Conference Presentations by Antonin Pavlicek
The paper discuss the use of social media platforms in British General Elections from systemic po... more The paper discuss the use of social media platforms in British General Elections from systemic point of veiw. Social media platforms are here to stay and directed voters' thoughts and views of certain government policies and respective political parties and their members. Article analyzes primarily Facebook, as it is used by millions of people as a discussion platform every single day. Secondly Twitter and also any other social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram will be discussed throughout this paper, in order to build a judgement upon how where social media platforms put to good use by all stakeholders involved; namely being; voters; politicians; thought leaders and any other people that harnessed the use of social media as a tool for discussion or cohesion of the general election.
Papers by Antonin Pavlicek

Along with the extensive use of information and communication technology (ICT) gains importance a... more Along with the extensive use of information and communication technology (ICT) gains importance also the issue of privacy. The main questions are: a) how much invasions of privacy and b) from whom is still acceptable. In this paper, we discuss the approval of invasion of privacy from state institutions (government and police). The research took place in the Czech Republic in October 2020, out of 429 respondents 302 were first-year university students. Paper answers whether people agree with invasion of privacy by state institutions. Alternatively, which interventions they consider to be tolerable and where their disagreement is significant. Due to the COVID epidemic, the question of automatic monitoring of the spread of the epidemic was included. Privacy intrusion was divided into 4 categories -police information, security, gathering information for scientific and other beneficial purposes, information about citizens interfering with privacy or without a clear purpose. The answers are further differentiated according to age and gender. The perception of individual intrusions on privacy by different groups is compared. Main findings include an agreement to share data for scientific purposes and strong disagreement with the automatic evaluation of tweets in order to monitor the spread of epidemics. Research shows that people generally disagree with automated invasions of privacy.

Lecture notes in business information processing, 2018
This study examines shopping behavior and customers' interests based on analysis of the content o... more This study examines shopping behavior and customers' interests based on analysis of the content of Facebook posts. Identifies types of the post which are more likely to inspire purchase. Two main methods were used: a content analysis of posts on a Facebook page connected with data from marketing department and statistical analysis of these data. Posts were categorized by selected quantitative and qualitative criteria. Four research questions were selected, all hypotheses were evaluated by ANOVA and regression analysis. Findings: the relation between posts' reactions on Facebook and revenues was not confirmed. Some relation between negative reactions and visits was found. The more negative reactions the more visits with quite high probability according to calculated correlation. Positive reactions do not correlate significantly with the number of visits. In case of a number of posts in categories dependence, a number of functional brand posts are dependent on the number of experiential brand posts and a number of sales promotion posts are dependent on the number of functional brand posts. Implications: Improve targeted advertising, carefully watch what types of post publish on social media, focus also on types of posts like employee, cause-related, experiential and customer relationship that should be used more and possibly combined with functional and emotional types of posts and watch out for positive and/or negative reactions more according to the results.

Our article is focusing on the spread of fake news and social news in general. Our article answer... more Our article is focusing on the spread of fake news and social news in general. Our article answers the following research questions: How do students in the Czech Republic and the RSA differ in terms of sharing messages on social media and perceptions of safety on social media? Which students share more and which students tend to share less? How much do students trust the news from? Inspired by the survey from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, we have in the autumn of 2020 conducted a survey at the Prague University of Economics and Business on the willingness to share news on social networks. The survey had 452 respondents, not all of which were students. Although the respondents, on the one hand, claimed they do not share messages they are not convinced are truthful, a sufficient number of likes or level of interestingness of the message often persuade them to do the opposite. In this paper, we compare the responses to see which students share more and which share less, which trust social media news more, and which vet their sources more - or whether they are on the same page on these issues.

