Papers by joseba andoni lakarra
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology, Apr 2, 1987

Lengas, 2019
Following the state of affairs (§1.1) in studies on the LVP, we showcase two complementary points... more Following the state of affairs (§1.1) in studies on the LVP, we showcase two complementary points of view for their correct understanding, i.e., their “publication as a book” and the role played therein by Morpain and Lehet (§1.3) in Bordeaux, the humanist and reformist focus following the creation of the College of Guienne (§1.2) and in 1.4. we provide some notes on the initial stages of the Bordeaux printing press. In 1.5. We focus on the similarities of Etxepare with humanists and the Renaissance prior to Du Bellay like in Tory and Dolet and in §1.6 we present a lexical examination of the Epistola Dedicatoria, Contrapas and Sautrela that takes us in that same direction. In §1.7 and §1.8 we underscore the parallel between the "Debile principium" and Rabelais and the remembering the Basque fragments of Rabelais. In §2 we show the context of the book’s repression and the religious wars during which Leizarraga’s work (§2.1) emerged, emphasising the deep meaning that La Rochelle and Haultin contributed to L’s translation work (§2.2), and we analyse the problem of his original or “hypotext” (§2.3), an inescapable task in order to understand its praxis and objectives; in §2.4. We present a new approach in the search for the translated model from the analysis of loans words without same linguistic roots and in 2.5 we remember that grammarization does not imply standardised unification of the language. The sibilants In §2.6 and §2.7, certain Leizarraga graphic options are examined, related to the doctrines of French Protestant grammarians and printers: and biunivocity in sibilants with distinction of fricative and affricate sounds.. In §3 we address aspects of the grammatization of RS, contrasting it with Garibay and other old testimonies: in 3.1 we analyse the size of RS and the "direction" of the translation (Basque/Spanish); in 3.2 we examine certain very marked spellings of RS within the Basque text tradition ( and apical affricate sibilant), related more to the French than the Hispanic tradition; in 3.3 we demonstrate that Mares and not Porralis was the true publisher of the RS and in 3.4 that, in reality, this work was above all a teaching / learning instrument for languages (partic. Basque), a function demonstrated by its singular structure with numbers over each word (§3.5) and in §3.6 we include a coda about the origins of RS incuding the role of Mares is included. In §4 we include the principal conclusions, among which that publications in the vernacular language needed the establishment of linguistic tools, the development of grammatization and a cultural context that permitted the “enlightening” of the language; for that reason, both the LVP and the NT and the RS were born within a continuum, not ex-nihilo or on an island, which makes it essential to reread these works in relation to the printing workshops, scrutinising their ideological surroundings in the context of the extension of new ideas, in an interconnected geopolitical space which experienced major jumps and evolutions in this period. The cited bibliography is included in §5.
Lapurdum, 2009
Euskal ikerketen aldizkaria | Revue d'études basques | Revista de estudios vascos | Basque studie... more Euskal ikerketen aldizkaria | Revue d'études basques | Revista de estudios vascos | Basque studies review 13 | 2009 Numéro XIII *h3 > h1, *h2 > h1 eta horiei datxezkien zenbait fenomenoz Abstract : "*h3> h1, *h2 > h1 and related phenomena"
A~6 ELGOIBAR. (Guipuzcoa), cantada pbr Torlbio lriondo,. Rec'g ida por Resurrecci6n Maria de Azku... more A~6 ELGOIBAR. (Guipuzcoa), cantada pbr Torlbio lriondo,. Rec'g ida por Resurrecci6n Maria de Azkue y publicada en CPV', 'n. G 887; t. 11, p. 10324, estrofas I y V.
Etimología e historia en el léxico del español
Here we publish four controversial texts from the 19th century, all of them difficult to locate u... more Here we publish four controversial texts from the 19th century, all of them difficult to locate until now: the Plauto-Vascongado (1826) by Fray Bartolome, the Plauto Poligloto (1828) by Lecluse, Iztueta's Carta (1829) to J.J. Moguel (Fray Bartolome's editor), and the Anti-Plauto-Poligloto (1829) by Fray Bartolome. It is pointed out in the introduction that although the starting point of the debate was Fray Bartolome's interpretation of the supposed Basque passage in Plautus' Poenulus (disputed by Lecluse), the polemic soon moved on to grammatical and lexicographical questions when Fray Bartolome, in his turn, blindly attacked Lecluse's Manuel de la Langue Basque. Even political and religious questions became involved, owing to the outraged friar's attack on Iztueta's Guipuzcoaco Dantzen Condaira.
This essay forms part of a series in which texts either so far unknown or not easily consulted wi... more This essay forms part of a series in which texts either so far unknown or not easily consulted will be presented and made available to scholars researching into the history of Basque Philology, so that they can receive the close attention they need from linguistic and philological historiogiaphy. In the presentation of the first in the series -Fl. Lecluse's Grammaire de la langue basque (1826)- the most debated topics are analysed along with the sources and methodology of the author; it is stressed how advanced the work is in respect to both its precursors and its contenporaries, many of its points and conclusions being forerunners of modern ideas. As a prologue to this edition, the same author's Dissertation sur la langue basque (1826) is also published.

