Papers by Sanja Bogdanović Dinić
VGI concept has been thoroughly explored in last few years, emphasizing its enormous capacities. ... more VGI concept has been thoroughly explored in last few years, emphasizing its enormous capacities. Communities of volunteers are making contributions on daily bases, thus increasing the quantity as well as the quality of published data. Even more, through commenting, tagging, liking and recommending they leave valuable subjective data descriptions that are crucial for semantic and context based analyses. The research presented in this paper represents an attempt of establishing rating procedure for assessing the extent of reliability, understandability and appropriateness of VGI data gathered from various geo and social networks and public geo databases.

Attaining highly efficient e-Government in developing countries is a true challenge. These countr... more Attaining highly efficient e-Government in developing countries is a true challenge. These countries are struggling with many internal issues that are preventing them from providing budgetary resources for investing in ICT infrastructure, staff education, developing strategies, and enacting laws and policies. However, realizing the benefits that e-Government can bring, both to citizens and administration, these countries are working hard towards implementing e-Government and are achieving great results. As one of the developing countries, Serbia has been struggling for years with e-Government ideas. It started with humble implementations nearly ten years ago by publishing only a few informational services, but quickly made significant progress. The efforts made are worthy of recognition while experience gained is of considerable importance not only for Serbia’s further advances in this area but also for all other developing countries as an example and guidance to solving similar pro...
As part of the Smart Administration strategy of the Czech Republic, Czech government has adopted ... more As part of the Smart Administration strategy of the Czech Republic, Czech government has adopted a unique solution to centralize and to keep actual, most common and widely used information. The basic registers are the central information source for information systems of public authorities in the Czech Republic. Along with the Czech Point as the interface to all administrative requests and Data box as the electronic mail box the three projects represent a cornerstone of the effective public administration in the Czech Republic. This paper describes the current status of Public Administration (PA) in the Czech Republic and gives the characteristics of the optimal PA Information System (PAIS) and guidelines for its possible implementation in the Republic of Serbia.
2011 10th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), 2011
Abstract University and faculty members spend much of their time on scientific discovery and rese... more Abstract University and faculty members spend much of their time on scientific discovery and research. Scientific papers, as product of their extensive work, are used not only for their acknowledgement in academic circles, but also as a term of their promotion, tenure or reapplication. Most of the time, composing the list of references on published work turns into a long-lasting activity. Instead of manually editing and formatting the list, this process should be automated and less time consuming. In this paper we present a Web application for ...
Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2012
This paper tracks the development of e-government towards the e-government 2.0 concept under the ... more This paper tracks the development of e-government towards the e-government 2.0 concept under the influence of WWW innovations and provides insight in how strategic goals of e-government 2.0 can be achieved in the Web 2.0 era. Although Western countries progress rapidly in achieving more open, participatory and transparent relations with users, by adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, less developed countries are slower to progress. This paper examines government websites in the developing countries of the Balkans for the presence of Web 2.0 applications and evaluates the results in comparison with more developed countries. It concludes with suggestions on how countries with e-government models prior to 2.0 can catch up and create an environment for citizen engagement and empowerment.
E-Government Implementation and Practice in Developing Countries
Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance, 2012
The new technological era is imposing new rules and challenges in e-society, dramatically changin... more The new technological era is imposing new rules and challenges in e-society, dramatically changing the structure and organization of e-communication. These challenges are not meant to be an obstacle but a way for introducing new and better environment for the involvement of citizens and their participation in diverse areas of public interest, including government. With the rise of Web 2.0 set of technologies, governments gained an opportunity to provide better services to their users. Web 2.0 has implied many changes ...

Public Administration and Information Technology, 2014
ABSTRACT Growing open data initiatives are offering different solutions for opening governmental ... more ABSTRACT Growing open data initiatives are offering different solutions for opening governmental data to the public. Open data platform solutions provide simple tools for enriching governmental portals with a data dimension. The new data-oriented shape of government inevitably imposes the need for the evaluation of government efficiency in light of open data. Regardless of the numerous initiatives, there is still no globally accepted open government evaluation framework. The purpose of the research presented in this chapter is to present and apply a model for assessing data openness, which relies on eight open data principles established by the Open Government Working Group. The model represents a new approach to the evaluation of open data with real-world application capabilities and is fully described throughout the chapter. As a confirmation of this model’s capabilities, we illustrate the results of its application on seven data portals along with analyses, comparisons, and conclusions regarding the results.

