Meta Controls


by nolen royalty

I'm Nolen. I make and write for the web because the internet can still be fun

Here's some of what I've done

Faviconic runs pong inside your hundreds of unclosed browser tabs

GLOBAL CAPS LOCK was a single caps lock key that the whole world got to share

Every UUID Dot Com is a searchable list of every possible UUID v4

One Million Checkboxes was a website with one million global checkboxes on it

Smile Luke Zuck Teaches you to smile like Mark Zuckerberg

Regex Bad Apple is Bad Apple playing inside Vim using 6,500 regular expressions

1Crossword generates crosswords using your 1Password password vault

PacCam is multiplayer PacMan controlled with your face

BreakTime runs brickbreaker inside your Google Calendar and declines your meetings

Stranger Video shows you live, silent video of a stranger's face

Flappy Dird is Flappy Bird running inside MacOS Finder

DOOM can run inside the iOS Photos app. Kind of

A rock with googly eyes on it.

Talk Paper Scissors let you play rock paper scissors over the phone with a stranger

Google Sheets Adventure provides deep, realtime insight into my brain

Hexagone is a font that automaticaly converts hex color codes to RGB