In this paper I introduce and edit the first part (grammatical paradigms and a short French-Basqu... more In this paper I introduce and edit the first part (grammatical paradigms and a short French-Basque vocabulary) of Voltoire's L'Interprect... (Bordeaux ~1620). This text has already been partially analysed in previous works (cf. Lakarra 1993 and later). It is a Basque representative (together with A short method to learn the Biscayan language, by R. Micoleta (Bilbao 1653)) of a special type of lexicographic and grammatical text which was often found in Europe but seldom amongst us, and which became popular in the XVI and XVII centuries for the teaching of very diverse languages. The textual history of L'Interprect is particularly complex. There are several undated editions which differ considerably from each other. The part which is presented here did not appear in most of later editions, since these only included the practical dialogues for treaders and travellers from the second part (which will be the object of future studies). Amongst the most remarkable characteristi...

This article contains an edition of the French-Basque and Basque-French vocabularies which go to ... more This article contains an edition of the French-Basque and Basque-French vocabularies which go to make up the second part of the Manuel de la langue basque (1826) by F. Lecluse (L); the first part, grammar, was published in the last issue of ASJU. At the end, we have included the Examen critique du M.L.B. par Lor Urhersigarria (=L). After describing the main characteristics of the vocabularies (size, criteria for admitting terms, documented items of particular interest, etc.), we study some linguistic and graphic details which seem to point to the existence of some literary source used by Lecluse, and examine the items native to Zuberoa that were supplied for the Basque-French vocabulary by Abbadie. We demonstrate with copious evidence that the French-Basque vocabulary in the grammar (1741) by Harriet (H) constitutes the principal source for L's second vocabulary. Although a detailed analysis of H's grammar has been left for a future study, words have been found in it which w...
In this note, some of the points made by the author in "Bertso bizkaitarrak (1688)" ( A... more In this note, some of the points made by the author in "Bertso bizkaitarrak (1688)" ( ASJU, XVIlI-l (1984) 89-184), are discussed and enlarged upon; previous readings are amended, interpretations of some obscure passages are put forward and new data is added which confirms the hypothesis and the argument of the article in question.
12. The presentation of extensive illicit claims means a costly intrusion on the working time of ... more 12. The presentation of extensive illicit claims means a costly intrusion on the working time of careful scholars who must inspect the total data and detect flawed equivalence claims. The disassembly of illicit trees is a time-taking and potentially annoying business which displaces useful scholarly work. 13. The dissemination of such extended claims gravely misleads the public, a public not equipped to test for such technical failures. (Hamp 1998: 15).
Papers by joseba andoni lakarra