Sensors, 2013
Electric power supply companies increasingly rely on enterprise IT systems to provide them with a... more Electric power supply companies increasingly rely on enterprise IT systems to provide them with a comprehensive view of the state of the distribution network. Within a utility-wide network, enterprise IT systems collect data from various metering devices. Such data can be effectively used for the prediction of power supply network vulnerability. The purpose of this paper is to present the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)-based Sensor Web integration solution that we have developed with the purpose of enabling prediction of power supply network vulnerability, in terms of a prediction of defect probability for a particular network element. We will give an example of its usage and demonstrate our vulnerability prediction model on data collected from two different power supply companies. The proposed solution is an extension of the GinisSense Sensor Web-based architecture for collecting, processing, analyzing, decision making and alerting based on the data received from heterogeneous data sources. In this case, GinisSense has been upgraded to be capable of operating in an ESB environment and combine Sensor Web and GIS technologies to enable prediction of electric power supply system vulnerability. Aside from electrical values, the proposed solution gathers ambient values from additional sensors installed in the existing power supply network infrastructure. GinisSense aggregates gathered data according to an adapted Omnibus data fusion model and applies decision-making logic on the aggregated data. Detected vulnerabilities are visualized to end-users through means of a specialized Web GIS application.
Government Information Quarterly, 2014
This paper presents a benchmark proposal for the Open Government and its application from the ope... more This paper presents a benchmark proposal for the Open Government and its application from the open data perspective using data available on the U.S. government's open data portal ( The benchmark is developed over the adopted Open Government conceptual model, which describes Open Government through data openness, transparency, participation and collaboration. Resulting in two measures, that is, one known as the e-government openness index (eGovOI) and the other Maturity, the benchmark indicates the progress of government over time, the efficiency of recognizing and implementing new concepts and the willingness of the government to recognize and embrace innovative ideas.
Abstract-This paper refers to the Sensor Alert Service as one of the GINISSENSE system components... more Abstract-This paper refers to the Sensor Alert Service as one of the GINISSENSE system components. The paper also presents the GINISSENSE architecture, based on the Sensor Web Enablement. GINISSENSE enables creation of systems for monitoring, delivery and analysis of observed parameters of the environment. Sensor Alert service allows user registration and information sources registration (sensors) in scope of real time data exchange. This paper shows one possible implementation of the Sensor Alert Service ...
Abstract–Pollution of the environment is a problem of the modern age. The technology developed an... more Abstract–Pollution of the environment is a problem of the modern age. The technology developed and used over the past decades has left serious consequences on human environment and implied the need for resolving them. Preserving quality of water, air and soil are quite common issues in many countries. This paper presents one way of dealing with these challenges, based on sensor networks and the Sensor Web concept. The solution is given as GinisSense system. GinisSense is designed accordingly to Open Geospatial ...
E-Society Journal
Abstract: New technologies, especially ones associated with the Internet, are driving the evoluti... more Abstract: New technologies, especially ones associated with the Internet, are driving the evolution of information exchange and service delivery in e-government. E-Government viewpoint is being shifted and user's needs are put in the centre of this movement. E-Government is becoming more oriented towards providing services on the user's needs, transparency and open public data. This paper provides an overview of modern trends and challenges facing e-Government introduction, implementation and modernization. In ...
Abstract-Data fusion has become very popular research field, due to the need for new knowledge th... more Abstract-Data fusion has become very popular research field, due to the need for new knowledge that can be gained from data collection and combination. Different monitoring systems that are used to gather data form sensing devices and send the collected data for further processing are slowly changing focus. They are becoming more dedicated on the problem of generating relevant information based on collected data, instead of simply collecting the data. Most common data sources in such systems are sensor devices, but ...
Journal of E-Government, 2005
This paper tracks the development of e-government towards the e-government 2.0 concept under the ... more This paper tracks the development of e-government towards the e-government 2.0 concept under the influence of WWW innovations and provides insight in how strategic goals of e-government 2.0 can be achieved in the Web 2.0 era. Although Western countries progress rapidly in achieving more open, participatory and transparent relations with users, by adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, less developed countries are slower to progress. This paper examines government websites in the developing countries of the Balkans for the ...
U ovom radu dat je pregled aktuelnih inicijativa za razvoj e-Uprave koje potiču iz Evrope i Sjedi... more U ovom radu dat je pregled aktuelnih inicijativa za razvoj e-Uprave koje potiču iz Evrope i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. U radu je naglašen značaj transformacije e-Uprave, od Uprave orijentisane ka servisima (e-Uprava 1.0), preko Uprave orijentisane ka korisicima (e-Uprava 2.0), do otvorene, transparentne Uprave koja građane i pravna lica uključuje u proces donošenja odluka. Otvorena Uprava, kao novi koncept, povlači pitanje evaluacije otvorenosti Uprave. Modeli za evaluaciju koji se primenjuju na koncepte e-Uprava 1.0 i e- ...
13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2010
In recent years, the Sensor Web concept has been significantly explored and many of its applicati... more In recent years, the Sensor Web concept has been significantly explored and many of its applications related to environmental protection have been proposed. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has certainly had the most important role in promoting Sensor Web. The OGC Sensor Web Enablement working group has published a set of specifications named Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)(Simonis, 2008), which fully describe all key components that a Sensor Web based system should implement. The group is constantly working on ...
Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, May 5, 2011
Abstract: In this paper we will provide a proposal for municipal open data catalogue model. Local... more Abstract: In this paper we will provide a proposal for municipal open data catalogue model. Local governments have a vast amount of data, but not all data is publicly available. Local government policies define the data set that is publicly available. This dataset can change over time, and make data publishing more complex. Municipal data catalogues should ease the process of publishing, discovering and tracking the usage of public government data. Data sets that are being published differ among municipalities. This makes the process of ...

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference EXPO Proceedings, 2011
ABSTRACT Data fusion has been important field of exploration, brought to light under the influenc... more ABSTRACT Data fusion has been important field of exploration, brought to light under the influence of new technologies and the emerging need for information integration and knowledge extraction from heterogeneous data sources. The main focus of this paper will be set particularly on sensor data fusion. Our current focus is on designing and developing an intelligent data fusion component for a Sensor Web based architecture that will enable combining different environmental data into coherent information. For addressing the problem efficiently we will give an overview of present data fusion models and then incorporate the most appropriate model into existing Sensor Web based architecture -GinisSense for monitoring environment and collecting environmental data. In this way we will have an intelligent data fusion system. Furthermore we will explain in detail the fusion process in GinisSense architecture and give an example of its usage.
Papers by Sanja Bogdanović Dinić