University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Zoología y Biología Celular Animal
The effect of incubation temperature (8Á6, 11Á1, 13Á2, 15Á1 and 16Á8°C) on north-east Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus development, growth and age at starvation during the yolk-sac larval period was investigated. Standard length at... more
The state of Santa Catarina (Brazil) is known to have represented a cultural crossroads in South America due to several historic migrations mainly from Europe and Africa. We set out to scrutinize whether the genetic imprint of these... more
The study of the hypervariable segments HVS-I and HVS-II of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of 80 healthy and maternally unrelated individuals revealed that the population from Santa Catarina is extremely heterogeneous,... more
Exhumación, identificación y causa de muerte en la fosa común de Aibar-Oibar (Navarra)
Mitochondrial control region (16024-576) sequences were generated from 180 individuals of four population nuclei from the province of Jujuy (NW Argentina), located at different altitudes above sea level. The frequency at which a randomly... more
The European genetic landscape has been shaped by several human migrations occurred since Paleolithic times. The accumulation of archaeological records and the concordance of different lines of genetic evidence during the last two decades... more
Exhumación, identificación y causa de muerte en la fosa común de Aibar-Oibar (Navarra)
The results of the investigation carried out into a mass grave in the town of Aibar, Navarre, the burial site of four people murdered in 1936, are presented. Based on existing documents and anthropological and genetic analysis, the report... more
The Basque population inhabits the Franco-Cantabrian region in southwest Europe where Palaeolithic human groups took refuge during the Last Glacial Maximum. Basques have been an isolated population, largely considered as one of the most... more
The European genetic landscape has been shaped by several human migrations occurred since Paleolithic times. The accumulation of archaeological records and the concordance of different lines of genetic evidence during the last two decades... more
Blowflies are insects of forensic interest as they may indicate characteristics of the environment where a body has been laying prior to the discovery. In order to estimate changes in community related to landscape and to assess if... more
This work has been developed to improve the analysis of cadaveric entomofauna. Taking into account that the cytochrome b is widely use to identify vertebrates, we have used it for the identification of some necrophagous species involved... more
A critical reflection focused on our limited moral values and on our attitude toward human and non-human organisms is proposed. I fear that most of the problems of our traditional confrontation about our moral capability must be referred... more
In Forensics, the study of entomological evidence is focused on the accurate calculation of the variables bmanner and place of deathQ and bpostmortem interval (PMI)Q. Carrion-feeding fly species morphological differentiation is often a... more