Conference Presentations by Iván Szegő
Музикологија (часопис) / Musicology (journal), 2019
The music market of Hungary was manipulated by state authorities and the communist party from the... more The music market of Hungary was manipulated by state authorities and the communist party from the 1960s until the 1980s. That distorted environment is the reason why the careers of two of the greatest Hungarian beat stars of the Sixties differed so much: Levente Szörényi and Zorán Sztevanovity were both partially or fully of Serbian origin, both were lead singers of their bands, and both were (in the first phase of their career) very careful with politics; however, their Serbian heritage and their family experiences were totally different, which explains their different behaviour during and after the Beat Revolution in Hungary.
RMJ60, 2017
A kelet-európai szovjetizálás döntő évében, 1948-ban nemcsak a hidegháború miatt kiéleződő nagyha... more A kelet-európai szovjetizálás döntő évében, 1948-ban nemcsak a hidegháború miatt kiéleződő nagyhatalmi viszonyok, a németkérdés és a geopolitikai helyzet döntött egy-egy ország sorsáról, hanem az is, hogy mennyire volt intakt a helyi elit, mennyire őrizte meg egységét és képességét az események alakítására. Két országban, Finnországban és Jugoszláviában is egységes elit szállt szembe a szovjetizálással, mindkétszer sikeresen.
Drafts by Iván Szegő
Finnish (unpublished) translation of a published Hungarian paper.
Papers by Iván Szegő
Conference Presentations by Iván Szegő
Drafts by Iván Szegő
Papers by Iván Szegő