Journal articles by Emmanouil Tsatsanis
South European Society and Politics, 2020
The article examines the four electoral contests (municipal, regional, European, and parliamentar... more The article examines the four electoral contests (municipal, regional, European, and parliamentary) that took place in Greece in 2019 through the prism of the growing polarisation that has dominated Greek political life since the early 2010s. It is argued that with these elections, the decade-long political cycle that began with the economic crisis came to its conclusion. The new party system resembles the pre-crisis one, featuring a return of two-partyism, single-party governments, and competition along the left-right dimension. However, the legacy of the crisis period remains present, as the ‘new’ two-party system continues to be characterised by high degrees of affective polarisation and negative partisanship.
South European Society and Politics, Oct 5, 2018
The paper offers a first time investigation of populism at the mass level in Greece. Its objectiv... more The paper offers a first time investigation of populism at the mass level in Greece. Its objectives are to examine the socioeconomic factors which facilitate the adoption of populist worldviews and to identify the ideological correlates of populism. Findings reveal that the strongest socioeconomic predictors are (low levels of) household income and education. Populist attitudes are more pronounced among left-wing citizens and strongly associated with euroscepticism and opposition to economic liberalism. However, the relationship of populism with anti-immigrant and anti-democratic attitudes appear to be mediated by left-right ideology, thus providing evidence that mass-level populism in Greece comes in both left-inclusionary and right-exclusionary varieties.
This article offers an examination of the transformations and continuities that marked political ... more This article offers an examination of the transformations and continuities that marked political life in Greece after the onset of the economic crisis in 2009. By providing accounts of Greek politics before and after the start of the crisis, the article attempts to detect patterns of transition to a new political landscape. Different sections of the article focus on patterns of change and continuity in the Greek party system, as well as in the domains of electoral behaviour, political culture, political
participation and mobilization. Finally, the article hazards a preliminary assessment of the long-term political consequences of the crisis on the Greek political system.
The victory of the radical-left SYRIZA in the September 2015 election confounded expectations giv... more The victory of the radical-left SYRIZA in the September 2015 election confounded expectations given the failure of the SYRIZA–ANEL government formed in January either to deliver on its central promise of reversing austerity policies or to capitalise on its major victory in the July referendum. The article examines both the election and the referendum that preceded it, offering an explanation for SYRIZA’s victory. It also attempts to trace the trajectory of the current party system in Greece and its ongoing realignment process in light of the 2015 electoral contests and the busy political timeline since the formation of the first SYRIZA–ANEL government.
South European Society and Politics, Aug 20, 2015
The article examines the 2014 European election in Greece. Held two years after the double-earthq... more The article examines the 2014 European election in Greece. Held two years after the double-earthquake elections of 2012 and with the country still mired in a protracted economic crisis, our findings largely support the conclusion that the post-‘earthquake’ European election of 2014 can be classified as one of the most classic second-order elections in the history of Greek elections. Both ideology and attribution of blame for the ongoing economic crisis to the PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) and ND (New Democracy) governments to a large extent explain the victory of SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left). At the same time, however, more fundamental positions towards European unification appear to have become more relevant to party choice for the first time since the early 1980s.

International Political Science Review, 2016
This article compares how Portuguese voters and deputies evaluated the role of legislators and th... more This article compares how Portuguese voters and deputies evaluated the role of legislators and the representation process before and after the economic crisis (2008 and 2012, respectively). It makes use of a set of six issues characterising two views of representation: one institutional–independent and another participatory–mandatory. It also includes an analysis of two core policy issues. The research draws upon surveys of Portuguese voters and deputies carried out in 2008 and 2012. Findings reveal significant changes in the patterns of representation, a tendency for greater deputy–voter correspondence on the issues of representation, and lesser correspondence among government parties on core policy issues. Finally, voters’ views of representation seem equally significant when explaining levels of congruence both before and after the crisis.
