Papers by Andras Patay-Horvath
Rezension zu: Katrin Hering, Schatzhäuser in griechischen Heiligtümern. Tübinger Archäologische F... more Rezension zu: Katrin Hering, Schatzhäuser in griechischen Heiligtümern. Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen, Band ig. Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden 2oi5. 269 Seiten, 82 Tafeln.

The project presented here started approximately four years ago and concerns the main temple of O... more The project presented here started approximately four years ago and concerns the main temple of Olympia, a UNESCO world heritage site, which is visited by thousands of tourists nearly every day. Although Olympia is familiar to everybody and its monuments have been well-researched for more than a century, there are still many puzzles related to its history and remains. A new interpretation of the east pediment of the temple and the ensuing debate caused the reopening of the issue of the reconstruction. The historical setting of the temple-building was also reconsidered and led to a detailed study and reconstruction of the architecture as well. All these investigations made extensive use of digital technologies and are presented here as a case study for applying virtual reality to old problems of classical archaeology. The digitization of the extant fragments and a three-year project enabled the production of a virtual 3D reconstruction of the east pediment of the classical temple of ...

International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2012
The arrangement of the five central figures of the East pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia... more The arrangement of the five central figures of the East pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia has been the subject of scholarly debates since the discovery of the fragments more than a century ago. In theory, there are four substantially different arrangements, all of which have already been selected by certain scholars for various aesthetic, technical and other considerations. The reconstructions were visualized most frequently in drawings or in plaster models (on a reduced scale or in the original size), which have partly survived in Dresden, but did not receive appropriate attention during the last decades. Most recently the team of a three-years research project lead by the author tried to approach the controversy in a new way, by producing a virtual 3D reonstruction of the group. Digital models of the statues were produced by scanning the original fragments and by reconstructing them virtually. The virtual model of the pediment surrounding the sculptures was prepared on the...
European Journal of Archaeology, 2013
Page 1. Archeometriai Műhely 2010/1. HU ISSN 1786-271X; urn: nbn: hu-4106 © by the author(s) 19 V... more Page 1. Archeometriai Műhely 2010/1. HU ISSN 1786-271X; urn: nbn: hu-4106 © by the author(s) 19 VIRTUAL 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF THE EAST PEDIMENT OF THE TEMPLE OF ZEUS AT OLYMPIA - A PRELIMINARY REPORT ...

Arts, 2020
According to the prevailing scholarly opinion, Geometric bronze animal figurines found at Olympia... more According to the prevailing scholarly opinion, Geometric bronze animal figurines found at Olympia represent cattle and horses which were put under the protection of the divinity in this form. This view is challenged here for various reasons including literary testimony and comparisons with contemporary shrines containing similar dedications (especially Kato Syme on Crete). This paper argues that the bovines depicted were feral, and the figurines were offered by foreign aristocrats visiting the sanctuary especially for the sake of hunting these animals. Similarly, the horse figurines are interpreted as depicting feral equines, which were presumably captured and taken away by the visitors. After examining the cultic regulations related to the Olympic Games (timing, crowns, exclusion of married women and the penteteric periodicity), it is suggested that excessive hunting led to the extinction of some game animals and thus to a radical shift in the cult practice and ultimately resulted ...

