Papers by Antoinette Ferrand
Le Mouvement social, Jun 24, 2024

ZMO Pragmatic Text Series No.15, 2023
A peculiar aura of uncertainty and difficulty of knowing surrounds class, and especially its tran... more A peculiar aura of uncertainty and difficulty of knowing surrounds class, and especially its transmission from one generation to another. In this programmatic text we trace silences around the reproduction of class through our ethnographic research in Kenya, Egypt, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, and Palestine, and among migrant diasporas that link those countries with Somalia, Afghanistan, Western Europe, Russia, and the Arab Gulf states. We propose a comparative and nuanced attention to the ways in which concealment and silences-that is, ways of not displaying things or not speaking openly about them even while they may be known; secrets-that is, knowledge that is actively prevented from circulating; and ignorance-that is, ways of not knowing or not addressing something, together contribute to the reproduction of social status across generations. That reproduction, we argue, is in need of not being known or addressed because the moral and institutional claims and the public image that are inherent to status are frequently contradicted or complicated by the process in which the resources have been gathered, and by the ways in which they are passed on. The passing on of status from one generation to another therefore needs to be understood in a way that is not restricted to its discursive and performative dimension of explicit markers and accomplishments. Marks of distinction, accomplishment of status-and also stigmas of discrimination and stories of failure-are likely to consist equally of aspects that are concealed, forcibly kept secret, or not addressed. At the same time, every display and utterance that qualitatively or quantitatively values a person's or group's standing vis-à-vis others is likely to be enabled and accompanied by blind spots and silences. These can be best studied from the bottom up through a qualitative enquiry.
Call for papers by Antoinette Ferrand

Appel à contribution-Journée d'études doctorales et jeunes chercheurs Samedi 18 juin 2022-Sorbonn... more Appel à contribution-Journée d'études doctorales et jeunes chercheurs Samedi 18 juin 2022-Sorbonne (Salle Picard) "TIERS MONDE" ET DEVELOPPEMENT : IMPERATIF MONDIAL ET MODELES LOCAUX (1950-1970) Argumentaire de la journée Si, dans son ouvrage Keywords, Raymond Williams met en parallèle les termes de « développement » et de « Tiers Monde », c'est parce qu'ils seraient porteurs, en 1985, d'un même potentiel de confusion entre la générosité et l'insulte 1. L'un comme l'autre sont pourtant incontournables pour qui s'intéresse aux trois décennies 1950-1970 : ils circulent alors des traités universitaires aux tribunes internationales, des mégaphones aux colonnes de presse, des manifestes aux bilans statistiques. Pour les contemporains, nombreux, qui vivent l'époque selon un régime d'historicité futuristecomme un prélude à celle qui suivra 2-, le développement désigne à la fois un sens naturel de l'histoire, une promesse de plus grande prospérité, et une maxime pour l'action sociale et politique. Un usage savant en fait la « combinaison des changements mentaux et sociaux d'une population qui la rendent apte à faire croître, cumulativement et durablement, son produit réel global » 3 .

Appel à communications 9 es Journées d'étude de la Halqa Jeudi 9 et vendredi 10 juin 2022-École n... more Appel à communications 9 es Journées d'étude de la Halqa Jeudi 9 et vendredi 10 juin 2022-École normale supérieure de Lyon « Marges, Marginalités, Minorations et Minorités dans les mondes musulmans contemporains (XIX e-XXI e siècles) » L'association Halqa, qui réunit depuis 2012 les jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses spécialistes des mondes musulmans, organise les 9 et 10 juin prochains à l'École normale supérieure de Lyon en format hybride ses 9 es Journées d'étude. Le thème retenu cette année est « Marges, Marginalités, Minorations et Minorités dans les mondes musulmans contemporains (XIX e-XXI e siècles) ». Ce choix est né de la volonté de mettre à l'honneur des contributions portant sur des groupes sociaux, des thématiques et des territoires souvent éclipsés dans le champ des études francophones relatives aux mondes musulmans et cantonnés à des aires géographiques et disciplinaires plus spécifiques.
Published Papers by Antoinette Ferrand

Monde(s), 2024
Ce numéro de la revue Monde(s) s’inscrit dans une perspective critique de l’histoire du Welfare S... more Ce numéro de la revue Monde(s) s’inscrit dans une perspective critique de l’histoire du Welfare State. L’objectif de ce dossier est de mettre en évidence, à partir de travaux originaux menés sur les terrains sud-américains, africains et asiatiques, le rôle essentiel joué par l’échelon étatique dans la mise en place de politiques de welfare dans les pays des Suds, entre les années 1920 et 1970. Cette période faste des politiques de développement correspond également à un âge d’or du Welfare State dans les pays des Nords industrialisés, ce qui soulève la question d’une certaine homogénéisation mondiale sur ce modèle.
En nouant deux types d’historiographies, celle des études de développement et celle du Welfare State global. , ce dossier examine le rôle des politiques de développement dans la constitution en Welfare State des États des Suds. Les contributions qu’il rassemble offrent un éventail de cas d’études de la manière dont un État prend appui sur un projet de développement pour étendre son domaine d’influence ou d’action.
This issue of Monde(s) takes a critical look at the history of the welfare state. Based on original research carried out in South America, Africa and Asia, this issue aims to highlight the key role played by the state in the implementation of welfare policies in the countries of the South between the 1920s and the 1970s. This golden age of development policy also corresponded to a golden age of the welfare state in the industrialised countries of the North, raising the question of a certain global homogenisation based on this model.
By linking two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state. Bringing together two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state, this issue examines the role of development policies in the creation of the welfare state in the South. The contributors offer a range of case studies of how a state uses a development project to expand its sphere of influence or action.
Les Cahiers Sirice, 2021
See :
ZMO Working Papers, 2024
This article questions the relevance of certain terms used in writing the history of post-1952 Eg... more This article questions the relevance of certain terms used in writing the history of post-1952 Egypt and enquires into the specificity of Egyptian socio-economic development in Nasser’s time and after. It argues that studying the conceptualization of the term “youth”, as an alternative to that of “generation” (predominant in the historiography), offers an opportunity to put Egyptian society in a broader context, that of the entry of Third World countries into international capitalism. Both generational roles in modern Egypt and the idea of Egyptian national authenticity can be understood by viewing the progressive definition of “youth” as a sociological category. This perspective allows to offer an alternative view of the Nasserite period that relies on an authoritarian prism which tends to smooth the rough edges and contradictions of that era.

