Books by Gökçe Emeç Yücesoy
Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür Kongr... more Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür Kongresi
Dede Korkut ve Türk Dünyası
19-23 Ekim 2015
Papers by Gökçe Emeç Yücesoy
Rodos ve İstanköy Türk Kültürü, 2020
Cultural Identity and State of Beloging Among Turkish Community Living in Kos Greece, 2018
Doğan Kaya Armağanı 70. Yaş Hatırası, 2021
widely known in Turkey and other regions of the Turkish world, has been currently performed in Tu... more widely known in Turkey and other regions of the Turkish world, has been currently performed in Turkish oral tradition. Its prevalence has led a large number of studies on it a with the books, articles, papers, and encyclopedias written by academics from Turkey and other countries, dissertations done by young researchers in Turkey are essential works scientifically examining the epic story. It is a great necessity to classify and analyze the existing publications in order not to recur in the future studies about
20. Yılında Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2016
Pınar Fedakâr, “Amerikan Yerlileri ve Karakalpak Türklerinin Efsaneleri” Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme, Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları, 2016, 304 sayfa. (ISBN: 978-605-9247-38-2), 2016
The Humor and The Common Anecdote Types and Characters in the Countries of Black Sea Littoral, 2018
İstanköy Türklerinde Kültürel Kimlik ve Aidiyet, 2018
Mustafa Gültekin, Masal Anası Kezban Karakoç ve Repertuvarı. Ankara: Grafiker, 2019, 415 sayfa. (ISBN: 978-605-2233-39-9)., 2019
Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisine gönderilen yazıların düşünsel ve bilimsel sorumluluğu yazarla... more Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisine gönderilen yazıların düşünsel ve bilimsel sorumluluğu yazarlarına, çeviri ve aktarmaların hukuki sorumluluğu çevirmenlerine/aktaranlarına aittir. Gönderilen her yazının yayım aşamasında esasa yönelik olmayan küçük düzeltmeler TDİD yazı işleri tarafından yapılır. Yayınlanan yazıların her türlü telif hakkı Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsüne aittir.
Uygur Türklerinde Gök ve Gök Cisimleriyle İlgili Efsanelerin İncelenmesi, 2019
Uluslararası Uygur Araştırmaları Dergisi'nin 2019/13. sayısını sizlerle buluşturmanın mutluluğunu... more Uluslararası Uygur Araştırmaları Dergisi'nin 2019/13. sayısını sizlerle buluşturmanın mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Yayın hayatında 7. yılına giren dergimizin bu sayısında Uygur tarihi, folkloru, dili, edebiyatı ve kültürünün yanı sıra Özbek, Kırgız ve Tacik edebiyatı üzerine özgün makaleler yer almaktadır. Ayrıca bazı yeni eserlerin tanıtıldığı/değerlendirildiği yazılar da ilgililerin istifadesine sunulmuştur.
Anadolu Halk Kültüründe İnanış ve Ritüeller, 2021
Anadolu… Kimine göre Küçük Asya. Rüştünü ispatlamış bereketli hilalin be-şiği… Şahsına münhasır r... more Anadolu… Kimine göre Küçük Asya. Rüştünü ispatlamış bereketli hilalin be-şiği… Şahsına münhasır ruh hâli ve kendine has buram buram kokusuyla, besleyici güneşinin üzerine doğduğu umut ile, sevda ile, düş ile yoğrulmuş, dolu dolu yaşan
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi , 2021
Dergimizin 2021 yılı 4. sayısında "Yazılı, Sözlü ve Elektronik Ortamda Kahramanlık" başlıklı özel... more Dergimizin 2021 yılı 4. sayısında "Yazılı, Sözlü ve Elektronik Ortamda Kahramanlık" başlıklı özel sayımızı siz okurlarımızla paylaşmaktan kıvanç duymaktayız. Kahramanın yazılı, sözlü ve elektronik kültür ortamındaki izlerini aramayı hedeflediğimiz bu sayıda karşıt kahramandan düşmana, kaostan kozmosa, destandan atasözüne ve sinemaya giden yolda Köroğlu'na, Deli Dumrul'a, Battal Gazi'ye, Bamsı Beyrek'e, Atın Oğlu Atalamii Bahadır'a ve Mergen'e eşlik ettik.