Die 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Computeranwendungen und Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie'... more Die 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Computeranwendungen und Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie' (AG CAA) veranstaltet jährlich einen gleichnamigen Workshop, der 2013 an der Freien Universität Berlin stattfand. Die Aufsätze zeigen, dass dreidimensionale Daten bei der archäologischen Dokumentation und Analyse immer wichtiger werden. 3D-Modelle oder digitale Geländemodelle (DGMs) lassen sich mithilfe von photogrammetrischen Methoden (Structure-from-Motion) oder Laserscanning erstellen. Über die Dokumentation von Funden und Befunden hinaus erlauben solche Daten zum Beispiel die virtuelle Rekonstruktion von eingestürzten Mauern, die Mustererkennung auf Keilschrifttafeln oder auch die Analyse der Beleuchtung im Innern eines griechischen Tempels. Archäologische Befunde werden in hoch aufgelösten DGMs (Lidar-Daten) sichtbar. DGMs sind auch die Basis für Sichtbarkeitsanalysen und Berechnungen zur Wegerekonstruktion. Diese Publikation ausgewählter Beiträge zu aktuellen Dokumentations- und ...
Acta Antiqua, 2004
... Kardara eindeutig gezeigt hat, ist eine Entscheidung auf diesem 6 TRIANTIS, I.: Oinomaos. ...... more ... Kardara eindeutig gezeigt hat, ist eine Entscheidung auf diesem 6 TRIANTIS, I.: Oinomaos. ... Aber es ist ebenso unwahrscheinlich, dass es sich um eine späte Fäl-schung handelt: SchonAristoteles kannte sie und hegte anscheinend keinen Zweifel an ihrer Authentizität (Plut. ...

Arts , 2020
According to the prevailing scholarly opinion, Geometric bronze animal figurines found at Olympia... more According to the prevailing scholarly opinion, Geometric bronze animal figurines found at Olympia represent cattle and horses which were put under the protection of the divinity in this form. This view is challenged here for various reasons including literary testimony and comparisons with contemporary shrines containing similar dedications (especially Kato Syme on Crete). This paper argues that the bovines depicted were feral, and the figurines were offered by foreign aristocrats visiting the sanctuary especially for the sake of hunting these animals. Similarly, the horse figurines are interpreted as depicting feral equines, which were presumably captured and taken away by the visitors. After examining the cultic regulations related to the Olympic Games (timing, crowns, exclusion of married women and the penteteric periodicity), it is suggested that excessive hunting led to the extinction of some game animals and thus to a radical shift in the cult practice and ultimately resulted in the introduction of athletic events, i.e., in the Olympic Games.