ZMO Programmatic Texts, 2023
A peculiar aura of uncertainty and difficulty of knowing surrounds class, and especially its tran... more A peculiar aura of uncertainty and difficulty of knowing surrounds class, and especially its transmission from one generation to another. In this programmatic text we trace silences around the reproduction of class through our ethnographic research in Kenya, Egypt, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, and Palestine, and among migrant diasporas that link those countries with Somalia, Afghanistan, Western Europe, Russia, and the Arab Gulf states. We propose a comparative and nuanced attention to the ways in which concealment and silences-that is, ways of not displaying things or not speaking openly about them even while they may be known; secrets-that is, knowledge that is actively prevented from circulating; and ignorance-that is, ways of not knowing or not addressing something, together contribute to the reproduction of social status across generations. That reproduction, we argue, is in need of not being known or addressed because the moral and institutional claims and the public image that are inherent to status are frequently contradicted or complicated by the process in which the resources have been gathered, and by the ways in which they are passed on. The passing on of status from one generation to another therefore needs to be understood in a way that is not restricted to its discursive and performative dimension of explicit markers and accomplishments. Marks of distinction, accomplishment of status-and also stigmas of discrimination and stories of failure-are likely to consist equally of aspects that are concealed, forcibly kept secret, or not addressed. At the same time, every display and utterance that qualitatively or quantitatively values a person's or group's standing vis-à-vis others is likely to be enabled and accompanied by blind spots and silences. These can be best studied from the bottom up through a qualitative enquiry.
Books by Antoinette Ferrand

Cet ouvrage a pour objet d’identifier la nature de la diaspora syriaque-orthodoxe de Jérusalem en... more Cet ouvrage a pour objet d’identifier la nature de la diaspora syriaque-orthodoxe de Jérusalem entre 1831 et 1948, par l’étude d’une compilation de registres baptismaux de la communauté, conservés dans la bibliothèque du monastère Saint-Marc de Jérusalem. Sans jamais avoir été un foyer d’implantation majeur de cette Église, le vicariat patriarcal jacobite de Jérusalem connaît toutefois une évolution significative entre l’ère des Tanzīmāt et la fin du mandat britannique : le monastère Saint-Marc, cœur de la présence communautaire, passe ainsi d’un maigre foyer de fidèles accueillant de temps à autre quelques pèlerins, à un refuge pour les rescapés du Sayfo, génocide perpétré au Tur ʿAbdin dans les années 1915. Les syriaques-orthodoxes de Jérusalem sont replacés ici dans le contexte de la Palestine ottomane puis mandataire, et ce afin de mieux cerner les mécanismes sociaux et religieux de leur intégration à cette ville.
Book chapters by Antoinette Ferrand
La presse comme source. Retours d’expériences et mode d’emploi, 2023
Book Reviews by Antoinette Ferrand
Le Mouvement Social, 2023
Talks by Antoinette Ferrand
Papers by Antoinette Ferrand
Call for papers by Antoinette Ferrand
Published Papers by Antoinette Ferrand
En nouant deux types d’historiographies, celle des études de développement et celle du Welfare State global. , ce dossier examine le rôle des politiques de développement dans la constitution en Welfare State des États des Suds. Les contributions qu’il rassemble offrent un éventail de cas d’études de la manière dont un État prend appui sur un projet de développement pour étendre son domaine d’influence ou d’action.
This issue of Monde(s) takes a critical look at the history of the welfare state. Based on original research carried out in South America, Africa and Asia, this issue aims to highlight the key role played by the state in the implementation of welfare policies in the countries of the South between the 1920s and the 1970s. This golden age of development policy also corresponded to a golden age of the welfare state in the industrialised countries of the North, raising the question of a certain global homogenisation based on this model.
By linking two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state. Bringing together two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state, this issue examines the role of development policies in the creation of the welfare state in the South. The contributors offer a range of case studies of how a state uses a development project to expand its sphere of influence or action.
Books by Antoinette Ferrand
Book chapters by Antoinette Ferrand
Book Reviews by Antoinette Ferrand
Talks by Antoinette Ferrand
En nouant deux types d’historiographies, celle des études de développement et celle du Welfare State global. , ce dossier examine le rôle des politiques de développement dans la constitution en Welfare State des États des Suds. Les contributions qu’il rassemble offrent un éventail de cas d’études de la manière dont un État prend appui sur un projet de développement pour étendre son domaine d’influence ou d’action.
This issue of Monde(s) takes a critical look at the history of the welfare state. Based on original research carried out in South America, Africa and Asia, this issue aims to highlight the key role played by the state in the implementation of welfare policies in the countries of the South between the 1920s and the 1970s. This golden age of development policy also corresponded to a golden age of the welfare state in the industrialised countries of the North, raising the question of a certain global homogenisation based on this model.
By linking two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state. Bringing together two types of historiography, that of development studies and that of the global welfare state, this issue examines the role of development policies in the creation of the welfare state in the South. The contributors offer a range of case studies of how a state uses a development project to expand its sphere of influence or action.