ASOS Yayınları, 2022
UNESCO has put into effect various international conventions in the fields in which it operates. ... more UNESCO has put into effect various international conventions in the fields in which it operates. On
17 October 2003, the “Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)” in the field of culture was opened for signature and in 2006 Turkey became a party to this convention. As of today, 20 elements are registered in behalf of Turkey in the Representative List of the ICH of
Humanity. There is an element in behalf of Turkey in the List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, which is one of the ICH Lists. Since 2006, when Turkey became a party to the Convention, the subject of ICH has started to be studied in Turkey. Intangible cultural heritage has started to be studied at the graduate level. Theses of researchers studying at universities in Turkey are among the studies that scientifically feed the field of ICH. There are 59 master's and 9 doctoral dissertations in fields such as Archeology, Gastronomy, Tourism, Education and Teaching, Museum Studies, Architecture, especially in the folklore department, registered in the National Thesis Center of the Higher Education Institution. Due to the large number of studies, it has revealed the need for classification and analysis of existing theses in order to prevent repetition in scientific studies and to identify gaps in the field. In the paper, 68 theses will be classified according to their subject and content characteristics. In addition, the
disciplines and departments in which theses are made will also be evaluated in the paper.
Books by Gökçe Emeç Yücesoy
III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür Kongresi
Dede Korkut ve Türk Dünyası
19-23 Ekim 2015
Papers by Gökçe Emeç Yücesoy
17 October 2003, the “Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)” in the field of culture was opened for signature and in 2006 Turkey became a party to this convention. As of today, 20 elements are registered in behalf of Turkey in the Representative List of the ICH of
Humanity. There is an element in behalf of Turkey in the List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, which is one of the ICH Lists. Since 2006, when Turkey became a party to the Convention, the subject of ICH has started to be studied in Turkey. Intangible cultural heritage has started to be studied at the graduate level. Theses of researchers studying at universities in Turkey are among the studies that scientifically feed the field of ICH. There are 59 master's and 9 doctoral dissertations in fields such as Archeology, Gastronomy, Tourism, Education and Teaching, Museum Studies, Architecture, especially in the folklore department, registered in the National Thesis Center of the Higher Education Institution. Due to the large number of studies, it has revealed the need for classification and analysis of existing theses in order to prevent repetition in scientific studies and to identify gaps in the field. In the paper, 68 theses will be classified according to their subject and content characteristics. In addition, the
disciplines and departments in which theses are made will also be evaluated in the paper.
III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür Kongresi
Dede Korkut ve Türk Dünyası
19-23 Ekim 2015
17 October 2003, the “Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)” in the field of culture was opened for signature and in 2006 Turkey became a party to this convention. As of today, 20 elements are registered in behalf of Turkey in the Representative List of the ICH of
Humanity. There is an element in behalf of Turkey in the List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, which is one of the ICH Lists. Since 2006, when Turkey became a party to the Convention, the subject of ICH has started to be studied in Turkey. Intangible cultural heritage has started to be studied at the graduate level. Theses of researchers studying at universities in Turkey are among the studies that scientifically feed the field of ICH. There are 59 master's and 9 doctoral dissertations in fields such as Archeology, Gastronomy, Tourism, Education and Teaching, Museum Studies, Architecture, especially in the folklore department, registered in the National Thesis Center of the Higher Education Institution. Due to the large number of studies, it has revealed the need for classification and analysis of existing theses in order to prevent repetition in scientific studies and to identify gaps in the field. In the paper, 68 theses will be classified according to their subject and content characteristics. In addition, the
disciplines and departments in which theses are made will also be evaluated in the paper.