Papers by Nuran EROL ISIK

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 1998
Ö-enırıı,ıı ÜzERiNE ÖNERI vE orĞrnırxoinMElER sosyolojik bilginin en önemli Özelliklelinden biri ... more Ö-enırıı,ıı ÜzERiNE ÖNERI vE orĞrnırxoinMElER sosyolojik bilginin en önemli Özelliklelinden biri sağduyu kaynaklr bilgiden farklı olmasıdıi. sosyiıo3ik biıginin en Önemli işlevi, sağduyu sayesinde elde ettiğim2 ". *ryı Jg"ı"" 'ırşı.,ş' u" 'tiıoiL' göSteren bilgiyi aşarak.olay ve olgüann gizli ""y" "çrt ,Jç* gorünmeyen yÖnlerini gÖstermesidir' sosyoloji dğslerinin en önemli uniuçıunnou, nfi, uu bajıamoa, öğrencinin kendisini ve.çevresindeki sosyal diinyayr ""ı"i',"o" sağduyu bilgis-ine değil "sosyolojik imgelem''ine day-anmasını sağlayacak entellektüel üir iapasiie oluşturmasınrla klavuzluk yapmaktır. "Sosyolojik imgelem," ul."y', t"rai deneyim'lerini anlayabilmesini ve bu anlamaırn-kendisini toplumsal y"piı"".rı. i|inde tonumıaya'at gerçekleşmesini. sağlar (Mills' 1959)' Sosyolğik i'.'g"ı", .rv.*i"o" oğrenci bireysel -tlavranlşiarı belirli gıuplarla-ve sosyal yapılaı ile ilş?];;ıil" gormeil oğrenir;-kendi deneyimleıinin toplumsal gcrçeklikle ilgisini ir'öi*' '"eo""yrsunun -kendisine anlattığı mesajları sorgular ve bireyseVtoplumsal davranışla.ı sosyolojik olaıak çözümlemeye başlar' Sosyolojik bilginin eleştirel düşünceye (critical thinking) katkıda bulunması g"."ttiği oıışiintııurĞ, oe'ste aktarılan biiginin de Öğrencinin sağduyu bilgisini İonııştı".erek'sisıematik düşünme yeıeneğini geliştirmesi doğrultusunda kullan masr açıktir. Eleştirel dıışünme pratikleri, Öğrencinin sosyal dünyada gÖrünen ile ylii"r"y"."l ancak ve ancak biıimseı bilgi ile ulaşılabilecek gizli gerçekliğc bakabilmelerini sağlar. Buna göre, sosyolojik kuramlann öğretilmesinrle özellikle gazete ve dergi makalelerinin kullanımı tekniğini öneren aşağıdaki makalenin temelindeki öncül' '"ry".:ıt imgelemin ışığında bilginin deneyim sonucu-elde edilmesidir' En genel ""iim h" uığ, deneyim-mac ığı-ile kazanılmış antama biçimidiı' Bu bağlamda' bir ogr"n.ınin sğolojik-kuramı biibilgisel kategoriye dönüştürebilmesi için sÖz konusu ti'"., oei."ii '.i"fından analitik biı araç olarak tanımlanabilmesine yarayacak pratik ,rt ırtır.'-g"ıtti'resi gereklidir. Dewey;in vurgula&ğr gibi'^"eğıim' siirekli olarak Jeneyirnin-y"niden kurgulanması olarak algılanmalrdır'' (1897: 12)' Dewey'e göre "ilkeierin tuhıı ,oyrttu'. ilkeler ancak ve ancak kendi uygulamalarınılan kaynaklanan sonuçlannda somut hale gelirler (1938: 20). Hiç kimse bir Öğrencinin matematik deısi almasrnr ve hiçbir problem çözmemeiini bekleyemez. Matemaük bir aIaçğI; aynca matemaüt sayesinde belirli iöi'tı"i"ıa" ".ck matematiği biı aıaç olarak görebilmeye bağlıdır. Ivfutematiğin biı '"ç'"ı.^', bu disiplinin maniıksal yÖnlerinin veya başka boyutlannın olmaüğını
The Many Facets of Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative Complexity, 2013