Medicinske sestre so eden glavnih elementov pri oskrbi poškodovancev. Njihovo delo poteka od spre... more Medicinske sestre so eden glavnih elementov pri oskrbi poškodovancev. Njihovo delo poteka od sprejema pacienta v bolnišnico do samega odpusta v domačo oskrbo ali v nadaljnjo rehabilitacijo. Medicinske sestre morajo pri opravljanju svojega dela imeti poleg strokovnega znanja tudi znanja iz različnih drugih področij. Napredek medicine in razvoj farmacije vodita k podaljševanju življenjske dobe ljudi. Vse več starejše populacije se hitro poškoduje, kar podaljšuje hospitalizacijo pacientov. Poleg tega se kapaciteta oddelkov povečuje. Znanje je ključ do kvalitetnega dela, kar vodi do izboljševanja psihofizičnega zdravja in počutja vsakega pacienta. V praksi smo soočeni s pomanjkanjem časa in interesa za dodatna izobraževanja. V prispevku podajamo odgovore na različna vprašanja glede izobraževanja na Oddelku za travmatologijo Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana. Znanja hitro zastarijo in niso v stiku s časom, zato mora vsaka medicinska sestra iskati odgovore na določenem področju, ker se pri svojem delu srečuje z različnimi vprašanji. Poleg tega vse več bolnišnic uporablja različne klinične poti in standarde, kar delo poenoti, obenem pa lahko s tem uspešno nadzorujemo, analiziramo in izboljšamo delovni proces. V okviru raziskave smo preučili in analizirali izobraževanje medicinskih sester na omenjenem oddelku. Tako v nadaljevanju prispevka podajamo odgovore s strani medicinskih sester glede kvalitete izobraževanj, zanimivosti vsebin, ustreznosti izvajalcev, pomena izobraževanj pri opravljanju njihovega dela in motiviranosti za izobraževanje kot tudti teste postavljenih raziskovalnih hipotez. Medicinske sestre se danes po končani osnovni šoli izobražujejo na srednjih zdravstvenih šolah po Sloveniji, nato s poklicno maturo in pridobljenim nazivom "tehnik zdravstvene nege". Nato sledi vpis na zdravstvene fakultete po Sloveniji. Trajanje srednješolskega izobraževanja je štiri leta ter na fakulteti še tri leta, s čimer kandidat/ka pridobi naziv "diplomirana medicinska sestra" ali "diplomirani zdravstvenik". V zadnjih letih zaradi potreb po kadrih v vodstvu in izobraževanju deluje tudi študij na magistrskem in doktorskem nivoju. Razmere in vpliv okolja močno pritiskata na zdravstveno nego, kar botruje, da se morajo medicinske sestre S. Alagić, M. Urh & E. Jereb: Izobraževanje medicinskih sester 3 izobraževati, tako na formalni in tudi na neformalni ravni, če želijo ustrezati standardom družbe in posledično direktivam Evropske unije. Staranje prebivalstva, naraščanje kroničnih bolezni ter velika mobilnost populacije vplivajo, da se mora vsaka bolnišnica prilagoditi izzivom, ki jo čakajo. Medicinske sestre so najštevilčnejši kader v zdravstvenem sistemu: zato tudi močna potreba po izobraževanju. Predvsem klinična centra v Ljubljani in Mariboru ter ostale splošne bolnišnice po državi postajajo "učeče se organizacije", da lahko nudijo enako kvalitetno zdravstveno oskrbo kot bolnišnice v drugih državah Evropske unije (Bijelić, 2010). Veliko medicinskih sester po končani srednji zdravstveni šoli nadaljuje izobraževanje na fakultetah po Sloveniji predvsem zaradi različnih vidikov: najpogosteje zaradi težkega psihičnega in fizičnega dela ter dela ob vikendih in praznikih. Obseg dela v zdravstveni negi se iz leta v leto povečuje. Veliko medicinskih sester išče nova znanja v ostalih disciplinah, kot so andragogika, pedagogika, management, raziskovanje, medicina idr., ki so povezane z zdravstveno nego. Poleg tega moramo poudariti, da je delo medicinskih sester podcenjeno, zato tudi veliko medicinskih sester po končanem formalnem izobraževanju ne nadaljuje dela v zdravstveni negi (Kvas, 2003). Na področju izobraževanja medicinskih sester je na voljo veliko različnih simpozijev in predavanj. V sami praksi je Zbornica-Zveza oblikovala in sprejela več kot 30 različnih protokolov, ki se uporabljajo v delovnem procesu, kar kaže na močan razvoj zdravstvene nege in posledično izobraževanje medicinskih sester. Predvsem v zadnjem času je sprejeto izobraževanje iz urgentne medicine, ki ga je Ministrstvo za zdravje uvedlo v naš prostor po smernicah manchesterske triaže. Zelo aktualno izobraževanje postaja ATCN -(Advanced trauma care for nurse), kjer medicinske sestre pridobijo strokovno znanje pri različnih ogroženih poškodovancih (Ažman, 2017). Avtor Nicholls (2015) opisuje pomen medkulturnega izobraževanja medicinskih sester na primeru Avstralije, ki je že vrsto let ena od držav z velikim številom priseljencev, zato tudi mogoče ena od držav na svetu z najboljšo zdravstveno nego, ki pripisuje velik pomen izobraževanju medicinskih sester. Vsaka kultura ima svoje posebnosti, ki jih lahko združimo v celoto in dosegamo kvalitetne rezultate. Formalno izobraževanje v sami praksi ne zadošča za nemoteno delovanje v zdravstveni negi. Znanje temelji predvsem na teoretičnih vsebinah, ki se hitro 4 39 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT: ORGANIZATIONS AT INNOVATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ROUNDABOUT. 8 39 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT: ORGANIZATIONS AT INNOVATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ROUNDABOUT. -Ali medicinske sestre v povprečju menijo, da se upoštevajo njihova mnenja glede izbire izobraževanj? Aritmetična sredina pri trditvi, da se pri izbiri izobraževanj upoštevajo mnenja medicinskih sester, je 2,62. Standardni odklon je 1,31. Standardna napaka znaša 0,14. Rezultat t-testa povprečij je p = 0,000 < 0,05 (t = -6,348). Lahko rečemo, da je povprečna ocena na populaciji manjša od 3,5. Pri 95 % intervalu razlik je povprečje na populaciji med (2,35 in 2,9). To pomeni, da medicinske sestre v povprečju ne menijo, da se upoštevajo njihova mnenja glede izbire izobraževanj. -Ali medicinske sestre v povprečju menijo, da so izvajalci izobraževanj zanimivi? Aritmetična sredina pri trditvi, da so izvajalci izobraževanj zanimivi, je 3,62. Standardni odklon je 0,97. Standardna napaka znaša 0,1. Rezultat t-testa povprečij je p = 0,233 > 0,05 (t = 1,200). Lahko rečemo, da je povprečna ocena populacije večja od 3,5. Pri 95 % intervalu razlik je povprečje populacije (3,42 in 3,82). To pomeni, da medicinske sestre na Kliničnem oddelku za travmatologijo v povprečju ne menijo, da so izvajalci izobraževanj zanimivi. -Ali medicinske sestre v povprečju menijo, da bi morali imeti izobraževanja tudi z drugih področij? Aritmetična sredina pri trditvi, da bi morali imeti izobraževanja tudi z drugih področij, je 4,39. Standardni odklon je 0,88. Standardna napaka znaša 0,1. Rezultat t-testa povprečij je p = 0,000 < 0,05 (t = 9,550). Lahko rečemo, da je povprečna ocena na populaciji večja od 3,5. Pri 95 % intervalu razlik je povprečje na populaciji (4,20 in 4,57) to pomeni, da medicinske sestre na tem oddelku za v povprečju menijo, da bi morali imeti izobraževanja tudi z drugih področij. -Kaj motivira medicinske sestre za izobraževanje? Pri tem raziskovalnem vprašanju smo anketirance prosili, naj ocenijo motivacijske dejavnike po pomembnosti od 1-5. Rezultati povprečja razvrstitve dejavnikov S. Alagić, M. Urh & E. Jereb: Izobraževanje medicinskih sester 9 izobraževanja medicinskih sester od najbolj pomembnega do najmanj pomembnega prikazuje Tabela 2. Tabela 2: Motivacijski dejavniki izobraževanja po pomembnosti (n = 90) Mot. dej. 1 2 3 4 5 Povp. St. odk. Dodatno znanje 10 39 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT: ORGANIZATIONS AT INNOVATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ROUNDABOUT. Tabela 3: Ovire pri izobraževanju Ovire pri izobra. 1 2 3 4 5 Povp. St. od Nezanimiva vsebina = 0,843 > 0,05 (𝑡𝑡 = 1,018). To pomeni, da pri stopnji 0,05 lahko trdimo, da med medicinskimi sestrami z visoko izobrazbo in srednješolsko izobrazbo test ni pokazal statistično značilnih razlik glede motiviranosti za izobraževanje. Hipotezo zavrnemo.
Journal of networking technology, 2018
In this work we studied the security and privacy issues in VPN. The safety features of VPN have b... more In this work we studied the security and privacy issues in VPN. The safety features of VPN have been addressed in many studies. We in this work studied the influence of Inventory personality traits on use of VPN and proxy servers. We did the work in the institutions at the Czech Republic. The respondents were 478 university students. Gender, age, and type of student's job were used as control variables. We reported the results, conscientiousness, openness to experience, gender, and type of student's job influence the preference. It is less conscientious, more open to experience, male, and working full time in the field they study that use VPN and proxy servers.

