Papers by Jurica Brajkovic
When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding ins... more When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g.
U pregledu je dana detaljna analiza energetskih tijekova, prikazane su brojne informacije o kapac... more U pregledu je dana detaljna analiza energetskih tijekova, prikazane su brojne informacije o kapacitetima, rezervama, cijenama, kao i pojedinacne energetske bilance za sirovu naftu i derivate nafte, prirodni plin, elektricnu energiju, toplinsku energiju, ugljen i obnovljive izvore energije.

Danas ne postoji jedinstvena metodologija kojom bi se kvantificirala ranjivost energetskog sustav... more Danas ne postoji jedinstvena metodologija kojom bi se kvantificirala ranjivost energetskog sustava jedne države ili pojedinog energetskog sektora. U ovom radu se uvođenjem određenih indikatora definira ranjivost energetskog sustava države, pojedinog energetskog sektora ili kompanije, kako s energetskog, tako i s ekonomskog aspekta. Indikatori trebaju poslužiti za kvalitetnije vođenje energetske i ekonomske politike uvažavajuci pri tom mnoge rizike. Rizici mogu biti: fizikalni (energetski oblici), ekonomski, drustveni i ekoloski. Pri tom ranjivost energetskog sektora nije u direktnoj vezi s energetskom ovisnoscu. Npr. zemlja koja uvozi glavninu svojih energenata iz diverzificiranih, međusobno neovisnih ili slabo ovisnih izvora bit ce energetski jako ovisna, ali ne mora biti jako ranjiva. Također, ranjivost nije vezana samo za uvoznu ovisnost u fizikalnom smislu (kolicina energenata). Opcenito, ranjivost je mjera pravilnog funkcioniranja energetskog sustava. S druge strane, energetska ovisnost definira se kao omjer neto energetskog uvoza i ukupne energetske potrosnje. Energetska neovisnost je komplement energetske ovisnosti. U ovom radu definiraju se osnovni tehnicki i ekonometrijski indikatori kojima se opisuje ranjivost energetskog sektora države. To su: - Hirschman-Herfindahlov indikator (indikator uvoza), - Shannon-Wienerov indikator (indikator diverzifikacije opskrbe), - energetska intenzivnost, - specificna potrosnja energije, - ugljicna intenzivnost, - emisija CO2 po stanovniku, - energetska ovisnost, - ovisnost nacionalne ekonomije o nafti, - ovisnost nacionalne ekonomije o plinu, - energetski racun. Također, u radu se predlaže koristenje ukupnog indikatora ranjivosti energetskog sustava. Da bi se dobila realna slika o energetskom sustavu potrebno je analizirati sve njegove relevantne komponente i indikatore unutar odgovarajuce vremenske domene. Stoga se u ovom radu nakon definicija prikazuje nacin koristenja navedenih indikatora na primjeru Republike Hrvatske u razdoblju 1995. – 2005. i to za razinu cjelokupnog energetskog sustava Hrvatske. Iako su obrađeni i pojedini sektori u strukturi energetskog sustava (industrija, uslužni sektor, transportni sektor, poljoprivreda i kucanstva), zbog ogranicenosti prostora za clanak iznose se samo kretanja pojedinog indikatora za cijeli sektor kroz razmatrano 11-godisnje razdoblje i daje usporedba indikatora ranjivosti energetskog sustava Hrvatske i osam zemalja EU.
U radu je izrađena prognoza potreba sirove nafte i pojedinih derivata nafte do 2020. godine u Hrv... more U radu je izrađena prognoza potreba sirove nafte i pojedinih derivata nafte do 2020. godine u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Sloveniji. Također je provedena analiza moguce prerade sirove nafte u spomenutim državama te potreba uvoza nafte JANAF naftovodom. Ocijenjen je moguci utjecaj liberalizacije tržista na prognoze potreba.
Social Science Research Network, 2010
Using real options framework I analyze investment in base load coal fired power plant. Analysis i... more Using real options framework I analyze investment in base load coal fired power plant. Analysis is done using real options framework and assuming option to invest is a perpetual American option. I assume profitability of the power plant depends upon the value of dark spread. The paper has two objectives. First, to determine the most appropriate stochastic process to model evolution of dark spread prices. Second, to asses how does the choice of stochastic processes affect investment decision within the real options framework.

Sustainability, Dec 3, 2019
Carbon pricing is a policy with the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions in the household sector an... more Carbon pricing is a policy with the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions in the household sector and support the European Union in achieving its environmental targets by 2050. However, the policy faces acceptance problems from the majority of the public. In the framework of the project Role of technologies in an energy efficient economy-model-based analysis of policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system (REEEM), financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program, we investigate the effects of such a policy in order to understand its challenges and opportunities. To that end, we use a recursive-dynamic multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium model to represent carbon pricing as a cap-and-trade system and calculate its impacts on consumption of energy goods, incidence of carbon prices, and gross income growth for different income groups. We compare one reference scenario and four scenario variations with distinct CO 2 reduction targets inside and outside of the EU. The results demonstrate that higher emission reductions, compared to the reference scenario, lead to slower Gross Domestic Product growth, but also produce a more equitable increase of gross income and can help reduce income inequalities. In this case, considering that the revenues of carbon pricing are paid back to the households, the gross income of the poorest quintile grows as much as, or even more in some cases, than the gross income of the richest quintile.

European Urban and Regional Studies
The capacity of the state to develop and implement policy at the complex nexus of energy infrastr... more The capacity of the state to develop and implement policy at the complex nexus of energy infrastructure, social inequality and housing is indicative of the political priorities of governing structures and, by extension, the nature of statecraft more generally. We compare and contrast the energy poverty amelioration policies of two former Yugoslav and two post-Soviet states located outside the European Union, but seeking to join its regulatory sphere – Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine and Georgia – against the background of deep and persistent patterns of domestic energy hardship. We are particularly interested in uncovering the time horizons, socio-technical systems and target constituencies of different policy measures, as well as energy sector–specific responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that most states in the region have done little to address some of the more substantive challenges around improving housing quality, energy efficiency and gender inequality. However, energy pov...
Papers by Jurica Brajkovic