Papers by Leonardo P Vichi
Defence Strategic Communications, 2019
This article discusses the development of the strategic communications of the Zapatista Army of N... more This article discusses the development of the strategic communications of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, the EZLN, between 1994 and 1996. During this period, the Zapatista movement transformed from a group focused on armed struggle into a social movement. The EZLN used rhetorical and communications strategies, not only to construct group identity but as a way to pressure the Mexican government into guaranteeing their rights as citizens and as an indigenous minority. The article also reflects on the discursive strategies employed by the group’s main leader, Subcomandante Marcos, and on the Zapatistas’ narratives and the structure of the communications they disseminated to their worldwide network of committees connected through the internet.
Academic journal “Defence Strategic Communications” Vol 6, 2019
This article discusses the development of the strategic communications of the Zapatista Army of N... more This article discusses the development of the strategic communications of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, the EZLN, between 1994 and 1996. During this period, the Zapatista movement transformed from a group focused on armed struggle into a social movement. The EZLN used rhetorical and communications strategies, not only to construct group identity but as a way to pressure the Mexican government into guaranteeing their rights as citizens and as an indigenous minority. The article also reflects on the discursive strategies employed by the group's main leader, Subcomandante Marcos, and on the Zapatistas' narratives and the structure of the communications they disseminated to their worldwide network of committees connected through the internet.
Em um panfleto que me fora recentemente enviado, uma "Importante Voz Judaica" é citada, e se expr... more Em um panfleto que me fora recentemente enviado, uma "Importante Voz Judaica" é citada, e se exprime da seguinte forma:-
No ano em que se comemoram os 200 anos de nascimento de Richard Wagner, iniciar a tradução de sua... more No ano em que se comemoram os 200 anos de nascimento de Richard Wagner, iniciar a tradução de suas óperas assume uma significação especial. Revisitar a escrita e, portanto, o pensamento do complexo e polêmico compositor alemão em pleno 2013 nos oferece um vasto

Resumo: Morto no ano de 1883, o compositor alemão Richard Wagner deixou uma complexa obra que pod... more Resumo: Morto no ano de 1883, o compositor alemão Richard Wagner deixou uma complexa obra que pode ser dividida em 4 partes: (1) musical: principalmente a ópera, ou, como o autor chamou, Drama Musical; (2) poética, principalmente os seus libretos operísticos; (3) análises acerca da arte, como é o caso do texto Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft [A obra de arte do futuro]; e (4) análises culturais, sociais e políticas, como Über Staat und Religion [Sobre o Estado e a Religião]. O século XX por sua vez reduziu a obra wagneriana à produção musical e a seus textos anti-semitas. O objetivo deste trabalho é, portanto, analisar e apresentar, em versão bilíngüe, a obra Was ist deutsch? [O que é germânico?] de Richard Wagner, escrita originalmente em 1865 para Ludwig II da Baviera, sendo revisada pelo compositor em 1878. Nesta obra, encontramos características presentes na maioria dos textos da quarta parte da produção do autor, como sua interpretação de nacionalismo e anti-semitismo. Palavras-chave: Richard Wagner. Alemanha. Romantismo. Abstract: Dead in 1883, the German composer Richard Wagner left a motley work that can be sorted in four categories: (1) musical work: mostly operas or as the composer named: Musical Dramas; (2) poetic work, specifically his operistic librettos; (3) essays about art, for instance a work entitled Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft [The Artwork of the Future] and finally cultural, social and political essays, just to mention Über Staat und Religion [On State and Religion]. The 20th century on the other hand lessened his production only to his musical works and anti-semitic writtings. We aim in this text to assay and to present, in a bilingual edition, Richard Wagner's work Was ist deutsch? [What is german?], originally written in 1865 to Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, and reviewed by Wagner in 1878. We have found in this work features also found in most of his essays, for example his definition about nationalism and anti-semitism.
Papers by Leonardo P Vichi