Papers by Başak Löklüoğlu

Zero Books, 2019
Bayraklı-Tepekule Mound, which is known as Old Smyrna because of the first settlement of İzmir Pr... more Bayraklı-Tepekule Mound, which is known as Old Smyrna because of the first settlement of İzmir Province, is located in Bayraklı District. This settlement is situated at the Gulf of İzmir and known as a port city from the earliest period. However it is now located within a few hundred meters from the sea due to the fillings on the sea. It has been excavating since 1948 and covers around 100 hectares of area. A Hellenic city surrounded by a city wall is still standing on the mound. Therefore, it is not surprising that the studies have been mostly concentrated to these later period city up to now. Excavations in Bayraklı so far indicates that the earliest settlement is going back to the Early Bronze Age, dating to the 3 rd Millennium BC. The layers of this period was excavated in 1949 and a brief results about this period is reported in the 1950 publication by E. Akurgal. Although this publication make a great contribute about the place of Bayraklı Mound in the Early Bronze Age archaeology, there are still many questions needs to answer such as approximate size of EBA settlement, pottery traditions, socioeconomic structure, importance in the EBA archaeology and etc. Therefore one of the main objective of the new period excavation team is to excavate of Early Bronze Age layers as well. In this study, the first results of 2018 excavations about Early Bronze Age remains in the West Trench was to be presented.

Aşağı Büyük Menderes Vadisi Orta-Geç Tunç Çağı'nda konumu gereği oldukça fazla yerleşime ev s... more Aşağı Büyük Menderes Vadisi Orta-Geç Tunç Çağı'nda konumu gereği oldukça fazla yerleşime ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Anadolu'nun yerel halklarının yanı sıra Kıta Yunanistan ve Adalardan da göçler alan bir bölgedir. "Aşağı Büyük Menderes Vadisinde Myken Varlığı" isimli tez çalışması ile Geç Tunç Çağı'nın başında Anadolu'ya gelen Mykenler bu bölgeye göç ettiklerinde yarattıkları kültürel farklılıklar incelenmiştir. Thera volkan patlamasının Batı Anadolu'daki etkileri ve MÖ 2. bin bin yılın sonlarındaki siyasi durum göz önüne alınarak Mykenlerin bölgeye gelişi araştırılmıştır. Eldeki çalışma kapsamında Miletos, Çine-Tepecik Höyük, Didyma, Tavşan adası ve Teikhiussa'nın Orta-Geç Tunç Dönemleri incelenmiştir. Myken varlığına işaret edebilecek materyal kültür incelenmiş ve yeniden değerlendirilmiştir.Lower Meandros valley was home to many Civilizations, especially during the Middle-Late Bronze Age. This area received migration from Mainland Greece and the Aeg...
İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
Researches on Grey Ware tradition, prevailed during the Bronze and Iron
Ages in the western Anato... more Researches on Grey Ware tradition, prevailed during the Bronze and Iron
Ages in the western Anatolia, have been continuing for many years. In this study, a general assessment has been made regarding the history of the researches on grey ware found in Old Smyrna and its contribution to the grey ware studies.

Smyrna III, 2019
Bayraklı-Tepekule Mound, which is known as Old Smyrna because of the first settlement of İzmir Pr... more Bayraklı-Tepekule Mound, which is known as Old Smyrna because of the first settlement of İzmir Province, is located in Bayraklı District. This settlement is situated at the Gulf of İzmir and known as a port city from the earliest period. However it is now located within a few hundred meters from the sea due to the fillings on the sea. It has been excavating since 1948 and covers around 100 hectares of area. A Hellenic city surrounded by a city wall is still standing on the mound. Therefore, it is not surprising that the studies have been mostly concentrated to these later period city up to now. Excavations in Bayraklı so far indicates that the earliest settlement is going back to the Early Bronze Age, dating to the 3 rd Millennium BC. The layers of this period was excavated in 1949 and a brief results about this period is reported in the 1950 publication by E. Akurgal. Although this publication make a great contribute about the place of Bayraklı Mound in the Early Bronze Age archaeology, there are still many questions needs to answer such as approximate size of EBA settlement, pottery traditions, socioeconomic structure, importance in the EBA archaeology and etc. Therefore one of the main objective of the new period excavation team is to excavate of Early Bronze Age layers as well. In this study, the first results of 2018 excavations about Early Bronze Age remains in the West Trench was to be presented.
Conference Presentations by Başak Löklüoğlu

