how we are running xpcshell unittests on windows mobile

Here is another scrap of information on how our progress is coming on getting unittests to run on Windows Mobile. A lot has changed on our approach and tools which has allowed us to make measurable progress towards seeing these run end to end. Here are some of the things we have done.

Last month I discussed launching a unittest in wince and taking that further blassey has compiled python25 with the windows mobile compilers and added the pipelib code to allow for stdout to a file. This has been a huge step forward and resolves a lot of our problems

I found out that had gone under a major overhaul and my previous work was not compatible. While working with the new code, I ran into a problem where defining a variable with the -e parameter to xpcshell was not working. To work around this I have changed:
xpcshell.exe -e ‘const _HEAD_FILES = [“/head.js”, “/head.js”];’

xpcshell.exe -e ‘var[_HEAD_FILES]=[[“/head.js”,”/head.js”]];’

This new method is ugly but works. We suspect this is related to how subprocess.Popen handles the commandline to execute (appears to require 2 args: app, argv). Regardless, with a series of additional hacks to, we can launch xpcshell.exe and get results in a log file.

Lastly, there is another issue we have where the lack of support for cwd on windows mobile is causing some of our test_update/unit/* tests to fail. There is a workaround in bug 458950 that we have where we can support cwd when it is passed on the command line:
xpcshell.exe –environ:CWD=path

Of course we need to have this code for xpcshell.exe (as noted in bug 503137), not just fennec.exe or xulrunner.exe.

With all the changes above, we can launch our python script (including cli args) via the visual studio debugger or a command line version on our device that is tethered via USB cable and activesync.

Unfortunately this is not complete yet. We have to clean up the python code and make it a patch. That is hinged on finding better fixes for the -e parameters. Also, while running on my HTC Touch Pro, the device hangs a lot for various reasons (requiring reseating the battery). Stabilizing this could require a tool change, as well as a different way to run the tests.

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