OTKA Kutatási Jelentések| OTKA …, 2009
ABSTRACT Pályázatunk célja Alföldi András életművének bemutatása és a vele kapcsolatos források D... more ABSTRACT Pályázatunk célja Alföldi András életművének bemutatása és a vele kapcsolatos források Debrecenben található részének összegyűjtése, rendezése és rendszerezése volt. A pályázat eredményeként két Alföldi András tanulmánykötet (Magyarország népei és a Római Birodalom, valamint Keresztény császárok, pogány Róma) és egy teljes monográfia (A Conflict of Ideas in the Late Roman Empire/A későrómai birodalom válaszúton) magyar fordítása jelent meg, nyomdában van egy további monográfia (Early Rome and the Latins/A korai Róma és a latinok), előkészületben egy válogatás Alföldi András vallástörténeti és néprajzi tárgyú tanulmányaiból. A pályázat eredményeit hat előadásban (ebből egy idegen nyelvű) és hét tanulmányban ismertettük. Nyomdai előkészítés alatt áll Forisek Péter tanulmánykötete Alföldi Andrásról. A pályázat eredményei, a kapcsolódó dokumentumok és Alföldi András debreceni egyetemi hagyatéka (tulajdonos: Klasszika-filológiai Tanszék önálló honlapon került bemutatásra ( | The purpose of our application was to give an overview of the oeuvre of András Alföldi, and collect and systemize the related sources available in Debrecen. As a result, two volumes of the translations of Alföldi?s smaller writings (Magyarország népei és a Római Birodalom [The Peoples of Hungary and the Roman Empire]; Keresztény császárok, pogány Róma [Christian Emperors, Pagan Rome]) as well as a whole major monograph of his (A Conflict of Ideas in the Late Roman Empire/A későrómai birodalom válaszúton). A following monograph (Early Rome and the Latins/A korai Róma és a latinok) is currently under printing. Another selection of Alföldi?studies in the field of the history of religion and etnography. We gave an outline of the results of the application in six conference lectures (of which 1 was in foreign languages) and seven papers. Péter Forisek is about to publish an overall volume on András Alföldi, it is under printing. The results of the application, the related documents as well as the Debrecen University bequest of András Alföldi (the property of the Department of Classical Philology) have been published on a separate homepage (
Das Thema, das im folgenden behandelt werden soll, ist besonders weitverzweigt, da die zur Verfüg... more Das Thema, das im folgenden behandelt werden soll, ist besonders weitverzweigt, da die zur Verfügung ste-henden Quellen nur in sehr begrenzter Zahl vorhanden sind, andererseits aber von verschiedenen Disziplinen (Ar chäologie, Architektur-bzw. Religionsgeschichte und Numismatik) behandelt werden. Um zu einem (hof-fentlich) plausiblen Gesamtbild zu gelangen, sollte jede Art von Information berücksichtigt und aufeinander be-zo gen werden. Die einzelnen Argumentationsstränge können sich auf diese Weise ergänzen und gegenseitig un terstützen, sprengen aber beinahe den Rahmen eines ge wöhnlichen Beitrags. Zur besseren Überschaubarkeit wurde also der Text in folgenden Abschnitten gegliedert:
The east pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia depicted a mythical scene, the exact interpret... more The east pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia depicted a mythical scene, the exact interpretation of which is still controversial and is, on the other hand, intimately connected with the problem of the correct reconstruction. After a critical review of the evidence concerning the building and its sculptural decoration a discussion of previous reconstructions is presented.
Earlier and recent studies by the author concerning the east pediment and the historical circumst... more Earlier and recent studies by the author concerning the east pediment and the historical circumstances of the temple construction are summarized and updated in the light of recent publications. Iconographical, literary and numismatic evidence is combined to suggest an intimate connection between the Greek victory over the Persians and the genesis of the entire monument.
The project presented here started approximately four years ago and concerns the main temple of O... more The project presented here started approximately four years ago and concerns the main temple of Olympia, a UNESCO world heritage site, which is visited by thousands of tourists nearly every day. Although Olympia is familiar to everybody and its monuments have been well-researched for more than a century, there are still many puzzles related to its history and remains. A new interpretation of the east pediment of the temple and the ensuing debate caused the reopening of the issue of the reconstruction. The historical setting of the temple-building was also reconsidered and led to a detailed study and reconstruction of the architecture as well. All these investigations made extensive use of digital technologies and are presented here as a case study for applying virtual reality to old problems of classical archaeology.

International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era volume 1 number 3 2012
The arrangement of the five central figures of the East pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia... more The arrangement of the five central figures of the East pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia has been the subject of scholarly debates since the discovery of the fragments more than a century ago. In theory, there are four substantially different arrangements, all of which have already been selected by certain scholars for various aesthetic, technical and other considerations. The reconstructions were visualized most frequently in drawings or in plaster models (on a reduced scale or in the original size), which have partly survived in Dresden, but did not receive appropriate attention during the last decades. Most recently the team of a three-years research project lead by the author tried to approach the controversy in a new way, by producing a virtual 3D reonstruction of the group. Digital models of the statues were produced by scanning the original fragments and by reconstructing them virtually. The virtual model of the pediment surrounding the sculptures was prepared on the basis of the latest architectural studies and afterwards the reconstructed models were inserted into this frame, in order to test the technical feasibility and aesthetic effects the four possible arrangements. Finally, the plaster models of the same pieces of ancient sculpture made at the end of the 19th century were also digitized and in this way they could be compared with the digital reconstruction produced during the present project. This paper presents a brief history of research, the final results of the digital reconstruction project and offers a 333 Reconstructions of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia -A Comparison of Drawings, Plaster Casts and Digital Models comparison with the earlier attempts achieved by other methods. The advantages of the digital models can be thus fully appreciated.
Hephaistos 29, 2012, 35-54
Books by Andras Patay-Horvath
Papers by Andras Patay-Horvath
Books by Andras Patay-Horvath