones you use here in this very pretty page? thanks
The Halloween content is in the Exterior Tiny Asset Pack folder. What do you mean by season icons? I don't think I understand. Could you give me an example?
I mean these icons, thank you. where can I find the work stations as well please?
thank you!
is there pictures in my reply?
I can't understand what you're saying... my English is terrible! Do you have Discord? We could chat much better there!
Yes, I sent you a request on Discord, my user name is mrh115
I don't have a need for the tileset just yet, but I just wanted to say your tiles are incredible!!
Thank you very much 😊
Hey for anyone that wants this pack… Now is the time to get it well it’s really cheap with 77% off even without the discount this is one of the best full packs on the platform.
Thank you so much for this comment! 💖 It’s people like you who give me the strength to keep bringing my best and never give up! 🙌✨
I really do love the way this pack is going.
I have the full packagé but i don't find rhe Big portrait of the characters...normal ?
Will be great to have portrait of the animales m'y game, there are speaking too :-)
I have find it :-)
Hello, how are you dear? I'm glad you were able to find the portraits! I hope the package organization isn't confusing! I loved the idea! In the future, I will add animal portraits!
Great assets..many thanks
Me again, we are the "idle" movement in the divided sprites ?
I think I didn't understand the question correctly... Do you have Discord? Want to add me on discord to chat better?
Hey which animation is best for planting as i don’t see a dedicated animation for it.
also i have added you to discord so its easier to talk there
Hey quick question. For the character can you change skin hair and all parts of them or are they static.
Hi dear, how are you?
You can change everything about the characters! Hair, eyes, clothes, skin color, etc. I’m working on more hair color options that will be available in the next update. The package is updated weekly, so if there’s anything you want me to add, just let me know. I’m currently modifying the farmhouse, and I’ll bring more barn options and more. The update will be out this week.
Just so you k ow that Josh pink in the protrate images is broken and can’t be used. I look forward to the updates.
I have a few character builders I have made would you be ok if I created a html character creater for this project?
Thank you very much for letting me know; I will take care of that!
Of course! You can use HTML for character creation. If there are any issues or something is wrong, let me know.
I just re-downloaded it and that issue with josh pink hair seems to have gone away
I also see that bee and a few other things from protrate is missing when creating sprites is that going to be also updated?
Also seems like hair can only be ginger unless you pick 1 style that has all the colors.
This weekend, I will bring more hair color options
Awesome can’t wait to see them.
Hey I’m would really like to see a bike option animation as no one seems to do bikes anymore.
Roller skates would also be nice too and running boots?
Wow, what interesting animations! I can definitely add those in the future; I love the idea!
This asset is really great. Hope there could be more animations, like using items, rolling, axe attacking and lance attacking.
Hello dear, how are you? I noted your suggestion and in the future, I will bring more animations for the character!!! Thank you very much for your comment.
Hi I was hoping you would be interested in doing a co-op sale with myself and 1 other creator.
Hey, I was wondering if there are tilesheets for building indoor areas like in the preview pics?
Hello, how are you? I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly, but if you are referring to the internal walls of the house, they can be found in the furniture folder, specifically in 'Interior - Tiny Asset Pack.
I am well, thank you for asking. Okay, I was wondering that and the flooring tiles, which I assume are in the same place. Also 3$ seems pretty cheap for this really well made pack.
Thank you very much for the compliment! And keep in mind that the package is still at the beginning stages, as I’m creating a game for my portfolio and designing this package for it. I plan to add much more and improve several other things as well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will be happy to answer.
If I may, I would suggest making a tile pack for creating buildings. Something like the image in the comment below (i put it in a separate comment in case you want to remove it)
Pelo que vi, você fala português, qualquer coisa eu mudo para inglês.
Este ativo tem animações pescando?
Oi, falo português sim!
A próxima atualização que vou trazer é voltada para o aprimoramento das animações do personagem. E, junto com isso, virá a animação de pescaria🎣, que já está pronta, aliás. Fique de olho, porque hoje ou amanhã o pacote será atualizado. 👀
Não quero passar do limite, mas você pretende ter mais personagens e npcs?
Se sim, tem alguma previsão?
E a animação andando para o lado, parece que esta andando na diagonal, ou é impressão minha?!
Boa tarde, subiu as atualizações?
Tinha comentado que iria atualizar, mas ainda não apareceu para baixar.
Still on development?
¿Esta todavía en desarrollo?
¿o has parado?
Hello! How are you? 😊 The package will be updated weekly with new content and will include a lot of things, and I won’t be creating separate packages. So, in the future, this package will increase in value. 🚀📦
Ohh so its worth it to buy it now its a nice idea to get funds sadly I dont have money to spend.
Muito lindo!
Muito obrigada querido, você não sabe o quanto fico feliz em ler palavras assim! Fica de olho que o pacote vai receber vários updates e terá muitos conteúdos pela frente!
I bought this resource. I think Character should be divided into smaller files based on actions, rather than being placed in one file. I can't distinguish which action they belong to.
I often get emails updating your work, which makes me choose to buy it, even though I already have a lot of the same type of material. The content of the material is very rich, looking forward to future updates. However, in this area of terrain, I found it difficult to use. I need to manually select the blocks to assemble the map. And when it comes to changing seasons, it's also bad to replace images quickly.