Articles by Nicola Marcucci
Durkheim & Critique
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Durkheim & Critique
2.1 Three interpretations of the intichiuma 56 5.1 Summer society / winter society among the Eski... more 2.1 Three interpretations of the intichiuma 56 5.1 Summer society / winter society among the Eskimos 112 6.1 Dualistic structure in The division of labour in society 139 6.2 The moral sources of solidarity 146 7.1 Integration and solidarity 163 7.2 Pre-reflexive and reflexive dimension 167 7.3 Models of solidarity 168
The Anthem Companion to Émile Durkheim, 2022
Anthem Companions to Sociology off er authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major fi gur... more Anthem Companions to Sociology off er authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major fi gures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions off er critical evaluations of key fi gures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.
Introduction to the Durkheim Companion, 2022
Anthem Companions to Sociology off er authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major fi gur... more Anthem Companions to Sociology off er authoritative and comprehensive assessments of major fi gures in the development of sociology from the last two centuries. Covering the major advancements in sociological thought, these companions off er critical evaluations of key fi gures in the American and European sociological tradition, and will provide students and scholars with an in-depth assessment of the makers of sociology and chart their relevance to modern society.
Law contra sociology: The critique of the social sciences, 309 especially Durkheimian sociology, ... more Law contra sociology: The critique of the social sciences, 309 especially Durkheimian sociology, by Kelsen and Schmitt
Law contra sociology: The critique of the social sciences, 309 especially Durkheimian sociology, ... more Law contra sociology: The critique of the social sciences, 309 especially Durkheimian sociology, by Kelsen and Schmitt
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 391 del 28/06/2002. L'editore resta disponibile ad asso... more Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 391 del 28/06/2002. L'editore resta disponibile ad assolvere le proprie obbligazioni riguardo le immagini presenti nel testo avendo effettuato, senza successo, tutte le ricerche necessarie al fine di identificare gli aventi titolo.
In §7 of the first chapter of the Theological-Political Treatise, which is dedicated to prophecy,... more In §7 of the first chapter of the Theological-Political Treatise, which is dedicated to prophecy, Spinoza defines the basis for the comprehension of revelation:
One of the most important debates in contemporary social thought concerns the origin and meaning ... more One of the most important debates in contemporary social thought concerns the origin and meaning of the general concept of "society" as it was first introduced in the modern order of scientific knowledge by classical sociologists.
Over the last decades, sociological theory, as well as political philosophy, has attempted to ret... more Over the last decades, sociological theory, as well as political philosophy, has attempted to rethink a linear and mono-directional conception of temporality by advocating a plural conception instead. For sociological theory, the concept of modernity is essential and strategic because it represents both an interpretative canon (implicitly referring to a political philosophy able to distinguish "normatively" what is modern and what is not); and the condition of its own experience 1 . Thus rethinking the notion of temporality from a sociological point of view means discussing the very notion of modernity.

La reconnaissance avant la reconnaissance. Archéologie d'une problématique moderne / Sous la dire... more La reconnaissance avant la reconnaissance. Archéologie d'une problématique moderne / Sous la direction de Francesco Toto, Théophile Pénigaud de Mourgues et Emmanuel Renault -Lyon, ENS Éditions, impr. 2017 -1 vol. (326 p.) : couv. ill. ; 22 cm. (La croisée des chemins, ISSN 1765-8128). ISBN 978-2-84788-944-4 (br.) : 34 EUR Cet ouvrage est diffusé sur la plateforme OpenEdition books en HTML, ePub et PDF : Tous droits de reproduction, de traduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l'éditeur, est illicite et constitue une contrefaçon. Les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective sont interdites.
Le premesse di questo saggio hanno origine in un workshop da me organizzato presso il Centre Marc... more Le premesse di questo saggio hanno origine in un workshop da me organizzato presso il Centre Marc Bloch di Berlino nel 2013, all'interno del gruppo di ricerca in filosofia. Un ringraziamento ai direttori del gruppo, Denis Thouard e Ayşe Yuva, per aver sostenuto questo progetto.
Articles by Nicola Marcucci