Scapecon , 2020
The term, “household archaeology” came along with the development of processual archaeology durin... more The term, “household archaeology” came along with the development of processual archaeology during the 1960s and 1970s. The term “household” was first used by Richard Wilk and William Rathie in 1982. The aim of this term was to determine the relationship between archaeological material and the human being rather than merely examining the development of typological processes. Thanks to various studies on household archaeology, we obtained more information about the daily lives of the people living in the dwellings. In order to understand the spatial organization and architectural planning, I focused the research on the houses and the units therein. A household can be defined as the place where people live, carry out indoor activities, and share the load of housework. Household archaeology has three base structures; social (demographic and relationship between members), behavioural (continuing operations), and material (dwelling, activity areas and possession). Archaeologists try to understand spatial use and household activities through finds. Traceable indoor units are yards, workshops, common usage space, storage space and ovens. Every unit has one or more function. Aside from architecture, ceramics and small findings also give information about intended uses of the units. While household activities can change depending on society, geography and culture, generally these activities are carried out in kitchens, living rooms, production spaces and storage rooms. In this study, I examined Troia, Panaztepe, Limantepe, Miletos and Beycesultan in this context. Although there are many more sites with civil architecture aside from these settlements, I select these settlements on the basis of them having interpretable and usable data.
Thesis Chapters by Başak Löklüoğlu
Master Thesis, 2018
Lower Meandros valley was home to many Civilizations, especially during the Middle-Late Bronze Ag... more Lower Meandros valley was home to many Civilizations, especially during the Middle-Late Bronze Age. This area received migration from Mainland Greece and the Aegean islands, besides Anatolian indigenous dwellers. The dissertation “Existence of the Mycenaean Culture in the Lower Meandros Valley” will analyze the variation of the Culture that was generated by the migration to West Anatolia. Taking into account
the effects of the Thera eruption and political landscape during the late second Millenium BC, the arrival of the Mycenaeans to this region will be investigated. Within the context of this paper, Miletus, Çine-Tepecik mound, Didyma, Tavşan Adası and Teichiussa will be studied during the Middle- Late Bronze Age. Any evidence which could point to the existence of the Mycenaean Culture in this region will be examined and reconsidered.
Papers by Başak Löklüoğlu
Ages in the western Anatolia, have been continuing for many years. In this study, a general assessment has been made regarding the history of the researches on grey ware found in Old Smyrna and its contribution to the grey ware studies.
Conference Presentations by Başak Löklüoğlu
Thesis Chapters by Başak Löklüoğlu
the effects of the Thera eruption and political landscape during the late second Millenium BC, the arrival of the Mycenaeans to this region will be investigated. Within the context of this paper, Miletus, Çine-Tepecik mound, Didyma, Tavşan Adası and Teichiussa will be studied during the Middle- Late Bronze Age. Any evidence which could point to the existence of the Mycenaean Culture in this region will be examined and reconsidered.
Ages in the western Anatolia, have been continuing for many years. In this study, a general assessment has been made regarding the history of the researches on grey ware found in Old Smyrna and its contribution to the grey ware studies.
the effects of the Thera eruption and political landscape during the late second Millenium BC, the arrival of the Mycenaeans to this region will be investigated. Within the context of this paper, Miletus, Çine-Tepecik mound, Didyma, Tavşan Adası and Teichiussa will be studied during the Middle- Late Bronze Age. Any evidence which could point to the existence of the Mycenaean Culture in this region will be examined and reconsidered.