tracking talos alerts across branches

A year without blogging and I am back.  I figured there was some cool stuff to share, here is one tidbit.

In the last year I have picked up looking at talos results and filing regression bugs for results.  This has been useful.  What currently happens is when results are submitted to g.m.o (graph server) we detect a regression and send out an email to the original patch author (if we can determine it) and post to  I have been using dev.tree-management as a starting point for my hunting regressions.  When things are busy it can eat up a couple hours in a day.  Luckily many developers are responsible in taking action when they receive the emails.

Given that at least half of the regressions are not acted upon by the original developer, it is important to read the newsgroup. One of the things which makes it frustrating is that for a single regression we can get multiple alerts (regular builds vs pgo builds and as the patch merges between branches/projects).

To make my life easier, I have taken all the alerts on dev.tree-management and put them in a database (local right now).  The final goal is a webUI that lets me easily annotate these alerts similar to tbpl for random test failures.  One thing I wanted to do was help identify duplicate alerts.  Today in my attempt I had a clear picture of what the lifecycle of a regression looks like:

mysql> select date,branch,percent,keyrevision from alerts where test=’Paint’ and platform=’WINNT 6.2 x64′ order by date ASC;
| date                | branch                  | percent | keyrevision  |
| 2014-02-14 19:41:38 | Mozilla-Inbound-Non-PGO | 10.1%   | c7802c9d6eec |
| 2014-02-15 01:03:54 | Fx-Team-Non-PGO         | 9.53%   | 7a3adc5aac28 |
| 2014-02-15 21:43:48 | Mozilla-Inbound         | 10.6%   | c7802c9d6eec |
| 2014-02-16 03:46:12 | Firefox-Non-PGO         | 8.88%   | 5d7caa093f4f |
| 2014-02-16 03:46:13 | B2g-Inbound-Non-PGO     | 9.44%   | 071885f79841 |
| 2014-02-16 14:22:38 | Fx-Team                 | 10.4%   | 7a3adc5aac28 |
| 2014-02-17 04:42:57 | B2g-Inbound             | 10.7%   | 071885f79841 |
| 2014-02-18 11:43:54 | Firefox                 | 9.76%   | eac89fb04bb9 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This is really cool to see how 1 change can generate alerts for 4 days.

Stay tuned for more information on this and other topics!

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