Associate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering
Phone: +60163799469
Phone: +60163799469
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Papers by Ibrahem Maher
desired shape is obtained using electrical discharges (sparks). WEDM involves high
cutting rates and superior quality to improve machining performance in manufacturing
hard materials. The machining performance of computer-controlled WEDM is directly
dependent on spark energy (pulse on time, peak current, and gap voltage), pulse frequency
(pulse off time and pulse on time), and wire electrode parameters (material, wire speed,
and wire tension). In the field of wire electrical discharge machining, it is necessary to
develop suitable WEDM technology to facilitate the production of high quality workpiece
surfaces at high cutting rates. Surface roughness and white layer thickness are the most
important factors in evaluating WEDM surface quality. In order to ensure good surface
quality, the surface roughness must be low and the white layer must be as thin as possible,
homogeneous, crack-free, and well-bonded to the substrate material. In this study, the
effect of cutting parameters is investigated on the machining performance parameters
including cutting speed, surface roughness, wire rupture, and white layer thickness. The
adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) along with the Taguchi method is
applied to determine the effects of the significant parameters on WEDM performance.
Moreover, a new performance index is proposed to identify the effects of spark energy
and pulse frequency simultaneously on machining performance and to identify the wire
rupture limit. However, the performance index cannot be used to identify the most
feasible wire electrode from ecological (energy and wire consumption) and economic
(machining costs) perspectives. Therefore, a new performance criterion (production
economic index) is developed to select the most feasible wire electrode considering the
economic and ecological aspects along with the performance index to achieve superior
machining performance at the lowest cost. This can be done by dividing the performance
index by the total machining cost ((Es×DF)/Ct). In addition, a new coated-wire electrodeiv
design with higher strength for less wire rupture and high machining performance in
WEDM is proposed. The results obtained represent a technological knowledge base for
the selection of optimal machining conditions along with suitable types of wire electrodes
for WEDM in terms of ecological and economic aspects. By applying the proposed
performance criterion (Es×DF/Ct), it appears that using lower spark and higher pulse
cycle settings with a brass wire electrode can decrease the surface roughness and white
layer thickness, and facilitate more economical cutting speed. This could lead to faster
cutting with good surface finish and less wire rupture.