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Climate change is a global problem of this century but its impact is higher in low-income countries like Ethiopia, which has limited capacity to cope with the effects because the country's economy is based on agriculture that directly... more
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      Climate ChangeImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureRenewable Energy and Climate Change
Climate change is a global problem of this century but its impact is higher in low-income countries like Ethiopia, which has limited capacity to cope with the effects because the country's economy is based on agriculture that directly... more
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    • Climate Change
Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. To combat this, the government undertaken SWC measures across the country since 1970’s. This study therefore, investigated technical standard of implemented... more
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    • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Climate change is a global problem of this century but its impact is higher in low-income countries like Ethiopia, which has limited capacity to cope with the effects because the country's economy is based on agriculture that directly... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureRenewable Energy and Climate Change
Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. To combat this, the government undertaken SWC measures across the country since 1970's. This study therefore, investigated technical standard of implemented... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. To combat this, the government undertaken SWC measures across the country since 1970's. This study therefore, investigated technical standard of implemented... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental SustainabilitySoil and Water Conservation Engineering
This paper examines the role of farmland trees for the improvement of soil fertilities, enhancement of crop yield, soil and water conservation and Carbon sequestration. Natural resource degradation was one of the major problems that have... more
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesEnvironmental SustainabilityForestry and Natural Resources Management
Knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting germination and growth of tree species is of paramount importance for enhancing the efforts towards afforestation. Hence, the prime objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityForestry and Natural Resources Management
This paper reviews the impact of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures on crop yield, soil properties, water resources and carbon sequestration. Land degradation due to soil erosion in Ethiopia is too severe which affects the... more
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      Soil fertility managementSoil and Water Conservation EngineeringForestry and Natural Resources Management
Knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting germination and growth of tree species is of paramount importance for enhancing the efforts towards afforestation. Hence, the prime objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of... more
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      HorticultureBiologyEnvironmental SustainabilityForestry and Natural Resources Management
Climate change is a global problem of this century but its impact is higher in low-income countries like Ethiopia, which has limited capacity to cope with the effects because the country's economy is based on agriculture that directly... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesClimate Change and Food SecurityClimate change adaptation measures
Knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting germination and growth of tree species is of paramount importance for enhancing the efforts towards afforestation. Hence, the prime objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of... more
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      Landscape EcologyForestry and Natural Resources Management
Knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting germination and growth of tree species is of paramount importance for enhancing the efforts towards afforestation. Hence, the prime objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of... more
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      Remote sensing and GISLand ReclamationForestry and Natural Resources ManagementSoil and Water Conservation
One of the most significant environmental hazards threatening ecosystems is gully erosion. In this study, we applied two bivariate statistical models—frequency ratio (FR) and index of entropy (IoE)—as well as a machine learning algorithm... more
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      Climate ChangeSoil and water ManagementAgroforestry SystemsLand Degradation Neutrality
The green seeker sensor reading of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is highly related with leaf N content in quality protein maize (Zea mays). Mean yield components of quality protein maize were significantly affected by... more
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Maize farm fields were selected in two districts of western Showa, Ethiopia. Four representative maize fields were selected based on landforms and other physiographic attributes in humid highland and sub humid mid altitude areas of Toke... more
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The biological N 2-fixation in faba bean on subsequent nitrogen fertilizer requirement of highland maize varieties would be useful in the guiding application of additional nitrogen fertilizer in cropping sequence. Significantly higher... more
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Soil fertility depletion is a widespread degradation problem in achieving global food security, but different attempts are available for maize production systems to alleviate the problems. Nitrogen use efficiency is required to meet... more
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Maintaining soil fertility using legumes precursor crop and minimum nitrogen, is of paramount importance for of sustaining maize production. A study was carried out at Bako Agricultural Research Center to assess the effects of soybean... more
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Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most widely grown important crop in mid altitude areas of intensive maize-based cropping system of western Ethiopia. Agronomic management is the most important input for getting potential yield and high net... more
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