Powie's WHOIS Domain Check


Checks Domain WHOIS Lookup for availability. Simple insert the [pwhois] shortcode on a page or post.
To select the default TLD use the default attribute: [pwhois default=com] – sets .com as default in the TLD dropdown.
TLD List is limited because of the knowledge of the required whois servers. If you wish to have support for a special TLD please contact me and I will implement it asap.
We cannot guarantee that every domain lookup works perfect, in case that whois servers and how to talk to them can change time by time.
However if you inform us about changes and we can get it to work, we give you a free version of the Pro version of this plugin!


Demo 1 – at our own page.

Demo 2 – live version at a hosting providers webpage.


  • php7


  • Shortcode [pwhois]


Support Forum @ forum.powie.de
You get faster feedback if you post in our forum, rather than on wordpress.org!

Remove plugin

  1. Deactivate plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  2. Delete plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Στιγμιότυπα οθόνης


  1. Upload this Plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Ενεργοποιήστε το πρόσθετο μέσω του μενού “Πρόσθετα” στο WordPress
  3. Adjust settings

Συχνές Ερωτήσεις

Check if you have set Output strings on the settings page of the plugin

Post a comment on powie.de Forum

Powie’s Flying Dev Blog

Post it at my Forum: powie.de Forum


18 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Not what I needed. It can only check availability for .com domains, not any TLD as in description. One star for inaccurate description.
8 Φεβρουαρίου 2017
Nobody mentioned you have to set it up first. Uninstalling until it’s fix to work with 4.1.1.
8 Φεβρουαρίου 2017
I loved it. totally recommended. Though I think this plugin is one of its kind. I can’t find similar plugin on wordpress. But I need 1 more feature in it. I want this to take parameter. For example, I can go to ChromeIS.com/whois and enter domain/tld to see whois information. I want such that I type whole URL and it works. like, http://chromeis.com/whois/my-domain.com Besides, I can’t find plugin for DNS records. Something like http://intodns.com/chromeis.com Thanks, Founding Director, Chrome Technologies ChromeIS.com
Ανάγνωση όλων των 10 κριτικών

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Σύνοψη αλλαγών

0.9.33 – 0.9.34 (06.10.2024)

  • tests with wp 6.6

0.9.32 – 0.9.33 (15.07.2020)

  • Security Fix – https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/10300

0.9.31 (14.06.2020)

  • com.br added
  • 5.4.2 tests

0.9.30 (28.06.2019)

  • ES translation
  • translation slug changed to made tranlation more easy


  • bugfix on handling outputs from whois servers
  • whois server list update


  • adding default outputs

0.9.22 (21.12.2015)

  • 4.4 compatibility

0.9.20 (09.09.2014)

  • error corrections

0.9.19 (26.11.2014)

  • optimized free detection

0.9.18 (30.06.2014)

  • Added co.za lookups

0.9.17 (13.05.2014)

  • User can configure html code before and after whois output

0.9.16 (26.04.2014)

  • Changed available status check

0.9.15 (26.04.2014)

  • Added .za lookups

0.9.14 (04.03.2014)

  • Optimized handling on .at whois lookups

0.9.13 (16.01.2014)

  • Optimized handling on .com whois lookups

0.9.12 (14.01.2014)

  • Fixed Bug on nonpriv ajax handling

0.9.11 (10.01.2014)

  • Setting for showing www. in front of the input field
  • Setting to enable or disable plain whois output

0.9.10 (08.01.2014)

  • WHOIS server timeout handling

0.9.9 (08.01.2014)

  • Initial Version