International Sociology, 2014
Reviews: Sociology of other sciences 119 knowledge. Scientific knowledge and the associated propr... more Reviews: Sociology of other sciences 119 knowledge. Scientific knowledge and the associated proprietary technologies have become the source of power over nature. However, in reality, power over nature has been translated into power over people. It is this domination of expert knowledge and its nexus with political power that makes mockery of liberty in any substantial sense. (Mallick, 2009: 53) One must address the questions: Who will determine the shape of the future? How will it be done? A more inclusive and democratic process is required, one in which experts and citizens, bureaucrats and politicians, business leaders and activists come together in new configurations. It is desirable that interdisciplinary and interinstitutional research initiatives should start by identifying the real world problems and various facets of the problem. The disciplines that can contribute to map different dimensions of the problem should collaborate to identify shared perspectives and suggest deliverable solutions, and therein lies the significance of the incisively written New Frontiers in Science and Technology Studies.
Conserveries mémorielles. Revue transdisciplinaire de …, 2011
... sociologie politique, la communication politique, la citoyenneté, le genre et les médias et l... more ... sociologie politique, la communication politique, la citoyenneté, le genre et les médias et les ... of Citizenship in Turkey: Pictures from the Problematic Terrain of Gendered Politics in Turkey ». Nuran E. Işik is an Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication ...
Muzik ve toplum iliskisi karmasik sosyal baglara isaret eden bir iliskidir. Muzigin icsel ozellik... more Muzik ve toplum iliskisi karmasik sosyal baglara isaret eden bir iliskidir. Muzigin icsel ozelliklerinin yanisira ‘sosyal’in degisken ve akiskan ozellikleri muzik sosyolojisi hakkinda temel sorunsallari tartisma ve belirli bazi konulari tanimlayabilme geregini ortaya cikarmistir. Bu makalede, muzik sosyolojisinin temel tartisma noktalarindan hareketle bir muzik turu olarak arabesk muzigin son yillarda gecirdigi donusum ele alinmakta, soz konusu tartisma noktalarinin muzik hakkinda uretilecek sosyolojik ve metodolojik gundeme tasiyabilecegi konu alanlari hakkinda oneriler sunulmaktadir.
Sosyoloji Dergisi, 2018
Öz Müzik ve toplum ilişkisi karmaşık sosyal bağlara işaret eden bir ilişkidir. Müziğin içsel özel... more Öz Müzik ve toplum ilişkisi karmaşık sosyal bağlara işaret eden bir ilişkidir. Müziğin içsel özelliklerinin yanısıra 'sosyal'in değişken ve akışkan özellikleri müzik sosyolojisi hakkında temel sorunsalları tartışma ve belirli bazı konuları tanımlayabilme gereğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu makalede, müzik sosyolojisinin temel tartışma noktalarından hareketle bir müzik türü olarak arabesk müziğin son yıllarda geçirdiği dönüşüm ele alınmakta, söz konusu tartışma noktalarının müzik hakkında üretilecek sosyolojik ve metodolojik gündeme taşıyabileceği konu alanları hakkında öneriler sunulmaktadır.