South European Society and Politics, 2014
This work addresses the dimensions and content of ideological space in Portugal and Greece after ... more This work addresses the dimensions and content of ideological space in Portugal and Greece after the onset of the sovereign debt crisis and the imposition of austerity policies in the two countries. By examining both elite interviews and public opinion data, the article principally attempts to determine whether the economic crisis has created a new division in ideological space by cross-cutting or completely replacing older ones. In addition, we attempt to gauge the position of crisis-related issues relative to issue divides on European integration and globalisation which, up to now, have been dormant in Southern European countries.

Party Politics, Nov 2016
Notwithstanding the prolific research on the crisis of democracy since the 1980s, the attention t... more Notwithstanding the prolific research on the crisis of democracy since the 1980s, the attention that has been given to political parties has not been enough to fully understand the (increasing lack of) citizen support for them. Additionally, there is too little research on how the economic context can contribute to changes in support for political parties. Focusing on the Portuguese case, this article has three main goals: to assess citizen support for parties before and after the economic crisis; to explore the contribution of the crisis to changes in the explanatory models of support; and finally, to identify the consequences of support for parties, with regard to electoral turnout. Findings reveal the economic crisis has affected support for parties in Portugal, specifically regarding diffuse-institutional support and party legitimacy. Changes in public support for parties between 2008 and 2012 have had consequences on voter turnout.
![Research paper thumbnail of Ειδησεογραφικό περιεχόμενο και τάσεις του εκλογικού σώματος: η πρώτη περίοδος της κρίσης, 2009-2011 [Νews content and trends in the electorate: the first period of the crisis, 2009-2011]](
Hellenic Political Science Review, Nov 2016
Το άρθρο διερευνά τη σχέση ειδησεογραφικού περιεχομένου και τάσεων της κοινής γνώμης στην Ελλάδα,... more Το άρθρο διερευνά τη σχέση ειδησεογραφικού περιεχομένου και τάσεων της κοινής γνώμης στην Ελλάδα, σε συλλογικό και ατομικό επίπεδο, κατά την πρώτη περίοδο της οικονομικής κρίσης, μεταξύ Ιανουαρίου 2009 και Μαρτίου 2011. Συγκεκριμένα περιγράφει το τοπίο της πολιτικής ειδησεογραφίας της περιόδου, τόσο σε επίπεδο προβολής πολιτικών κομμάτων, όσο και σε επίπεδο θεματολογίας, καθώς και το πόσο και πως η τηλεοπτική πολιτική ειδησεογραφία επηρεάστηκε από το πρώτο Μνημόνιο που τέμνει τη διερευνώμενη περίοδο ακριβώς στο μέσο. Ελέγχονται οι κλασικές υποθέσεις ότι αφενός αυξημένη ποσοτικά προβολή ενός κόμματος και αφετέρου αυξημένη πραγμάτευση θεμάτων που το κόμμα κατέχει συσχετίζονται με αυξημένες δημοσκοπικές επιδόσεις του κόμματος και εντοπίζονται ενδιαφέρουσες επιμέρους συσχετίσεις. Τέλος εξετάζεται σε ένα πρώτο επίπεδο η δυνητική επιρροή της έκθεσης στο περιεχόμενο των Μέσων στην πολιτική συμπεριφορά και εντοπίζεται μια «ενδιαφέρουσα επίδραση κυρίαρχης αφήγησης».
South European Society and Politics, 2014
In the context of a cross-national economic crisis, questions about democratic legitimacy are aga... more In the context of a cross-national economic crisis, questions about democratic legitimacy are again topical.We explore the question of democratic legitimacy in Portugal and Greece by employing the conceptual differentiation between diffuse and specific regime support. Our findings indicate that while specific support has fallen in both countries, only Greece has experienced a precipitous fall in diffuse support, suggesting a link between regime performance and support for democracy. Individual-level analyses do not reveal any clear patterns concerning the impact of long-term societal factors or short-term economic considerations. Due to data quality limitations the paper has a predominately exploratory
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2014
This article examines the political effects of the global economic recession on Greece in the per... more This article examines the political effects of the global economic recession on Greece in the period from 2010 up to the last weeks of the campaign period for the national elections of 6 May 2012. Our objectives are threefold. First we seek to contextualize its impact and show how the Greek party system departed from the nearly three decades of stability after 2009 and entered a period electoral fluidity and dealignment. Second we identify the demographic and
structural characteristics of that dealignment process. Finally we interpret and compare the effect of the economic crisis and other issues on vote choice in the 2012 general election.
