Halil Tanıl, who was born in Istanbul in 1974, entered the Ege University Department of Statistics in 1992 and completed his undergraduate program in 1996 with the first place. In 2004, he received his PhD in Statistics from the same university. Halil Tanıl, who became Associate Professor of Statistics in 2018, started his academic life as a Research Assistant in the Department of Statistics at Ege University in 1999 and continues as a faculty member in the same department. He teaches Order Statistics Theory, Probability Theory, Advanced Stochastic Processes, Combinatoric Analysis and Discrete Distributions, and Advanced Statistics Theory at the graduate level. He has articles on Order Statistics, Record Values, and Locational Trend Tests in journals by international indexes. He is married and has three children.
Address: Ege University, Department of Statistics
Address: Ege University, Department of Statistics
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