Tato disertacni prace se zabýva problematikou wiki systemů z hlediska jejich použi-telnosti jako ... more Tato disertacni prace se zabýva problematikou wiki systemů z hlediska jejich použi-telnosti jako ICT nastroje v managementu znalosti. Prace rozdělena do dvou zakladnich celků -- v prvnim se zabývam výchozimi teoretickými koncepty jako: data, informace, zna-losti ci komunita. Disertacni prace reflektuje způsob, jakým jsou tyto terminy chapany v různých vědnich disciplinach, předevsim pak managementu znalosti. Ve druhe casti se pak prace věnuje wiki systemům, na ktere nahliži nejen v obecne a teoreticke rovině, ale převažně prakticky. Prace rozebira konkretni možnosti využiti wiki jako nastroje managementu znalosti v organizaci. V zavěru prace je uvedena řada zahra-nicnich i domacich připadových studii -- konkretnich implementaci wiki systemů, ktere dobře ilustruji zavěry, ke kterým prace dosla. Disertacni prace potvrzuje, že wiki systemy mohou být uspěsně použity jako nastroj managementu znalosti. Výstupem prace v teoreticke casti je autorův kruhový model znalosti, v prakticke casti pak je cenným výstupem nalezeni vhodných oblasti pro nasazeni wiki systemů v organizaci.