Perspectivas: Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 2012
![Research paper thumbnail of Τα Κύματα των Θεωριών Εκδημοκρατισμού και τα Αραβικά Καθεστώτα: Μεταξύ Μεταβασιολογίας και Αραβικού Εξαιρετισμού [The waves of democratization theories and Arab regimes: Between transitology and Arab exceptionalism]](
Επιστήμη και Κοινωνία [Science & Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory], 2012
Με αφορμή την εκδήλωση του κύματος μαζικών κινητοποιήσεων στον αραβικό κόσμο (κυρίως) κατά το πρώ... more Με αφορμή την εκδήλωση του κύματος μαζικών κινητοποιήσεων στον αραβικό κόσμο (κυρίως) κατά το πρώτο μισό του 2011, το άρθρο εξετάζει τους τρόπους με τους οποίους οι θεωρίες πολιτικής επιστήμης - και οι θεωρίες εκδημοκρατισμού ειδικότερα - έχουν αναλύσει και εξηγήσει στο παρελθόν τη σχέση των αραβικών κρατών με τη δημοκρατία: τις προοπτικές φιλελευθεροποίησης των καθεστώτων στην περιοχή, τους παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την εντατικοποίηση των αιτημάτων για δημοκρατία και, εν τέλει, τους μηχανισμούς που επιτρέπουν την παρατεταμένη επιβίωση μη δημοκρατικών μορφών διακυβέρνησης στον αραβικό κόσμο. Στο πρώτο μέρος του άρθρου, επιχειρείται μία συνοπτική παρουσίαση της εξελικτικής τροχιάς των θεωριών εκδημοκρατισμού, από τις υποθέσεις της κλασικής θεωρίας του εκσυγχρονισμού έως το σύγχρονο «μεταβασιολογικό» υπόδειγμα. Στο δεύτερο μέρος, η εστίαση μεταφέρεται στις θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις που αναπτύχθηκαν κυρίως εντός του τομέα των Μεσανατολικών σπουδών, αρκετά συχνά διατυπωμένες με τη μορφή ευθείας κριτικής σε βασικές παραδοχές των θεωριών εκδημοκρατισμού. Ο βασικός σκοπός των συγκεκριμένων θεωρητικών προσεγγίσεων είναι η αναζήτηση των αιτιών για την αντοχή των αυταρχικών καθεστώτων στην περιοχή, εγκαταλείποντας την παραδοχή ότι τα αραβικά πολιτικά συστήματα βρίσκονται σε διαδικασία μετάβασης προς τη δημοκρατία. Στο τέλος του άρθρου παρατίθενται κάποιες εκτιμήσεις για τις πιθανές επιδράσεις των κινητοποιήσεων του 2011 στο επίπεδο της θεωρίας.

West European Politics, 2011
This article contributes to the ongoing discussion concerning the impact of globalisation and Eur... more This article contributes to the ongoing discussion concerning the impact of globalisation and European integration on the structure of ideological space in Western Europe. The empirical investigation is based on an examination of Euromanifestos data from four European countries – Germany, United Kingdom, Greece and Portugal – for a time frame of up to 30 years. The findings largely support the hypothesis of a transformation of the content of the standard cultural axis due to the emergence of conflicts over the desirability for regional and/or global integration. However, this transformation occurs
in different ways and by different actors across national contexts. Whereas in the United Kingdom and Germany objections against ongoing integration processes have
been mainly articulated by political parties of the conservative and populist right, in Greece and Portugal left-wing political parties emerge as the main representatives of the anti-integration camp.
