Αυτό το πρόσθετο δεν έχει δοκιμασθεί με τις 3 τελευταίες κύριες εκδόσεις του WordPress. Μπορεί να μην αναπτύσσεται ή να υποστηρίζεται άλλο και να έχει προβλήματα συμβατότητας με τις πιο πρόσφατες εκδόσεις του WordPress.

Post From Site


Add an interface on your site to write a post (or page, or anything), without having to go into the admin section. Also allows for ‘anonymous’ posting (not logged in users, still asks for name/email) with a recaptcha. This makes Post From Site a perfect plugin for your user reviews, a suggestion box, or even a very basic forum site.

After install, you can display a form on your site via a widget, shortcode, or PHP code in your theme. See this page for further documentation.


  • Post From Site in action (default ‘twentyeleven’ theme): inserted onto a sticky post using the shortcode.


  1. Unzip pfs.zip
  2. Upload all files to the /wp-content/plugins/post-from-site directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Use your choice of include:

  1. Add a widget in the Widgets section
  2. Add a shortcode to a page/post/CPT
    • Post From Site’s basic shortcode is [post-from-site]. It has three options: popup defines whether the form will show on the site, or only after clicking a link (defaults to false, not a popup). link defines that link’s text (defaults to ‘quick post’). cat restricts the post to a specific category (defaults to none).
  3. Add PHP code to your template files.
    • <?php $pfs = new PostFromSite(); $pfs->form(); ?> will output the form. You can pass the same variables as in the shortcode.

Συχνές Ερωτήσεις

The popup won’t show up / I’m redirected to a white page on submit

Check that you have the javascript and css files in the plugin’s folder (post-from-site). A problem with the first version of this plugin was that the plugin was looking for the files in the wrong directory. For other people it was also a problem with my code assuming a Linux filestructure, so on Windows servers it broke. 2.0.0+ shouldn’t have this problem, as I’m using a different method of calling other files.

ask a question?


Δεν υπάρχουν αξιολογήσεις για αυτό το πρόσθετο.

Συνεισφέροντες & Προγραμματιστές

“Post From Site” είναι λογισμικό ανοιχτού κώδικα. Οι παρακάτω έχουν συνεισφέρει στη δημιουργία του.


Σύνοψη αλλαγών


  • Added the post_from_site function back for compatability


  • Rewrote code (again) into a class.
  • Added Custom Post Type functionality, along with support for all taxonomies.
  • Added widget functionality
  • Added actions and filters to allow extension
  • Images are uploaded correctly to gallery, and included image size is customizable


  • Fixed the call to the non-existent ‘pfs-widget.php’.


  • Fixed an issue with headers
  • Changed the div tag back to an a tag.


  • Compatibility with 3.0


  • scrapped a lot of code, most of it never made a release
  • moved over to strictly using jQuery
  • multiple file upload support
  • submits using ajax, then refreshes page, so you can see you addition immediately
  • also gets rid of the double-post if you refresh the page
  • default style has been changed


  • fixes double posting;
  • better image support;
  • introduction of ‘[!–image–]’ tag;
  • existing category/tag dropdown with multiple selection;
  • ability to create new categories/tags;
  • other minor adjustments


  • addition of tags
  • bugfixes


  • Initial releases