International Sociology, 2017
Poděkování za spolupráci a ochotu při výzkumných aktivitách a podporu při vzniku diplomové práce,... more Poděkování za spolupráci a ochotu při výzkumných aktivitách a podporu při vzniku diplomové práce, patří především mému konzultantovi RNDr. Ivu Přikrylovi, který mi pomohl s výběrem lokalit a zasvětil mě do problematiky vod ovlivněných těžbou hnědého uhlí. Velké poděkování také patří mému vedoucímu RNDr. Liborovi Pecharovi, CSc. za trpělivost, cenné rady a ochotu věnovat mi svůj čas. V neposlední řadě pak děkuji všem svým blízkým, kteří měli pochopení a dodávali mi sil, kdykoliv bylo potřeba. Za velkou podporu a možnost pracovat v post-těžební oblasti Podkrušnohoří děkuji též firmě Sokolovská uhelná a.s. Abstrakt Sledovala jsem chemické ukazatele povrchových vod mokřadů a vodních toků v blízkém okolí jezera Medard (nově napouštěná zbytková jáma po těžbě hnědého uhlí). K popisu vlastností povrchových vod byly použity fyzikálně-chemické a biologické ukazatele vod. Zjištěné hodnoty byly porovnány s hodnotami běžných povrchových vod v České republice. Dále byla zhodnocena kvalita vod a určení eutrofizace. A také bylo porovnáno chemické složení v prostoru a čase. Nejdůležitějším zjištěním je vysoká variabilita vod na relativně malém území. A také, že zkoumané povrchové vody převážně nemají typické vlastnosti kyselých důlních vod. Zájmové lokality jsou charakteristické vysokými hodnotami rozpuštěných látek ve vodě. Z aniontů jsou problémové především vysoké koncentrace síranů. U kationtů jsou problémové vysoké koncentrace rozpuštěných kovů: Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn a Fe. Klíčová slova: Mokřady, důlní voda, rekultivace, zbytková jáma. I monitored the chemical parameters of surface waters in wetlands and watercourses in the vicinity of Lake Medard (newly filled residual pit after brown coal mining). The characteristics of surface waters were described by means of their physical, chemical and biological indicators. The values obtained were compared with normal surface waters in the Czech Republic. I also assessed water quality and determined eutrophication. The chemical composition was compared in space and time. The most important finding is the high variability of waters in a relatively small area. Another is that the examined surface waters do not usually exhibit the typical characteristics of acid mine waters. The locations of interest are characterized by high levels of dissolved solids in water. High concentrations of sulphates are the most problematic of the found anions. In the case of cations, the following dissolved metals had high concentrations: Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn and Fe.

European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2013
This article attempts to evaluate the articulation of folk cultural symbols in the context of TV ... more This article attempts to evaluate the articulation of folk cultural symbols in the context of TV drama to discuss the process whereby the act of storytelling becomes a tool for mediated and moralised teaching. Investigating the relatively new sphere of popular piety offers a suitable avenue for evaluating the nature of popular wisdom; the process by which popular TV dramas borrow from folk culture and popular religion has become a new area of investigation because new mediatised forms of folk culture are now a common feature of many television genres. Tracing the emergent patterns of storytelling, this article analyses narratives extracted from two well-known TV serials, Kurtlar Vadisi (Valley of Wolves) and Deli Yürek (Crazy Heart) in Turkey. It is argued that in both serials the meditative role of the mentor, which involves narrating parables for the hero's benefit, constitutes one of the significant rhetorical strategies for reconstructing a piety culture.
... Feministlerin ve çokkültürcülerin türban hakkında yaklaşımlarını değerlendirerek eleştirel c... more ... Feministlerin ve çokkültürcülerin türban hakkında yaklaşımlarını değerlendirerek eleştirel cumhuriyetçilik adını verdiği bir pencereden cumhuriyeçi fikri ele alır ... öncesi ve anti-bireyci cemaatçi biçimleri ve kalıntıları olarak görüp fail kavramı yerine özerk birey kavramını kullandılar ...

Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2015
The purpose in the article is to understand the role of the stories as well as storytelling in so... more The purpose in the article is to understand the role of the stories as well as storytelling in sociology. Rather than focusing on the significance of textual data based on narrativity, the author aims at underlining the role of the genres such as story, myth, irony, parable, drama, and aphorism, which are used in everyday life narratives. Sociology, as a discipline offering analyses at different levels of social life can borrow from these textual data in various different ways. In this sense, the ways in which narrativity and sociology come together would be related to the way we understand sociological methodology. Just as the lullabies are outcomes of collective references relatively independent of mothers' personal preferences, meta-narratives also have a characteristic of a multilayered texture embedded in our social and historical memory. In sum, firstly, the article will enlighten the intersection between the sociology and the narrative theory, second, examples of brief insights into popular cultural texts will be provided.
Due to the ambivalent nature of modernity, citizenship has been historically used as a force for ... more Due to the ambivalent nature of modernity, citizenship has been historically used as a force for inclusion and exclusion. Societal transformations brought about the necessity to reformulate the concept of citizenship into a gendered political conception by which one can evaluate hegemonic relations of different nature. The contested nature of citizenship also provided an avenue for women‟s political participation through different means in different societies. This article aims at outlining the major theoretical perspectives on re-gendering citizenship, which brings us to more practical concerns about the political sphere: Gender mainstreaming is presented as one of the key issues on political freedom for women, which is the second theme emphasized in the article.