![Research paper thumbnail of Η δομή του ιδεολογικού χώρου στην Ελλάδα: Χαρτογράφηση των Πολιτικών Προτιμήσεων Κομμάτων και Ψηφοφόρων [The structure of ideological space in Greece: mapping parties’ and voters’ policy preferences]](
Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης [Hellenic Political Science Review], 2011
Ιωd'vvng Avδρεdδnq -ΕυτυyΙα Tεπ!ρoγλoυ MdvoE Toατodvng-r 'Ι-o αττlκε1μεvo τn9 μελiτn5 oυvoψΙζεταl... more Ιωd'vvng Avδρεdδnq -ΕυτυyΙα Tεπ!ρoγλoυ MdvoE Toατodvng-r 'Ι-o αττlκε1μεvo τn9 μελiτn5 oυvoψΙζεταl oε μlα ενδελεyΛ onαγρdφnon τoυ ιδεoλoγκoυ xcι ρου oτnν Ελλdδα, με κειτμκ6 ερευνnτικ6 ερr}τn1lατn δrcρε1νnon των lδεoλoγκcbv πρoτt μlioεων Κα1 ΠρoτεPαloτfiτων των πoλικcbν κoμματωv κατd τnν τελευταΙα δεκαετiα. Συ' μπλnρωμαικd μ)ετc}ιrαl oι δεoλoγκ{q nρoτlμΛoεlq καl τoυ εκλογικο'j ocΙlματο5 γlα τo 2009. H εμπεlμκrt μελ6τn βαoiζεται aτnv αξrcπoincln τng βdon5 δεδoμivωV ToU Εurοmanifestos Project και του PΙRΕDΕU και τng 6ρευνα9 τoυ Εuropean ΕΙection Smdy 2009. H ανoλυon των δεδoμ6νωv τωv ευρωπαi'κcbv μαwφloτων oτoyεtεl oτllv αnaκ6νl ιlll oε κoπ6 δrcδftοτατo ycbρo των ιlyετκc}v ιιπoaταoεωv (Λ τng oyετlκtig εyyιiτnτα5) με' τιιξi oυγκεκρlμ!νων lδεoλoγκcbν θεμαικcbν κατnγoρκbν καl ποkικrbν κoμμdτrιv. Αwi' ιπolyα' μlocο τllE ανdλυong τn9 !ρευνα9 τoυ εκλογκoιi orbματog ανα6ακνιiεται n δoμi τnq nπoλικiq ζiτnonq, τoυ ελλnwκclti πo'Lικoi oυoτipιατog.

Journal of Political Ideologies, 2011
Using as a focal point the controversy over the content of an
elementary-school level history te... more Using as a focal point the controversy over the content of an
elementary-school level history textbook in Greece, the main argument put forth in this article is that the campaign to withdraw this textbook was preceded by and further facilitated an ongoing process of ideological convergence between forces of the left and the right. It is argued that these forces increasingly structure their political discourse on the basis of a unified ‘interpretative frame’ and align their
efforts to politicize cultural, symbolic and educational issues as part of a broader project of cultural protectionism. By examining the different stages of the mobilization effort, the article documents the process of frame emergence and
discusses its potential for a more profound and lasting ideological transformation in Greece. At a more theoretical level, the article also considers the usefulness of
the concept of ‘interpretative frames’, particularly in its ability to address the familiar micro–macro divide in studies of ideology and to illuminate the mechanisms of ideological change.
Critical Sociology, 2009
Abstract The specific research questions that lie at the heart of this article correspond to thre... more Abstract The specific research questions that lie at the heart of this article correspond to three related but distinct areas of inquiry: a) the ideology of neoliberalism and the broad empirical question concerning its suggested status of present-dayhegemonic'ideology; b) ...
Abstract: The specific empirical questions that lie at the heart of the study correspond to three... more Abstract: The specific empirical questions that lie at the heart of the study correspond to three interrelated but distinct thematic axes. The first deals with the ideology of neoliberalism itself and the broad empirical question concerning its suggested status of present-day' ...
