Watch out, different voting rules apply! ;)
rules.+ You vote for
TWO lesser quality icons (one icon out of each part) .
+ You have to vote based on the
quality of the icons and
not on your personal preference like:
The font looks weird. I don't like the style. The icon looks boring... + Comment with reasons that might help icon makers to improve their skills like: The texture is too overpowering/icon is too dark (WHY?) The icon is oversharpened/blurry (WHERE?) etc. (
more voting tips) Try to be as specific as you can (COMPLETE SENTENCES!).
+ You also have to vote for
TWO favorite icons (one icon out of each part) (no explanation needed, but encouraged).
Don't vote for
+ Comments will be screened.
+ Please use this voting form by replacing the
#00 with the actual icon number:
(Negative and positive votes will be tallied.)
( Voting #05Collapse )Voting results will be up on
Saturday/Sunday (depending on the amount of votes).