Sociology and Anthropology, 2017
The following paper evaluates some of the sociological data collected during the field work in Va... more The following paper evaluates some of the sociological data collected during the field work in Van, Turkey in 2007-2009, as part of an ethno-archeological study of a village located in an area known as "Ayanis" (Agartı), previously part of the Urartian Kingdom (third and second millennium BC). The field work is exploratory and ethnographic in nature, documenting the socioeconomic characteristics of the villagers, spatial patterns of inhabitants, material cultural artifacts, and belief systems and attitudes about social institutions. The village of Ayanis has become a focus for inquiry due to its geographical location and sociological characteristics as it gives important indicators to understand a village in transition. Thus, the data presented in this article contribute to village studies as well as village survey monograph tradition, which represent a major methodological tool as well as a tendency in rural studies in Turkey.

Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi/26306220
This paper aims at constructing a bridge between narratives and morality, as represented in three... more This paper aims at constructing a bridge between narratives and morality, as represented in three selected TV dramas assumed to have symbolic power over Turkish audiences: Resurrection, You are My Homeland, and Yunus Emre. The storification of historical events and personalities through TV dramas is considered to increase understanding of how different moral argumentations are related with contestations over tradition and culture. The major assumption in this article is that understanding the basic rhetorical strategies in these programs has a major impact on the way in which we analyze current ideological tensions and tactics, which are positioned on a constantly shifting ground. In this paper, the voices used in the strategies of constructing a moral argumentation will be evaluated through a model based on discourses of divinity, community, and autonomy (Sheweder, Much, Mahapra, & Park, 1997). The role of narrative transactions in TV dramas is explicated so as to make an assessment on the significance of agency as well as the politics of interpretation.

Journal of Sociological Research, 2015
The purpose in the article is to understand the role of the stories as well as storytelling in so... more The purpose in the article is to understand the role of the stories as well as storytelling in sociology. Rather than focusing on the significance of textual data based on narrativity, the author aims at underlining the role of the genres such as story, myth, irony, parable, drama, and aphorism, which are used in everyday life narratives. Sociology, as a discipline offering analyses at different levels of social life can borrow from these textual data in various different ways. In this sense, the ways in which narrativity and sociology come together would be related to the way we understand sociological methodology. Just as the lullabies are outcomes of collective references relatively independent of mothers' personal preferences, meta-narratives also have a characteristic of a multilayered texture embedded in our social and historical memory. In sum, firstly, the article will enlighten the intersection between the sociology and the narrative theory, second, examples of brief insights into popular cultural texts will be provided.

European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2013
This article attempts to evaluate the articulation of folk cultural symbols in the context of TV ... more This article attempts to evaluate the articulation of folk cultural symbols in the context of TV drama to discuss the process whereby the act of storytelling becomes a tool for mediated and moralised teaching. Investigating the relatively new sphere of popular piety offers a suitable avenue for evaluating the nature of popular wisdom; the process by which popular TV dramas borrow from folk culture and popular religion has become a new area of investigation because new mediatised forms of folk culture are now a common feature of many television genres. Tracing the emergent patterns of storytelling, this article analyses narratives extracted from two well-known TV serials, Kurtlar Vadisi (Valley of Wolves) and Deli Yürek (Crazy Heart) in Turkey. It is argued that in both serials the meditative role of the mentor, which involves narrating parables for the hero's benefit, constitutes one of the significant rhetorical strategies for reconstructing a piety culture.
Papers by Nuran EROL ISIK