Problems and perspectives in management, Apr 2, 2020
This study aims to analyze the business view concerning the using the accommodation capacities in... more This study aims to analyze the business view concerning the using the accommodation capacities in some central European countries, i.e. Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the NUTS-2 regional scope. The special attention is paid to Spain. The research is based on annual post-global economic crisis data. The authors apply a specific partial least squares (PLS) variant of multivariate methods, which relates many fundamental and derived tourism variables due to particular attention to using a weighting procedure. The authors determined that in order to encompass the territory predetermination for the best fit the changed conditions, the majority of significant cities have very good dynamics in capacity parameters and overnights for increasing the offers being greatly supplied by the annual changing number of visitors. However, Spain is substantially different from the other regions analyzed, forming ultimate conditions for mutual comparison. Moreover, the tracks of turning visitors into capital or significant cities, especially associated with the close natural attractions, are substantiated. The tourist's resource potential specific only to the target region as well as relevant additional potential origins are examined on the sample of countries. Covering tourism as the world's leading industry directly connected to accommodation tasks and a unique period examined, the results of this study can be used to formulate policy guidelines as well as to solve the tasks of attracting tourism and promote supply. Lukáš Malec (Czech Republic), Iveta Hamarneh (Czech Republic), Jaroslav Poživil (Czech Republic), Antonín Pavlíček (Czech Republic) Comparative analysis of the accommodation capacities in selected European tourist destinations
Cloud storage is a trending issue shifting away from computing as a product that is purchased, to... more Cloud storage is a trending issue shifting away from computing as a product that is purchased, to computing as a service that is delivered to consumers over the internet from large-scale data centres -or "clouds". The research focused on impact of Big Five Inventory personality traits on use of cloud storage services. The research was conducted in the Czech Republic. The respondents were 478 university students. Gender, age, and type of student's job were used as control variables. With regards to the results, openness to experience and gender influence the acceptance rate of cloud storage services.

Lecture notes in business information processing, 2016
The main aim of the paper is to analyse social CRM, specifically Facebook communication of mobile... more The main aim of the paper is to analyse social CRM, specifically Facebook communication of mobile operators in the United States, the Czech Republic, and France to examine the state of social customer care on social networking sites and consider possibilities, need for automatization and improvement of EIS. The analysis is based on messages and answers posted on Facebook pages and measuring the response time on over 1.3 million unique questions. It identifies trends, looks for certain repeating patterns or correlations and as a result offers a comprehensive report on the current use of social media as a channel for customer care amongst mobile operators. The theoretical background will also propose an advice on how to maintain a healthy relationship with customers on social networks and add a real value both for customers and company.
EDULEARN proceedings, Jul 1, 2021
Conference Presentations by Antonin Pavlicek
Papers by Antonin Pavlicek