Papers by Arouna Ouedraogo

Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales
L'auteur analyse le système de formation des jeunes agriculteurs (FJA) du Burkina-Faso, notam... more L'auteur analyse le système de formation des jeunes agriculteurs (FJA) du Burkina-Faso, notamment à partir de l'étude approfondie de deux Centres de FJA. Celle-ci révèle les difficultés de la mise en œuvre de l'enseignement professionnel agricole en montrant que les paysans dans leur ensemble préfèrent scolariser leurs enfants à l'école primaire héritée de la colonisation et considèrent les Centres de FJA qui leur sont exclusivement destinés comme des écoles au rabais ne procurant aucun avantage. D'une part, la situation économique des exploitations, rendue difficile en raison des aléas climatiques et de la faible rémunération des produits agricoles, d'autre part, une formation trop souvent limitée au travail manuel des jeunes, et enfin le recours aux langues véhiculaires (dont l'écriture est socialement peu diffusée et peu maîtrisée) semblent justifier le rejet de l'enseignement professionnel. Cela se fait au profit d'un investissement affectif e...

Current studies of food consumption fail to deal with vegetarians. They are not represented. Vege... more Current studies of food consumption fail to deal with vegetarians. They are not represented. Vegetarians cannot be found in statistics and only not appear in nutritional nomenclatures where their diet is mainly subjected to normative evaluations. Such a blank in representation and nomenclatures makes room for vegetarian advocates to impose their sole definitions of the diet. Vegetarianism appears as a philosophy of life embedded in core features, such as the rejection of cruelty towards animals, an intense awareness of health, and love of nature. Consequently, the adoption of the vegetarian diet proceeds from an exclusively moral choice which, though a typical privilege of the elite, ought to be open to everyone because of the particular edifying virtues the diet entails. In this paper, it is my concern to show that vegetarianism cannot be reduced to a moral choice: it is an important social fact that maintains close relations with the conditions of living, social aspirations and wa...

French Studies, 2015
tions, and some participated very willingly. The final three chapters are case studies of Jewish ... more tions, and some participated very willingly. The final three chapters are case studies of Jewish participation in rural projects. Chapters 5 and 6 examine the agricultural project in Lautrec in the Tarn, run by the EIF, which ‘intended to instil in Jewish youth a love for the land, Zionism, and Jewish spirituality’ (p. 122). Lee’s research takes us beyond this: we see young people as young people, living communally, having adventures and fun, and not always sold on the moral or Zionist dimensions of the enterprise. The final chapter analyses the participation of Jews in Vichy’s Chantiers de la jeunesse. While there was persecution, the ‘familiar story of omnipresent Jewish discrimination [. . .] was alien to large swathes of Jews taking part in this Vichy organisation’ (p. 226). The tragedy, of course, is that this ambivalent, even accommodating relationship masked the dangers that 1942 was to bring. Lee has written an excellent book. It by no means seeks to rehabilitate Vichy; indeed, we are further inside the regime’s muddle — the dangerous muddle that opened the door to mass murder. Importantly, Lee brings victimhood into question: Jews certainly were victims of Vichy’s anti-Semitism, but they were more than that. They were actors, thinkers, players. They made choices, they made mistakes; they dreamed, planned, and tried things out. In this book Lee has challenged the ‘nation’s collective remembering of Jewish life’ (p. 4) during this period.
Sciences sociales et santé, 1998
... de mils ; ils ensemencent ces variétés selon leur cycle (court, moyen ou long) selon la quali... more ... de mils ; ils ensemencent ces variétés selon leur cycle (court, moyen ou long) selon la qualité des sols auxquels ils ont accès (sols lourds ou ... Riverains du lac Fitri, les Bilala s 'affirment aussi comme des pêcheurs professionnels et le poisson occupe une place centrale dans leur ...
Social History of Medicine, 2001
French physician who promoted 'naturist vegetarianism'. His career and the evolution of his ideas... more French physician who promoted 'naturist vegetarianism'. His career and the evolution of his ideas were influenced by his own experience as a young man of treatment for tuberculosis, and by an anti-materialist philosophy. He developed a diet for his patients that became influential through his writings and through the activities of the French Naturist Society. Although by no means the only advocate of such ideas, Carton's influence has survived and can still be discerned in a close reading of the present-day French popular press.

Cloning and Stem Cells, 2004
Results of previous qualitative and quantitative stages of the research project demonstrated that... more Results of previous qualitative and quantitative stages of the research project demonstrated that, although consumers had poor knowledge about breeding and reproduction procedures, they were concerned about the impact of breeding practices on their food items. They acknowledged breeding and reproduction to be at the very core of animal-based food chain process. Since however modern breeding programmers beg so much for genetics, their practices increasingly raised consumer concerns. This paper presents results of a research addressing this issue and based on interviews of livestock breeders and specialized scientists. This research was undertaken within the frame of an EU funded project (Sustainable Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Project, 2000-2003). Interviews were performed according to the methodology of focus groups and results were used to prepare a discussion guide, including definitions of breeding techniques such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, and molecular genetics. Farm animal breeding and reproduction methods raised high level of concerns in conventional terms like safety, healthiness and quality of food, factory farming and related consequences on environment, international issues, and cost. Several propositions were presented that deal with modern farm animal breeding and reproduction, EU regulation of breeding procedures, education of consumers on breeding methods, and labelling of products on breeding and reproduction grounds.
Arouna P. Ouedraogo Accepter les aliments qu’on nous propose semble aller de soi. Le refus de man... more Arouna P. Ouedraogo Accepter les aliments qu’on nous propose semble aller de soi. Le refus de manger, la mefiance ou encore le degout qu’inspirent des aliments ne procedent pas cependant d’un phenomene de deviance Invariable. Que les aliments soient d’origine animale ou vegetale, le rejet dont ils sont l’objet est toujours socialement determine et renvoie le plus frequemment a des definitions sociales de la nature et du naturel fort contrastees. Pour comprendre les mecanismes complexes qui re...
Journal des anthropologues, 1998
Ruralia Sciences Sociales Et Mondes Ruraux Contemporains, Jun 15, 2003
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2000
Papers by Arouna Ouedraogo