Book Chapters by Emmanouil Tsatsanis
ΕΛΛΑΔΑ - ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ. Μία σχέση «μέσα από σαράντα κύματα» 1981-2021 (επιμ. Αργύρης Γ. Πασσάς, Κωνσταντίνος Αρβανιτόπουλος, Μαριλένα Κοππά). Εκδόσεις Πεδίο, 2021
Το παρόν κεφάλαιο εξετάζει τον αντίκτυπο της ένταξης της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στο κομματι... more Το παρόν κεφάλαιο εξετάζει τον αντίκτυπο της ένταξης της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στο κομματικό σύστημα της χώρας. Το κεφάλαιο ακολουθεί μια περιοδολογική προσέγγιση, εκκινώντας από το 1974 και τη μετάβαση στη δημοκρατία, καθώς, όπως θα δούμε στη συνέχεια, η απάντηση που δίνεται διαφοροποιείται ανάλογα με την περίοδο του κομματικού συστήματος που εξετάζεται.
Freire, A., Barragan, M., Coller, X, Lisi, M & Tsatsanis, E. (eds.) Political Representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? London & New York: Routledge, 2020
Journal articles by Emmanouil Tsatsanis
participation and mobilization. Finally, the article hazards a preliminary assessment of the long-term political consequences of the crisis on the Greek political system.
structural characteristics of that dealignment process. Finally we interpret and compare the effect of the economic crisis and other issues on vote choice in the 2012 general election.
in different ways and by different actors across national contexts. Whereas in the United Kingdom and Germany objections against ongoing integration processes have
been mainly articulated by political parties of the conservative and populist right, in Greece and Portugal left-wing political parties emerge as the main representatives of the anti-integration camp.
elementary-school level history textbook in Greece, the main argument put forth in this article is that the campaign to withdraw this textbook was preceded by and further facilitated an ongoing process of ideological convergence between forces of the left and the right. It is argued that these forces increasingly structure their political discourse on the basis of a unified ‘interpretative frame’ and align their
efforts to politicize cultural, symbolic and educational issues as part of a broader project of cultural protectionism. By examining the different stages of the mobilization effort, the article documents the process of frame emergence and
discusses its potential for a more profound and lasting ideological transformation in Greece. At a more theoretical level, the article also considers the usefulness of
the concept of ‘interpretative frames’, particularly in its ability to address the familiar micro–macro divide in studies of ideology and to illuminate the mechanisms of ideological change.
Book Chapters by Emmanouil Tsatsanis
participation and mobilization. Finally, the article hazards a preliminary assessment of the long-term political consequences of the crisis on the Greek political system.
structural characteristics of that dealignment process. Finally we interpret and compare the effect of the economic crisis and other issues on vote choice in the 2012 general election.
in different ways and by different actors across national contexts. Whereas in the United Kingdom and Germany objections against ongoing integration processes have
been mainly articulated by political parties of the conservative and populist right, in Greece and Portugal left-wing political parties emerge as the main representatives of the anti-integration camp.
elementary-school level history textbook in Greece, the main argument put forth in this article is that the campaign to withdraw this textbook was preceded by and further facilitated an ongoing process of ideological convergence between forces of the left and the right. It is argued that these forces increasingly structure their political discourse on the basis of a unified ‘interpretative frame’ and align their
efforts to politicize cultural, symbolic and educational issues as part of a broader project of cultural protectionism. By examining the different stages of the mobilization effort, the article documents the process of frame emergence and
discusses its potential for a more profound and lasting ideological transformation in Greece. At a more theoretical level, the article also considers the usefulness of
the concept of ‘interpretative frames’, particularly in its ability to address the familiar micro–macro divide in studies of ideology and to illuminate the mechanisms of ideological change.
It provides a general overview of political representation studies in Southern Europe and Latin America and builds bridges between the two traditions of political representation studies, affording greater understanding of developments in each region and promote future research collaboration between Southern Europe and Latin America. Finally, the book addresses questions of continuity and change in patterns of political representation after the onset of the two economic crises, specifically examining issues such as changes in citizens’ democratic support and trust in political representatives and institutions, in-descriptive representation (in the sociodemographic profile of MPs) and in-substantive representation (in the link between voters and MPs in terms of ideological congruence and/or policy/issue orientations).
This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of political elites, political representation, European and Latin American politics/studies, and more broadly to comparative politics.